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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. I just feel it means more to be selected as an all-star when it's not a token selection process I hate that the league tries to include every team, send the cream of the crop as best you can and let it be what it will be If that means hard decisions are made and some top players don't make the cut, or that some franchises aren't represented so be it All-stat game as is has turned into a joke
  2. If he did it wasn't much, seemed like Hughes and Pettersson largely got what they wanted last go round. One could probably argue that if Pettersson did take a little less it was to keep the term down, which has brought us to where we are now. Canucks are fortunate Hughes was willing to take the security in the form of longer term. Demko was probably Benning's best piece of work.
  3. Yeah, folks really need to let the narrative of Toronto players not being cap comparables around the league because Toronto's management can't argue favourable deals die. Those contracts are comparables and will be used as such by players and agents. Every deal signed around the league can be used as a comparable. The narrative that Quinn took a team friendly deal also needs to die, because he didn't. Both he and Pettersson sat out and took at least market value on their current deals, those were not easy negotiations. Neither player gave a discount of any sort, Hughes's deal has just aged better because it's got more term attached to it. I said this the other day, Miller wasn't willing to bet on himself the way Pettersson is and took the security in the form of dollars and term. Could he have gotten more if he'd waited? Absolutely, but he chose to take the sure thing. And as you've said, skeptics of the deal weren't expecting him to immediately fall off a cliff, it's the latter end of the deal that most critics didn't like. He's fine at 8M right now, we'll see where he's at when he's 33-34+.
  4. I always preferred east vs west, but without the whole every team needs a representative thing. Send the best, if some teams aren't sending players it is what it is.
  5. Race for those western wildcard spots is tight af
  6. I'd be surprised if they miss at this point, McDavid and Draisaitl have woken up
  7. NHL finds a way to let both teams win, orders from on high
  8. Probably, Kuznetsov is a more proven offensive producer playing on one of the lowest octane offense teams in the league He's also a better puck distributor and has always been more of an assist machine than a goal scorer I question why Washington would make the trade though, Kuzmenko hasn't exactly been lighting it up and without Backstrom Washington needs distribution type players in it's lineup
  9. Sabres have come out hard, fortunately Demko seems dialed in Reminiscent of seasons past where it's taken the Canucks a period or two to wake up while their tender held them in it
  10. Rangers sliding of late, Washington grabs the win One win and a shootout loss thus far in January, everything else has been a loss 1-4-1
  11. I'm quite impressed by how plucky the Capitals have been this season, they're not the high octane team they used to be but they just keep finding ways to stay in games despite many of their team stats sitting towards the bottom of the league (goals, shots on goal, powerplay, shooting percentage, faceoff percentage). They really miss having a Backstrom type talent up front something fierce but they've kept themselves in the mix. Calgary's Lindholm isn't in that bracket but he's probably the best center available, they should be inquiring.
  12. A shorter term deal wouldn't shock me at all, I think we'll see more stars going that route. Probably not most of them, but more of them. Matthews will show that top end guys can probably make more on multiple shorter deals than a single large one.
  13. Coconuts

    See Ya

    I wish Adobe paid me well
  14. Agreed, the caveat is what we wound up trading for Miller and Hronek We were a worse team when we traded for Miller and we traded an Isles 1st that could have been an unprotected 1st if the Isles had slid instead of making the playoffs That was the appeal of the pick for the Wings, it was either going to be middling or bump to next season This season it'll be 16OA at best, the guys available for this year's first alone may be of different caliber
  15. Well, we'll see what happens I'm just not expecting 1sts to turn into Miller's and Hronek's regularly, I don't think that kind of expectation is realistic Management has done well for the most part, but I'm not gonna pretend they're some sort of miracle workers
  16. We'll see, not every trade involving a 1dt is going to be a home run, we've just been spoiled in recent years
  17. Miller was a great Canuck, a bright spot during a dismal era
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