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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Ahh, yeah, got the month wrong. Still, the rest of my point stands.
  2. He'll be 32 in two days, has a couple years left on his deal. Great cap hit and probably contributes well over the remainder of his deal though. (Edit: just turned 31, has this year and next on his deal, was thinking December instead of November) I suppose the question is what the cost would be, and whether they'd actually trade with us. A Kuzmenko for Larsson trade could potentially work, but like Deniro said I'd rather go after a longer-term assest if we're trading Kuzmenko. You could argue he fits a window now, I'd argue we'd be better served by looking for an option that better fits a longer window.
  3. Unlike Jim Balsillie, the Oilers have made it seven
  4. Coconuts


    It's so important, I understand that one's mortality is a complex thing to think about and work through, but it should be a no brainer to look out for your kids of you have them in the form of a will. I just watched my best friend have to deal with her father's estate, his lived in Alberta and had property and so on, wound up having to resolve probably a little over a million's worth of assets and track down his stepbrother to share it with. Was a nightmare for over a half a year because he'd have people calling about accounts he knew nothing about, have to clean and sell a home in another province, do a lot of the legwork for his lawyer on his own, and so on. I can't imagine having to deal with something like that, and that was with a will in place. Death is complicated, dunno why folks would want to make it more complicated for those they leave behind than it has to be.
  5. Coconuts


    I've spent the last 3-4 years bugging my parents (early 60's now) about getting a will, for example I told my mom a couple weeks ago that all my siblings and I want for Christmas is for them to get a will. Just.. get it done, it's never made any sense, I know it's a headache but it's much less of a headache than my sibling and I having to fight with the government. Should be very straightforward, there are four boys so it'll just be split four ways even. Or at least it should be, I know my siblings well enough to know they wouldn't want it done any differently. At one point me and two of my other siblings were still living with our parents, now only one does, all it'd have taken is them both getting into an accident together and we'd have been fucked. Drives me nuts, inheritance is the only way one of my siblings will ever be able to scrounge up anything resembling a down payment, I wish my parents took that more seriously.
  6. Retaining on Myers makes sense, but is that kind of retention on Kuzmenko even possible? I was under the impression that if you're retaining that you're retaining for the duration of the entire deal or not at all.
  7. Wonder what kind of cap concessions the Panthers are going to have to make if they want to retain Reinhart, with four points today he's up to what.. 37 points in 27 games? Pending UFA. Lundell will be a pending RFA, both Montour and Forsling are pending UFA's. Bennett and Verhaeghe up after next season. Some tough decisions coming. They could buy out goalie Bob in 2025 but that'd only save them 3.3M in cap. Cap increases will help, but still. Tough going.
  8. Aye, and if he's moved it'll be precisely because he holds value, gotta give good things to get good things most of the time
  9. Because some Canucks fans are also simply fans of the game, who have no issue respecting game when players and teams have it, and who genuinely enjoyed tracking hockey around the league. Being a Canucks fan doesn't mean an over the top Canucks bias always has to be applied. Hence the around the NHL thread existing within the general hockey discussion forum. I'm not saying you have to cheer for Slafkovsky but routinely referring to a 19-year-old former 1OA pick as a bust is a bit of a head scratcher, particularly when I know you're an intelligent hockey fan who's been watching for a very long time. Lot of highly drafted players take time to gradually figure it out, we're seeing that from players like Byfield, Kotkaniemi, and Lafrenière this season to mention a few. We have our own highly drafted player in Podkolzin who's still trying to figure things out, sometimes it simply takes some players time to figure things out. Lekkerimaki is looking good this season but he's also a 15OA pick, there's a good chance he'll take time to develop into a legit NHL top six player. We just drafted Willander 11OA and he's a fantastic prospect, but odds are it'll still take him time to develop and find his way in the NHL before he's a legit top four guy. Sometimes you've just gotta give young players the time and grace to develop, the NHL is called the world's best league for a reason.
  10. He's also got the roots here, we're much more likely to get a fairer deal from him than we would from UFA top six wingers
  11. It absolutely would be, considering he's sitting at 4 about a quarter of the way through. He's a guy I'd be looking to move, it's good that the Canucks are listening on him, if we can find a better fit in our top six or a legit top four D that'd be great. Particularly because he's up in two years, and I reckon we're only going to keep one of him and Boeser. As of right now it's a pretty easy choice as to who the Canucks should extend.
  12. Probably, at least as a guy who puts up as many goals as he did, he was always going to be in tough to keep that sky high shooting percentage going. He was always going to see some regression, his shooting percentage is much closer to league average now. If he wants to score more he'll need to simply start shooting more. None of this is to say he can't be a productive player, but I think folks should be tempering their expectations if they were expecting him to be a perennial 40ish goal guy.
  13. He'd be a good get but if he were actually available there would be several teams lining up to try and trade for him and I think Calgary would prefer to trade him elsewhere. They didn't even want to give us Zadorov, we were just the only team poking around who could take on his entire hit. Like @Miss Korea said, he seems like more likely to go in offseason trade. I also think that of all of him, Hanifin, and Tanev that he's probably the guy Calgary would try to keep. Him and Weegar are the only D they have signed beyond this season, if they aim to stay competitive, and I think they will, they're much better off keeping him than taking what'd probably be middling Vancouver picks imo.
  14. Gonna have to go through Vegas or LA at some point, but I think it'd be better to be in the wildcard position imo. Both Vegas and LA look built for the playoffs, both have more experience there too and what I'd say is better depth thus far. Edmonton is rattling off wins though, the Canucs can't get too comfortable. Fourteen points behind us with four games in hand, they've won six in a row. At this rate they should at least grab a wildcard but if they see more winning stretches and we keep playing .500 hockey or worse it's not inconceivable that they could pass us. Lot of season left though. At the end of the day I think Canucks fans should be happy to take whatever they get, it'd mean playoffs and just making the playoffs would have to be considered a success for this group. Obviously they want to go deeper, but after the last ten or so years the Canucks bar should simply be making the playoffs for 2-3 seasons in a row and hoping for the best. Canucks still have a lot to prove before they can be considered as part of the cream of the west.
  15. Not a bad spot to try, lots of talent up front and it's not as if they've got a ton of younger players in their system
  16. Never liked the Hawks but he's one of the all-time American greats Elite skill, an electric game, exciting to watch if you actually liked the Hawks I hope this comeback bit works for him, the game is better with him in it
  17. Dunno, I think folks are being too hard on him Byfield is a great example of it sometimes taking time
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