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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Depends on how management value cap space, but I assume an extension would be required for a trade to take place Cap space needs to be considered as positive value on his own, freeing up 6M in cap space at the end of the season wouldn't be the end of the world if management could find a player they like to spend it on Kuzmenko and Hoglander could be written off as a relatively inexpensive attempt at putting themselves over the top, assuming there isn't much more on top of that package Which isn't to say I don't see Hoglander's value At the end of the day Guentzel has been roughly point per game or better the last five seasons and has had two 40 goal seasons and a 36 goal season in that span of time, you don't pay peanuts for that sort of player Fair point, but gotta give to get at the end of the day Depends on how confident Rutherford and co are in this group, losing Hoglander could hurt though if he goes on to thrive in Pittsburgh, no question
  2. That's fair, but Guentzel is also an upgrade on Kuzmenko Gotta give to get
  3. Dunno, but I could see him being a guy Pittsburgh would have interest in when considering any potential Guentzel trade. Young and cost effective with upside. Podz could be another player they may have interest in. Reilly Smith will be 33 in April, he'll be 34 when his deal is up next season, Pittsburgh could be looking for someone younger and more cost effective to supplant him. Hoglander or Podkolzin could play on the third line in the meantime.
  4. Something around Kuzmenko, Hoglander + could be worth a swing. If we could move Kuzmenko for an upgrade without giving up our 1st that'd be an impressive bit of work. Pens probably ask for players who are closer to being NHL'ers, so maybe they ask for Podz instead. If you look at the Pens lineup their bottom two lines haven't produced much, they'd probably like to try and address that. Not interested in moving our 1st.
  5. I could see Crosby playing into his 40's tbh, Letang is signed for another 4 seasons after this one, I wouldn't be surprised if Malkin were the first to retire. Guentzel and term is a good question though, hard to say. They'll have to play someone in their top six though. Hard to say what Guentzel wants, he's got a cup so it may well be he's content to be a career Penguin. Could be that he's open to a change of scenery too though, he'll get paid wherever he goes. I think the Pens find a way to get things done. Wouldn't mind him as a Canuck though, although I question what he'd cost in terms of cap hit and acquisition. Sold as a rental or not, I reckon Guentzel would command more than Kuzmenko and middling picks or prospects. Pittsburhg would probably be asking for at least Hoglander, they could certainly use an infusion of skilled youth up front and Hogs is having a good season.
  6. It's all contingent upon an extension, I agree that they're probably not looking to let Guentzel walk for nothing. Although there's a good chance it gets done, Carter's expiring 3.1M would probably be more than enough to cover it imo. And it wouldn't cost much to replace what an aging Carter has brought when considering having to pay for a replacement player. He's definitely not the player he was two years ago, but he's 39 so that's not surprising. You could be right about what's available out there too, although I don't personally value Kuzmenko as much as I did even going back a month or two. He was always due for some regression though, the same way Boeser likely is. Would have to ponder the + though, seems more likely the Pens would want actual prospects or young NHL'ers/potential NHL'ers like Hoglander or Podz as well. Picks would take longer to make an impact, although they could be used as currency. I don't see the Pens worrying about restocking the cupboards so much though, they'll kick the rebuild bit down the road as long as Crosby et al. are around and contributing at a high level.
  7. Probably the Kuzmenko replacement, I think Boeser stays
  8. Perhaps, but Guentzel is the better player and he's proven whereas Kuzmenko's one big season was done on the back of an unsustainable shooting percentage Pens will be rebuilding post-Crosby/Malkin/Letang, I'm not sure they'll care Not saying it couldn't happen, but it'd really matter what the + is Pens are in the mix for the playoffs too, not all that sure they look to shift things up front all that much given the seasons Crosby and Malkin are having Guentzel also leads a Penguins team that is 20th in goals scored in points and is one of their primary goal scorers thus far, trailing only Crosby I just don't see the Pens moving him if their goal is the playoffs, Guentzel for Kuzmenko+ is likely a step back for them this season
  9. Not only that, but the cost would be hefty even if he were available Hard to imagine him being moved and a top prospect+ not going the other way He's also due for a sizeable raise It's also hard to see the Pens packing it in while Crosby et all. are still present, they'll be wanting competitive pieces
  10. Puts him ahead of some very impressive names
  11. Panthers are def in tough, lots of players due to re-up and no easy ways to open up significant cap They'll likely suffer the fate of other competitive teams who don't win it all and lose someone good, although they do have the Florida and tax factors going for them
  12. He's popping off big time in his contract year Not sure how they'll make things fit
  13. McDavid got a lot of attention, but Crosby keeps climbing
  14. More McDavid, because modern era or not, what he's done is nuts
  15. It was his 10th career 5 point game, which ties him with greats like Orr and Sakic https://stathead.com/tiny/wQP3q
  16. The Edmonton Oilers have gone 16-6-0 since firing Jay Woodcroft on November 12 Oilers in a post Jay Woodcroft world: .727 P% (2nd in the league) 91 GF (2nd in the league) 61 GA (tied for 6th in the league) 4.14 GF/GP (1st in the league) 2.77 GA/GP (tied for 8th in the league) 25.7 PP% (8th in the league) 86.5 PK% (5th in the league) 28.4 SA/GP (tied for 4th in the league) 34 shots/GP (2nd in the league)
  17. I think it's less about rivalry than the NHL wanting to flaunt it's two most recent franchises or their wanting to give them a stage
  18. A new year is upon us, as is the remainder of the 2023-2024 season. A happy belated new year to all! I was on vacation the latter half of December, just got back to Dawson yesterday, as such this month's GDT will also be a bit more bare bones. Schedule Week One https://www.nhl.com/schedule/2024-01-03 Week Two https://www.nhl.com/schedule/2024-01-10 Week Three https://www.nhl.com/schedule/2024-01-17 Week Four https://www.nhl.com/schedule/2024-01-24 Week Five https://www.nhl.com/schedule/2024-01-31
  19. Neil Belland 1985 Bruce Holloway 1985 Craig Coxe 1986 Robin Bartel 1987 Jim Agnew 1988 Ian Kidd 1989 Murray Craven 1993-1994 Dean Malkoc 1996 Chris Joseph 1997 Artūrs Irbe 1998 Corey Schwab 2000 Brad May 2003 Tyler Bouck 2004 Marc Chouinard 2007 Lawrence Nycholat 2009 Joel Perrault 2011 Dale Weise 2012-2014 Richard Bachman 2016-2019
  20. Thanks to everyone who posted and contributed over the past month, @6of1_halfdozenofother and @Kevin Biestra in particular, it was a fun walk down memory lane this holiday season
  21. Lastly, on the thirty-first day of Canuckmas, Canucks lore gave to me Dunc Wilson 1971-1979 Bruce Bullock 1975 Rick Heinz 1982 John Garrett 1983-1985 Troy Gamble 1987 Steve Weeks 1988-1990 Steve McKichan 1991 Bob Mason 1991 Shawn Antoski 1992-1993 Corey Hirsch 1996-1999 Ľubomír Vaic 2000 Mika Noronen 2006 Dany Sabourin 2007 Drew MacIntyre 2008 Eddie Läck 2014-2015 Anders Nilsson 2018-2019 Arturs Silovs 2023
  22. I missed yesterday, my bad On the thirtieth day if Canuckmas, Canucks lore gave to me George Gardner 1971-1972 Dunc Wilson 1972 Bruce Bullock 1973 Ed Dyck 1973 Dave McLelland 1973 Jacques Caron 1974 Ken Lockett 1975-1976 Cesare Maniago 1977-1978 Gary Bromley 1979-1981 Frank Caprice 1983-1988 Mike Fountain 1997 Garth Snow 1998-2000 Martin Brochu 2002 Tyler Moss 2003 Jason LaBarbera 2009 Andrew Raycroft 2010 Joacim Eriksson 2014 Ryan Miller 2015-2017 Louis Domingue 2020 Spencer Martin 2022-2023
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