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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Only 31, suffered from shoulder issues for a long time apparently. A players NHL dream can disappear just like that, which is why players grab their money while they can, as they should.
  2. "Klefbom’s last game came back on August 7, 2020, when the Oilers were knocked out by the Chicago Blackhawks in the qualifying round of the bubble playoffs, in Edmonton." "Following the premature exit, the Karlstad, Sweden native underwent surgery to fix a shoulder injury that had been nagging him prior to joining the Oilers organization in 2013. The surgery kept him out for the entire 2020-21 season, and would also lead to him sitting out the 2021-22 campaign as well."
  3. Coconuts


    Definitely doing all I can on that front Sounds like you did the best you could too It's gonna be more that way, I'm not sure they're going to induce a coma anymore, it sounds like it's just comfort care at this point They're keeping her on meds and hoping she can hang on til her last son gets there on Friday, social worker said she might not last that long So she is dying, and from the little bits and pieces I've been getting from my partner, she's in shock I had a feeling it was gonna go down this way, her brother did too (he called in this morning, thought something might happen), but it's gonna be very hard for a while going forward I really feel for her and her family, especially her dad
  4. https://thehockeynews.com/news/the-man-who-discovered-pavel-bure-celebrates-50-years-in-the-game
  5. Coconuts


    Maybe, if things go down the way they're more likely to I might try to encourage grief counselling but that's gotta be on her to engage with or not Grief is hard, it's complicated, and there's really no timeframe for it, so I'll just have to do the best I can if it comes to that point I know you're right, but it still feels like I should be doing more, I know that ain't realistic but feelings often aren't Also, my condolences to you both, loss is part of life but it's not easy when it comes to loved ones
  6. C is for cookie, that's good enough for you?
  7. Coconuts


    My partner's mother is probably dying and there's not really a whole lot I can do to help, it sucks. Her health has been getting worse over the last year, but it's really accelerated over the past few months, moreso over the past month. I'm not gonna get into all the details but it's just continued to get worse and worse. It's been pretty grim for a while and neither of us have been all that optimistic. They're inducing her into a coma because of liquid in her lungs, her liver and kidneys are both in very bad shape, and she's got a blood infection as well. My partner's left work and rushed off to Prince George with her brother, hoping to get there before she's induced, neither of us know how long she'll be there. I'll be in Dawson with the animals because there's nobody better equipped to stick around and take care of them; two dogs, two cats, and a kitten are a bit much for anyone to step in and look in on. It sucks, because I can't tell her it's going to be okay and I've voiced that as things have progressed, there's really not much I can do in a scenario like this besides being present and trying to be supportive. My partner's relationship with her mother is complicated but she's clearly devastated and doesn't want to lose her mom at 30, I've been doing what I can but I'm still largely helpless in this scenario and it sucks. I understand that it's one of those life happens things that's out of most people's hands but it still sucks.
  8. Bure's impact helped keep the Canucks in BC, that's pretty significant, but his tenure here was also pretty brief. Seven seasons sounds pretty good, but one of those seasons amounted to just over half a season of games played and another one had him play 15 games. 428 games as a Canuck. Yeah, Bure was a very special player and he was incredibly dynamic considering the period of hockey he played during, but I'm not interested in the "what if's" related to health, because those what if's didn't happen, his career was cut short by injuries, and he played a large chunk of his career elsewhere. Hughes is already at 365 games as a Canuck and he'll be 25 in October. He's arguably been the most important player on the team for a while now, it's quite clear that he's the team's engine from the back end. It's too early to gauge whether he's our best pick ever, but there's a strong chance he will have had a larger impact on the Canucks than Bure when it's all said and done. There's also a very good argument for the twins being the best Canuck picks ever, although that kind of comes with the territory when you consider their achievements and draft slots. Their legacies are certainly stronger than Bure's imo. I'd personally have either one higher than Bure when considering their bodies of work, accomplishments, and so on.
  9. That's shady af, I hope Musk gets absolutely hammered on this
  10. Bingo, Canada is a settler-colonial nation, every non-Indigenous person is either an immigrant or a descendent of an immigrant. Canada simply is not what it is today, or historically, without immigration.
  11. Coconuts


    I don't really miss hockey during the offseason anymore. I enjoy the initial flurry of news, because it's all interesting stuff, but I don't really miss it once things die down. I suppose part of it is I probably pay too much attention to it from pre-season onward, it's nice to mostly just not think about it or spend time following it for a while. It frees up time for me to do other things that I enjoy that I don't get to as much when hockey's on the table to eat up my time.
  12. He'll probs have a great year there and cash in next offseason
  13. Lolwut, we don’t have to reach that far to pat him on the back
  14. I reckon he'll be traded before walking, but still, tough offseason for Carolina Going from contenders to maybe just playoff regular
  15. If the cap sees another 4-5M jump I don't see how it isn't imo, cap just jumped 4.5M so it's not unrealistic to think we night see another similar jump
  16. Kudos for owning it, not always an easy thing to do. Looking forward to further contributions.
  17. On this we agree, Boeser will be 28 in February so he's entering his 27-28 season, an eight year extension would kick in during his 28-29 season and take him to what.. 36? I'm not keen on deals that take guys into their later 30's in general, that doesn't just apply to Miller. Best case scenario would be to pay a higher cap hit for a 6-7 year deal; paying more to bump the term down by a year or two could be huge down the road imo. The OEL buyout jumping may put a damper on that though, guess we'll see what the forecasted cap jump is for the 25-26 season. An 8 year deal wouldn't surprise me though, there's a good chance management would be gone by then and that we might have taken a downturn by that point, they may end up giving Boeser 8 to keep the cap average down. Pettersson would be closing in on 34 by then, Hughes 33.
  18. Yup, absolutely was, we'll see how he ages. It's not as if I expected him to immediately fall off. My concern was always about the latter half of his deal. But my point stands, the going rate for players shifts on an ongoing basis and one would imagine that Konecny will absolutely be used as a Boeser comparable. It doesn't matter that Miller took less back in 2022 when discussing a contract negotiation in 2025. As the cap rises it's always top 6 forwards, top 4D, and starting goaltenders who get the lion's share of those cap increases, this will apply to Boeser.
  19. Player value rises alongside the cap. Miller signed him 8M deal in 2022, Boeser will likely sign his new deal in 2025, two very different cap worlds. Given that Boeser's current cap his is 6.65M it's hard to imagine he won't break 8M after three cap jumps, some being rather significant. The salary cap for the 22-23 season was 82.5M, the salary cap for this coming season will be roughly 88M. Factor in the fact that we haven't even gotten to the forecast of what the cap will be the the 25-26 season and that's quite a bit of cap increase. The cap jump from the 23-24 season to the 24-25 season was 4.5M, we could very well see another large jump for the 25-26 season. All things considered, it'd take less than 1.4M for Boeser to hit 8M under these cap realities, that's not farfetched, nor is his getting more than 8M. In fact it's probably be surprising if Boeser came in at less than 8M, even with a discount.
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