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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. That's a good add for an already solid Jets team, they needed to be deeper behind Scheifele
  2. This year's team had a better top end (Hughes), the 2011 team didn't have a true 1D What it did have was a bunch of 2-4's in Salo, Ehrhoff, Edler, Hamhuis, and Bieksa, with most of those guys probably being 2-3 caliber Tanev was a rookie, tougher to gauge But overall I like that defense better, even if our current D is larger, overall I think the group was more talented and well rounded I view our D as being a 1 in Hughes, a 3 in Hronek, and a some 4-5 guys in Soucy, Myers, Zadorov, and Cole
  3. I'm cautiously optimistic. It's as good a bet as any, but my expectations are tempered, we just saw an all-time record setting Bruins team get punted in the first round last season. Bets are off come playoff time, it's a different animal, all one can do is hope for the best.
  4. I don't think it makes sense to. A D group of Hughes, Hronek, Soucy, Myers, Zadorov, and Cole is a good mix of elements. Good amount of size and grit mixed in. The offensive skill is top heavy, absolutely, but that's probably more of an it is what it is thing.
  5. Lindholm and Miller are different players with some similarities. No bones about it, Lindholm has demonstrated that he's a Selke caliber center. JT's improved his two-way play but Lindholm's two-way play has been his bread and butter for years. It's not disrespect, that's silly. That's like saying nobody in Pittsburgh should make more than Crosby's 8.7M despite his having signed his deal forever ago. The myth of top player setting some sort of bar is silly when the cap shifts contract realities every single time it goes up. Miller opted for long-term security instead of betting on himself the way Pettersson has, it is what it is. Doesn't mean that players can't and shouldn't earn more than him going forward. Pettersson will make more than Miller, Hughes will make more than Miller, Boeser could very well make more than Miller, Demko will almost certainly make more than Miller. It is what it is. That's no disrespect, it's the business. Lindholm could make anything from the range of 7.5-9M on the open market, there are teams out there who'd probably pay him to be their 1C, absolutely. And yeah, top end UFA's get paid, they always have. He'd be the best center available. If he takes 8M to stay in Vancouver we should be thrilled. As the cap goes up the numbers are just going to keep getting bigger, Hughes should probably make 12M+ by the time he's up for renewal. Yes, let's open that can of worms. Let's, let's, let's! It's the line that makes the most sense. Miller has Boeser as his triggerman, now Pettersson gets a defensively sound running mate who's proven he can play with elite talent in the past.
  6. A line combination of Mikheyev, Pettersson, and Lindholm would be the best shutdown line we've had in years As a line that could be the first line, and that very likely would be going forward, at least the combo of Pettersson and Lindholm One of them could win a Selke playing together
  7. As a trade option, probs As a UFA, perhaps It really depends on what he wants and where he wants to be
  8. I'd happily extend him at 7.5-8.5M, I'm not going to quibble over a few hundred thousand if it gets us a top tier defensive center who has demonstrated the ability to produce alongside top tier talent.
  9. Yes, and Horvat also had UFA leverage which is part of why he got what he got. If the Isles hadn't given it to him another team likely would have. Lindholm is two seasons removed from 40 goals and 42 assists playing alongside Gaudreau and Tkachuk, he's demonstrated that he can center top tier talent and produce. Lindholm also has UFA leverage. Lindholm also has a more complete game than Horvat, and is a recent Selke finalist as well as a right handed center. Someone would give him a Horvat type deal via UFA, I don't see why 500k-1M should be the barrier that stops us from signing him if we're serious about contending going forward. I'd rather allocate more to our top forwards and whittle down our bottom six if it comes to it, it's not as if we'd be Toronto level top heavy. Lindholm doesn't owe the Canucks a thing, he may be willing to take less on a more competitive club but I don't expect it'll be drastically less. Sometimes you've just got to pay the piper and pay market value, every contract isn't going to be a bargain or a steal. I'm fine with shipping Garland out, I'm also fine with keeping him, but I do view him as a luxury on the third line.
  10. If he signs in Vancouver there's a good chance he would be, depending on which line is actually the top line going forward. I expect that'll be Pettersson's line going forward as Miller ages. I guess it comes down to what you consider as being "less". I think 8-8.5M would probably be fair value. Both are less than 9M. I'll be a bit surprised if his next deal begins with a 7. Mid to high 7's would be generous on his part. One could argue his numbers have taken a hit, one could also argue his team has been shit.
  11. I think that'd be great. At the end of the day he's a RD who has a history of playing top 4 minutes, so even as a 5 he'd be great depth. He brings a size element and the puck isn't a grenade on his stick. He's a known quantity in the room and knows the systems better than an UFA coming in would. He's looked a lot better when surrounded by a competent D core. He's probably willing to take less as a Canuck than he would as a UFA. He's got roots in BC. He'd be a great stopgap to have while Willander develops. I know it might seem like I'm just backing the whipping boy for funsies, but there are legit reasons to extend him. Myers at 2.5-3.5M should garner lesser expectations than Myers at 6M.
  12. I'd give him Horvat money. If you're going to overpay anywhere it may as well be to your top guys. Every contract isn't going to be a steal, and he has UFA leverage. He'd probably get Horvat money and similar term as a UFA imo.
  13. Yup, but I reckon he'll expect to be paid as a top player anywhere. Maybe a bit less on a more competitive team, but probably not drastically less.
  14. For those wanting him cheaper, he's believed to have turned down roughly 8-9Mx8. That's in Calgary, sure, but I wouldn't expect a huge discount from a pending UFA.
  15. Embarrassing that this even needed to be said, of course teammates shouldn't be asked to comment
  16. I'd tell you to give Alf his empties back but I think you fashioned them into a foil hat prior to proposing this
  17. Management shouldn't be burning any ELC's any time soon, particularly for top prospects. If the Canucks are going to be consistently competitive going forward those ELC years are going to be very important capwise.
  18. See, I get that, I just don't attach a whole lot of meaning to being an "all-star". I'd rather see 2-4 more regular season games than an all-star break. I recognize that it can be fun for the players, and that at the end of the day it's a marketing ploy and that it's become more and more of an attempt by the NHL to engage with it's fanbase, but eh.
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