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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Behold, my MS paint magnum opus, created just for you
  2. This also meant that Makar put up two points, and that his team won
  3. Well, if any team has the talent to pull themselves out of a hole it's Colorado Rough period for the Flames, they had it in the bag
  4. They'll probs make it as a divisional seed, but yeah, if they get goaltending like this come playoff time it could be a quick exit I like Colorado, talents like MacKinnon, Makar, and so on are fun to watch, was def rooting for them against Tampa Maybe once upon a time during the old NW division I'd have hated Minny, they sure were boring back then Yeah, fuck Keith and Toews tbh They were very good for Canada though
  5. It's okay, it's never too early or late to say Fuck Messier
  6. Calgary putting up 5 thus far is a bit of a surprise
  7. Hey, don't get me wrong, there are still a couple teams I hate, just not as many Toronto and Edmonton, they're bottom of the bucket Used to hate Calgary too, but they've never really been as obnoxious and they're not shoved in my face the way Edmonton and Toronto are Used to hate Chicago but I kinda got over that as the years went on, wish em nothing but the worst because of the Beach incident though Boston, yeah, I'm over it I'm pretty neutral or positive about most teams around the league
  8. THE CREAM OF THE CROP ALF, THE CREAM OF THE CROP Meanwhile, autumn has come and gone and yet the Leafs still find a way to blow in New York
  10. Buffalo wins, Toronto could still lose Not a good night for our resident alien
  11. Have you not seen CFF cry about Myers and Pettersson the past few weeks
  12. Coconuts


    I don't usually give a shit about celebrity weddings but my boy Andrew W.K. managed to bag Kat Dennings and I couldn't be more proud https://www.instagram.com/p/C0ufJ-6ymDJ/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=cfb620b2-9e76-4d3e-ac7f-29939761f165
  13. The Washington Capitals may or may not be Bear connoisseurs
  14. I'd be surprised if Parayko were available tbh, and if he were he'd get a better return than that And he almost certainly wouldn't be packaged with Vrana, they'd deal with Vrana separately as opposed to including him and hurting their trade return
  15. I've had to change the title twice and I haven't even been mucking about this time!
  16. Coconuts


    Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters were the best things to come out of Nirvana, and I like Nirvana Nirvana undoubtedly had a larger impact culturally and financially, but the Foo's made better music, Kurt dying unfortunately resulted in Dave's musical evolution, Dave had been in several bands prior to Nirvana (playing all sorts of genres) and Nirvana gave him the means to do his own thing and really run with it One could point to record sales, but one could also point to Nirvana booming at a time when physical sales were still a mainstream factor One could also argue Nirvana didn't get a chance at longevity, and while that's true it also is what it is One could also argue that Foo Fighters may have still happened even if Cobain hadn't died, but we'll never truly know Kurt was undoubtedly the epitome of grunge and is a defining character from that era, but Grohl is undoubtedly the better musician, better voice too imo It's weird how it worked out, Kurt never wanted to be a rock star, Dave is one of the world's premier rock stars, to the extent that he's known as the nicest guy in rock
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