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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. And that's fair, I understand the argument for getting something over nothing. My biggest gripe is that Edmonton was the destination I suppose. I'd have taken a 4th from anyone else, possibly a 5th.
  2. I get that, but I dunno. Edmonton? Yeah, not thrilled even if Podz needed a fresh start elsewhere.
  3. I've liked most of their moves thus far, this one is a bit of a headscratcher though
  4. Can't say I blame him for not wanting to stay in Columbus, they've largely been a non-competitive franchise They may not get the return they'd have liked, but I do think he'll be moved
  5. Makes sense, Broberg was rumoured to have wanted out last Novemberish if I remember correctly, upside or not it's easier to just move on given what it'd cost to keep him.
  6. That can't be right, we were supposed to hang out at Gaborik's house..
  7. I've always been baffled that folks would sign up on a hockey forum to post almost exclusively in the off-topic areas, both here and on CDC. It's strange.
  8. Good news, I welcome this. Assuming it's a different new party than the one Bob and I were discussing. More options is better, a broader spectrum of political options is good. Hell, some of Canada's best bits have come from minority governments so if we someday reach a political climate where votes are more spread out than that may not be the worst thing.
  9. It'd be interesting to see a party push in-country manufacturing more, not just in regards to military, but in general. Unfortunately it probably won't matter how I vote while I'm up here, I get the sense this area leans pretty conservative, but I'll probably continue to vote NDP. But yeah, I'd welcome a centrist party with fresh ideas.
  10. And that's fair, guess we'll see. And yeah, the economics can't be ignored. I'm all for hefty funding to social programs and Canada's social safety net but I also recognize that the money has to come from somewhere. I'm all for higher taxes and fewer tax breaks for corporate entities, and for higher income earners paying their higher proportionate share. Yeah, nobody likes to pay taxes but taxes are what fund such social aspects like healthcare and the incoming dental provisions. I don't think it's unreasonable for folks to want their taxes spent intelligently, but what the means is subjective. Ultimately I do think we should be our brother's keeper so to speak, Canadian society should be judged in part by how it cares for it's most vulnerable and impoverished, more often than not these people aren't the "haves", they're the "have nots". I'm going to be fascinated to see how the discourse on this shifts as Canada's population continues to age.
  11. It wasn't so much about shutting it down, it was about making it and it's tools exclusively available to the Caps front office. Lot of front offices around the league used it, a lot of media used it, it became an essential resource for anyone who bothers to engage with the NHL online. Thing is, supposedly there were a few teams who were considering buying it, Caps just beat the others to the punch. They didn't just acquire it, they hired the main guys behind it. They didn't just buy the tools, but the infrastructure, and it's likely every NHL franchise doesn't have similar infrastructure or it wouldn't have been so widely used by NHL management groups and the like. At the end of the day it was easier to buy the existing resource than to build and develop one themselves. Supposedly the Caps couldn't have kept it up if they'd wanted it to, the NHL doesn't like fans having access to the sort of financial information we've grown accustomed to having available. https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/washington-capitals/takes/washington-capitals-report-capfriendly-purchase-explanation
  12. Glad to hear he'll supposedly be heading back to BU, there's no reason to rush him.
  13. He was probably a fourth line guy at best going into last season and now he's been off for a while, I'd be a bit surprised if anyone took a flyer on him at this point even if he were eligible. 36 years-old and well past his best before date as a hockey player, it's tough for professional athletes to give up the driving force behind most of their lives but an NHL comeback doesn't seem realistic. Maybe he could land a contract in a lesser NA league or somewhere in Europe.
  14. I get the concern about draining votes from the Libs, but if they can grow themselves into a legitimate centrist option than they'd also drain votes from the Cons as you've said. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say most Canadians are open to progressive social policy, but there are also those who lean right on matters that aren't social, it'd be nice if Con voters with more centrist views who will vote for the current Cons have a less unhinged right wing option to vote for. I'd welcome red tories having a centrist option over the cesspit that the Cons have morphed into. I think another centrist options would also push the Libs to up their game so to speak, which would be a boon. Fair, I was hoping they'd gain enough traction to cannibalize the more extreme Con voters, so pretty much the same thing.
  15. Yeah, a team would also have to want a couple more seasons of Kane. He's 33 years-old and would likely be traded as a player on LTIR, even if he did put up 24 goals and 44 points there's got to be a question as to what he'll look like once he's back, it's hard to say what his production will be like post-surgery. A team with cap space could eat it, but why would Kane waive his NMC to go to a team that isn't going to be a playoff team? If he sticks with the Oil he will return to the playoffs.
  16. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it, the liberals are more center than the cons or the NDP, but another centrist option would be good. I've said that I'd welcome a progressive conservative party, but a progressive party that aspires to be more centrist would work too, if they can make it viable it'd probably draw the support of folks who lean more center right than the cons. I lean more left than liberal but I'd welcome anything closer to the Canadian political center than whatever it is the cons are nowadays.
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