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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2024/07/edmonton-oilers-hire-stan-bowman-gm-classic-nhl-shamelessness
  2. Eh, I'm all for poking fun but nah The response to this move has generally been negative, from Oil fans and others And from a hockey standpoint that makes sense, Bowman made some really shit moves later on in his tenure Panarin for Saad, giving up Teravainen to dump Bickell, Boqvist, the 12OA (Sillinger), a 2nd, and a 2022 1st for Seth Jones and Tampa's 32OA.. Oil brought in a PR disaster for a guy who probably doesn't really improve on what's already been done before he got there https://committedindians.com/stan-bowman-history-as-chicago-blackhawks-gm/
  3. That's awful I actually feel bad for Oil fans, every Oil fan I've seen mention Bowman over the last month or two has said they want nothing to do with him
  4. I'd happily take Zub, I'd be surprised if Ottawa moved him tho
  5. Coconuts


    Musician biographies are probably my favourite thing to read, followed by Star Wars novels
  6. Has nothing to do with a grudge, I was quite open about five years being the max I'd be interested in giving him. Ideally it'd have been less. I never wanted to give Zadorov extensive term. More power to him in regards to getting his bag, I'm happy as a clam that he didn't get it here. I didn't see him as a top 4D and his ice time last season sure didn't paint him as one, small playoff sample size aside, nor did his usage in both Colorado and Calgary. If he can play top 4 in Boston, good for him.
  7. That's why I assume that if Garland is moved it's because we're bringing in a top 4D. Depending on the D, yeah, it could be more impactful. Garland averaged 14:32 a game last season, bring in a D who can play closer to 18-20 minutes and that's probably a larger impact.
  8. He wanted more than we were willing to give him, some could argue we could have given him the extra year, I'd argue he could have taken a year less. If he really wanted to be here enough to compromise he'd be here, but the extra year clearly meant more. I don't begrudge him taking the term though, I'm still quite content with both sides having moved on. If things had been equal maybe he'd still be here, I'm glad they weren't, I like the additions we've made. Give him the deal Boston did and we don't have a few of the guys we signed.
  9. Perhaps, but given the forwards we brought in I'm not convinced that he's the only player who could have success there. Yeah, he's a driver, that's exactly why he could be appealing to other teams. I'm not convinced Suter starts with Miller, I think both Heinen and Sprong will get plenty of opportunity to grab one of those slots alongside Pettersson and Miller. Suter playing center makes it all the more likely imo, he could be more valuable down the middle. Neither Sprong or Heinen play center. My guess would be that the the pecking order for center's down the middle next season looks like Pettersson, Miller, Blueger, and Suter. Aman may end up in Abbotsford. I suppose I just don't see a bunch of new forwards up front being as much of an issue, that's what training camp and preseason are for. I will say, it's more likely that Garland begins the season as a Canuck, but if we are to bring in a larger salary for whatever reason it'll probably be him being shipped out. Allvin's shown that he's an active GM, I doubt he'll stop checking in to see if he can improve the team going forward.
  10. The US has a cop problem, and a gun problem. They should really take a feather out of Germany's cap when it comes to cops, my understanding is that the process is quite a bit more extensive there. That's a good place to start, all of these things would benefit lower class Americans as well.
  11. I get what you're saying, but it really depends on what management wants to do. I'm not too worried about Garland, we were 7th in goals scored last season and I reckon our overall depth scoring is probably better than it was. We'll see, but I really like our moves thus far. If there's a move out there to be made before next season begins I wouldn't be remotely surprised to see Garland go. There's something to be said for being a stronger team right out the gate.
  12. I don't think it's so much about folks actively advocating trading Garland so much as recognizing that if the Canucks are going to move out a larger salary, it'd probably he him. Why would we break that? Well, that depends entirely on who management wanted to acquire. If he's moved it's almost certainly to bring in a D. A somewhat less productive third line could probably be balanced by a stronger top six, and by overall better forward depth. Yeah, there's a very good chance we're done this offseason, but he's still the easiest larger salary to move out.
  13. Puts a bit of a damper on the whole him not being a Tochett player bit
  14. Well, Biden stepped down, one has to assume the Libs will be watching how things unfold pretty closely. Lot of folks who lean center and left around here are pretty open about believing he should step down, the Cons could lose some momentum if he does. Thing about figurehead politicians like Trudeau, as the PM, is they have a shelf life and sooner or later folks will vote simply to get rid of them. That's what eventually happened with Harper to a degree, it contributed to Trudeau getting in. The longer a politician stays in office the more scandals, dirt, and history exist, this applies to PP as well. If Trudeau were to step down suddenly the target of years worth of animosity would be gone. Yeah, lot of folks would probably just redirect it, as we'll see in the US with Biden having stepped down, but I do think it'd be enough to swing the pendulum for individuals with beliefs closer to a Canadian political middle.
  15. Probably, but I look at him as more of a stabilizing defensive presence, 20-28ish points ain't nothing to sneeze at I ain't rushing him out either, but if we need to move out a larger contract to bring someone in he's the easiest guy to move
  16. Congrats on hiring someone not named Joel Quenneville, it's a low bar but you cleared it
  17. A Garland trade wouldn't surprise me, he was quite good for us on that third line last season but that's also exactly why one can assume he's rehabilitated his trade value; which is a funny thing to say considering he put up 52 and 46 point seasons the two seasons prior to last season's 47 points. That's top six production outside the top six, but he's done it as a third liner as opposed to as a top six guy. Impressive, but perhaps a luxury. Even if we were to move him, I think the additions of Sprong, Heinen, and DeBrusk would more than make up for any loss of offense. Pettersson, Miller, Boeser, and DeBrusk are our bona fide top six guys and we have a few complimentary players in Sprong, Heinen, Suter, Joshua, and maybe Hoglander and Podkolzin. Any of those guys could chip in some offense on the third line as well. The caveat is that Garland looked to be the engine on that third line last season, but that doesn't necessarily mean we couldn't be better without him if a beefed up top six balances out a somewhat less productive third line. It also really depends on what we get for Garland, or from the cap space moving him would free up. We could very well be better if we can bring in another top 4D. Garland is also quite easy to move given his lack of trade protection.
  18. Guess we'll see, I don't think he's so old and set in his ways that he isn't capable of passable defense The key is getting him to put in an effort imo, all guys aren't defensive studs but you still want to see an effort I argued this earlier in the month/year, I think you can also get away with having a weaker defensive player when the rest of the roster is solid, so long as he's contributing offensively Sprong is no Tarasenko, but we saw just that when Florida added him at the deadline
  19. Lot to like, I do really like the prospect of putting an offensively talented player who isn't a two-way stalwart in Sprong with two players who are good at defense in Pettersson and DeBrusk Pettersson's wingers really couldn't accomplish much last season and that, along with his injury, affected his production Giving him some legit offensive talent could bump him back up to being an 100 point guy
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