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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Those Hughes guys are so smart, putting this here as opposed to the PGT because it'll just make folks sour Gotta respect game, the Hughes bros all have it
  2. I remember it going up and those of us over on CDC thinking "finally, NHL has to seriously consider them now" What a disappointment
  3. Because hockey fans overrate the importance of the captaincy, they're all adults, shouldn't take designated leaders to keep a bunch of grown men accountable
  4. Probs best, sometimes you just have to move on to the next one
  5. Cole isn't even a slum dunk to be extended despite his play imo, largely because of his age He's a quality D but he's not getting any younger He's a good placeholder but I don't see why the Canucks wouldn't consider a longer-term solution in that spot
  6. @Elias Pettersson? Do we really need him?
  7. 4-3 Minny Rossi We've been slumping and Wild look to have a bit of a coaching bump having rattled off four straight wins
  8. Bit of a leaner day, but Salo was/is probably my favourite of the bunch The teams he played on always seemed calmer when he was on the ice, and in the lineup, I could be wrong but I believe our record was better when he played too Big cannon from the point, stalwart two-way D, tough as nails in the non-fighting sense, great vet to have Haven't really felt like we were ever able to replace what he brought as an individual D since
  9. On the sixth day of Canuckmas, Canucks lore gave to me Marc Reaume 1971 Dennis Kearns 1972-1981 Andy Schliebener 1982-1985 Bruce Holloway 1985 Dave Richter 1987-1988 Robert Nordmark 1989-1991 Adrien Plavsic 1992-1995 Adrian Aucoin 1995-2001 Alexei Tezikov 2002 Sami Salo 2003-2012 Yannick Weber 2014-2016 Brock Boeser 2017-2024
  10. I did say in my post that they were still important players, Doughty has always played those kind of minutes, he's been a top minute muncher league wide since he was young But they do have quite a but of support now, particularly up front Kings are a team with very solid depth
  11. Doughty finishes OT early, Kings woke up and ran the BJ's over
  12. Silly Alf, you're talking out of your ass Kings top point getters are Kempe with 22, age 27 Fiala with 20, age 27 Kopitar with 20, age 36 Moore with 20, age 28 Byfield with 18, age 21 Kings are largely a prime aged team with some youth mixed in, their real strength is their overall depth given they have 8 players with 10 points or more with another 3 players sitting at 9 points They don't have stars running away with point leads the way we do, they simply have depth contributors throughout their lineup, which is probably why they're the one team who has scored more goals than us thus far despite having a 17th ranked powerplay Kopitar and Doughty are still extremely important players for them, but Kopitar has a lot of help up front nowadays If they can actually get Dubois going, look out The point totals above don't include points gathered by Kings players tonight https://www.capfriendly.com/teams/kings
  13. LA just blitzed Columbus for three goals in just over six minutes
  14. I know things didn't work out with Bruce here but I simply cannot buy this whole he wasn't a good coach bit, you don't get a career record of 617-342 in the world's best league by being a lousy coach. Only one coach who's coached 1k games or more has a better winning percentage and he's at the top of the heap all-time. One can point to the teams he had, but I don't see how you can separate the success those teams had from the coaching staff. Bruce had lots of regular season success in Washington, which led to him being able to coach a talented Ducks team. I thought he got a lot out of the Minnesota teams he had at the time. He's not the only coaching great to never win a cup, he won't be the last. Things can simultaneously be true, for example: over the course of his career Bruce was a good coach who had plenty of regular season success, things also didn't work out for him in Vancouver for several different reasons. We can be content with the team seemingly having taken steps forward without having to shit on Rick's predecessor.
  15. Aye, the man was part of the team's development and a part of these year's team's story, there's nothing wrong with Bruce telling his stories. It didn't end well, but it is what it is. Bruce doesn't owe the Canucks, or the Canucks fanbase, silence. If folks wanna be sour about it, by all means, but let's not erase Bruce's contributions or deny him his credit. Bruce's impact still exists on the current iteration of the Canucks.
  16. That would make a lot of sense, Oil need cap something fierce If they can clear Campbell's cap that gives them room to go after a D One can argue about where Broberg should or shouldn't have gone, but he's one of the few trade chips the Oil have Would make a lot of sense imo, Elvis and Soup aren't too far off as far as cap goes and Columbus has the cap space to eat the difference Oil are limited by their lack of cap space but if they can turn Campbell's cap into positive cap that'd be a win Columbus isn't really using Peeke, not sure how much he actually helps Edmonton but he's likely available
  17. I like Troy but I don't think he'd move the needle enough for Edmonton Broberg to Washington makes a lot of sense for Washington imo, Edmundson is a pending UFA with 1.75M cap hit and the Caps have been slipping of late The caveat would be Edmundson's 10-team NTC, and whether Washington has any plans of extending him or not But if Washington feels he'll walk they might look to move him Washington acquired Sandin last season, could see them being open to adding another young D
  18. Arizona doesn't have a single D signed beyond this season, they're looking to take steps forward but with their D in flux they could be in the mix too
  19. Could be a smart addition for a young team in Columbus, certainly
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