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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Yes, and I wasn't talking about the Wings, I was speaking about Kane specifically Considering the surgery he had he's done well thus far
  2. That's assuming you only get a second, but he answer would be cap space It'd likely require an additional move
  3. Kane's production has been pretty respectable thus far
  4. Vilardi's been very impressive for them thus far, trade seems to be working out for the Jets
  5. Hey, a well known hockey forum called CDC insists that's a valuable package, we really should consider it!
  6. They could, but Boeser's overall game is better than Kuzmenko's even if he is probably more if a 20-28 goal guy most seasons
  7. Caps would be better off going after a center imo, I could see Calgary's Lindholm potentially being a fit Ideally they'd find a higher end passer but Lindholm has two 40+ seasons and a 50+ season over his past 5 seasons Could see them wanting a younger center but they'll be hard pressed to find a team willing to move with a young top end center Calgary could also take back Mantha and eat the cap difference It'd cost more than Kuzmenko but with Backstrom gone and Kuznetzov underperforming center is arguably the biggest weakness in their top 6 He's likely also the best top 6 center available
  8. That's the confusing bit, why would Washington bring in a guy who's biggest contribution was his goal scoring to help get another goal scorer going? If anything Washington has had trouble adapting to the lack of a premier puck distributor, which they had in Backstrom Washington needs to score more goals, no question, and maybe Kuzmenko could help them with that, but his helping Ovi get going in terms of goal scoring makes less sense
  9. I'd rather get something that can be parlayed into something else (picks) and the cap space that opens up when Mantha's deal expires at the end of this season Sets us up nicely in the offseason or frees up room for us to add via trade if we pay to dump Mantha on a team like Chicago
  10. Its not just a slump, regression based on his shooting percentage last season was inevitable, Brock is the same this year and will likely regress from his nearly 25% shooting percentage Kuzmenko's shooting percentage is now much closer to league average, if not a bit above it The numbers have a way of evening themselves out, but a huge difference is that Brock shoots significantly more often than Kuzmenko Brock has 23 goals on 93 shots and a shooting percentage of 24.7% Kuz has 6 goals on 41 shots and a shooting percentage of 14.6%
  11. Lost in Ottawa's finding ways to lose games is Arizona's being the kind of team who can come back now Eighth seed in the west as of today, on a three game winning streak Not a team blowing anyone away, but not a team other teams can take lightly this season either
  12. It'd probs be Boston and Colorado's 2nd round picks plus a third but I'd be thrilled, middling to later 2nds or not
  13. Context, a 39 goal season born off the back of an unsustainable shooting percentage, he's likely more a 20-30 goal guy Kuzmenko has also had a tougher year on a team who's been scoring a fair bit more than Washington He's not only not getting to play Boudreau hockey, he's come back down to earth Mind you I'm also more conservative regarding his value to us and his value to Washington, he doesn't look like a gamebreaker so much as a complimentary top six winger I think you're likelier to get an additional 2nd than Cristall
  14. The cap space alone would be very valuable, it'd allow us to go out and find another fit in our top six or further address our D, whether that be via trade or UFA Seems like a lot for them to give up but you never know, I'd be surprised if they were willing to part with Cristall though Seems more likely they'd be willing to move picks than tangible prospects of value
  15. It could be more, depends on how Washington values Kuzmenko They could always just pay to move Mantha themselves and fish elsewhere Any move is contingent on them being competitive going forward though, if they slide they're more likely to just wait for Mantha's cap to expire
  16. Ahh, I'd interpreted as what it'd cost for them to simply dump Mantha I'd be surprised if they moved their 1st, but they do have three 2025 2nd's between their's, Colorado's, and Boston's I think they'd also be willing to move picks over prospects of value, they're probably not far off from a retool of sorts, if not a rebuild
  17. I think we could get a 2nd for giving them an upgrade, maybe a lesser pick too I think such a trade would probably be contingent on them feeling they need the cap flex moving forward, or having another move lined up
  18. Seems unlikely a team would get that for a pending UFA If Washington offered Chicago a 2nd and a 4th they'd probably take it
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