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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. No, dunno why Friedman is being thrown in with Eklund either, he's broken quite a bit of news the last day and a bit
  2. Vegas still has 4.7M in cap space, I'd be surprised if they sat on it Vatrano and Buchnevich still remain untraded
  3. That's actually a great point, there's no guarantee he even wanted to be here, lack of NTC or not
  4. Vatrano and Buchnevich, amongst others
  5. I think there's a good chance he's better next season That being said, I also wouldn't be surprised if the Canucks regress a bit next season too
  6. Preds have been hot of late, they're not a first round matchup I'd take lightly
  7. I'd expect a Tuch captaincy announcement sooner than later
  8. For real, this core is very inexperienced when it comes to the playoffs, why throw away assets for what could be a tough learning experience? We'll make the playoffs and get some experience, that's not nothing
  9. No guarantee they wanted to, and maybe they liked Winnipeg's picks better We have 125k in cap space, that makes making deals harder
  10. Jets had cap space, we don't Our cost would have been higher
  11. Aye, even if a team liked Mikheyev they'd be stupid to not try and extract value from us for taking him
  12. That's just it, we have to pay more than teams who have cap space open in pretty much any deal
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