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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. I'd really prefer to not move out more 1st's, I understand going for it but I do think we need to keep adding higher end talent the prospect pool. But I suppose it depends on what's out there, I'd prefer to not go after another pending UFA a la Lindholm though. If they must move out high picks I'd prefer it be for a D with term attached. I understand that we can look at the Lindholm trade as paying to get playoff reps in, and that's important, but we'd be better served acquiring an asset with more term attached going forward if we're moving out 1sts.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if the Oil score more than us but I do think our forward group is more balanced. We've got some sandpaper, some higher end talent, some utility guys, guys who can provide depth scoring, and for the most part most of them can play capable defense (although I do think Sprong could look better if deployed and coached right). Our defense is a bit more questionable imo, but I think management did the best they could given the cap constraints. I'd have preferred another top four D and Myers bumped down to the third pairing but it's hard to have everything. I expect Edmonton will be a playoff team, maybe even the division leader when it's all said and done, but I don't expect them to repeat their march to the final. If we can bolster our D at some point I think we'd be a more well rounded playoff team than the Oil are today, but it's hard to say what their additions will look like down the road. They have their 2026 and 2027 1st's and 2nd's, they also have the Blues 2nd this year, I imagine they will all be in play the next couple seasons; that's their window before all of the Bouchard, Draisaitl, and McDavid extensions are on the books.
  3. In the near future, maybe not, but losing a couple young high picks isn't a recipe for longevity The Ceci trade created cap space and they’ll spend that later in the season, Oil will try to gun for a cup before they have to pay Bouch, Draisaitl AND McDavid Their firepower will likely keep them in a playoff spot til then, but a 2nd and a couple 3rds is a lousy return They’ll likely have to ride out Kane I'm not convinced they get back to a final sooner than later, getting there once during a player's career is more than most guys get Their forward group should be alright, but it's very much leaning towards scoring Their D doesn't look great but they'll try and upgrade that later probs I don't think it'll matter though, I doubt they win a cup before all of Bouch, Draisaitl, and McDavid's next deals are on the books Spending assets the way they have will catch up with them eventually
  4. They just have to be done properly, he really put the squeeze to Edmonton They were hamstrung by incoming large contracts and couldn't afford the deals the Blues are comfortable giving One offer sheet was shocking enough, two really put the gears to them
  5. It's like Pandora's box, there's no putting things back how they were, may as well accept it GM's did it to themselves
  6. I wonder who the others were, interesting to hear there was so much consideration given folks tend to pain offer sheets as taboo
  7. Neat to see offer sheets actually work, doesn't happen very often. Maybe we'll see more of them. I hope Holloway and Broberg work out for St. Louis, make it really sting.
  8. Covid was brutal time to lose loved ones, my dad lost his mom to an aneurysm during Covid. Thing is, my dad is a landed immigrant from the US and his folks lived in Texas, so because of travel restrictions and the whole having to isolate bit he couldn't even fly down to attend the funeral. He'd have missed the funeral if he'd gone, he'd just be sitting and waiting to go back home basically, and then isolating again once home. There was absolutely nothing anyone could do.
  9. I found out my oldest younger brother had been in a bike jumping accident, we were both teenagers at the time. He was probably like.. fifteen. He broke his back and was almost certainly going to be paralyzed, in my mind life was immediately flipped on it's head. We're not even a couple years apart and we'd grown up basically sharing most experiences together, we're still similar people even if our personalities have diverged over time. I wasn't there, didn't find out til later, wasn't able to see him before he was flown over to Vancouver. Got there when I could with a buddy, he was high out of his mind on morphine and trying to get up and walk, nurses kept trying to get him back into bed but he was so determined to walk; that was probably the hardest part, watching him yell in pain with each attempted step. Ultimately he beat the odds, which was like a 99% chance of never walking again, he's now a mariner who works out tugboats out of the lower mainland making a stupid amount of money. He's got a titanium rod holding his spine together and deals with back discomfort now and again to this day, but he can walk. Both of our lives would be very different today if he hadn't beaten the odds. Second one would be the day papa died, I was in my early 20's at the time. Only reason that's not number one is because we all knew it was coming. It came out that he had pancreatic cancer during a routine check up or exam in January, he died on the 26th of July, just deteriorated so fast. They'd given him a couple years but that was always optimistic. He had throat cancer too, it just wore him down.
  10. Coconuts


    I've worked plenty of retail, the policy with theft was generally to never get between them and the exit, it's better off to leave them alone. Honestly, considering most retail jobs are low/minimum wage it isn't worth the risk anyway. Retail and customer service workers deal with enough crap as is, folks are better off acting their wage. On one hand, I never really gave a shit, corporations generally account for shrink and they can certainly afford the losses. If someone's stealing food I'm going to generally assume they need it, and if they don't, I still don't really care. I'd rather look the other way on the off chance they need it bad enough to try stealing it than try giving a hand to the corporate bastards. When it comes to locally owned businesses I view it a bit differently, it definitely hurts them more, but it's still not my job to step in. Same deal when it comes to theft that ain't food, not my barrel of monkeys. Smaller local bits can't afford rent a cop security (who really can't do much besides contact the police), but the medium to large corporate businesses/franchises are more likely to be able to. It's unfortunate for smaller businesses, but shrink is an inevitable part of a lot of retail business. There will always be folks willing to risk consequences, and it's not as if there isn't a fair bit of money invested in minimizing shrink.
  11. The best way to respond tbh, let her legion of lawyers take care of it. Making any sort of statement personally just gives him the attention he so desperately craves.
  12. Long overdue, surprised it lasted so long. Wonder if apollo will ever make his way over, he popped up now and again after most folks jumped ship. Lot of folks came and went from that site over the years, lot of characters. Ahh well, time marches on.
  13. Columbus made the best of a bad situation, which isn't a jab at Laine's character. Lot of guys don't want to be in Columbus, this move allows both sides to simply move on.
  14. Any GM worth their salt should. I like Silovs but he doesn't have Askarov's pedigree.
  15. He'd be an upgrade on Silovs, certainly. Younger, proven AHL starter, higher pedigree. He's one of the better goaltending prospects out there, he wouldn't come cheap though.
  16. Columbus just wasn't going to get the return they wanted, this was probably the best they were going to do without retention. Good gamble for Montreal, he's only got two seasons left on his deal so that's not a ton of commitment. He's only 26, they could do worse than betting on talent. Maybe he just needs a change of scenery.
  17. It seems that might be the case But it's not as if they didn't know this could happen, Askarov may just have to deal if Nashville doesn't get an offer they like
  18. For what it's worth, maybe Carolina goes for it Sharks wouldn't move their own pick but they'd probably move the Vegas 1st
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