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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. At least Ehrhoff was a top pairing guy at the time
  2. They're works in progress, but there are a few other lesser known things out there https://capwages.com/ https://cap-space.com/
  3. Another couple ones have popped up on reddit, but how they useful are and how regularly they're updated is anyone's guess https://capwages.com/ https://cap-space.com/
  4. He should be training with Brashear, who's still playing hockey
  5. I think we could be swapped in for Carolina, but Boston probably could be too I don't think not being a top 10 team is anything to get bent out of shape over, if we're not top 10 we're probably top 14 I can't say I really take issue with any of the others though Edmonton has a better roster than the one they went to final with imo, they've arguably got the deepest group of offensive weapons in the division Florida is the reigning champ, I don't know how you don't have them there Dallas is still a very, very good team despite their roster turnover Jersey's made some fantastic additions, I would not be shocked to see them towards the top of the eastern standings Colorado has MacKinnon, Rantanen, and Makar, they're good enough to keep that team in the top 10 Rangers still have a very good roster despite not really being able to do much with their roster, Shesterkin is a top 5 tender Toronto's made some semblance of addressing their defense, with their talent up front having them in the top 10 isn't outrageous Nashville's made some additions who should really help them in the short-term, oddsmakers being optimistic about them isn't weird at all Vegas was injured as shit last season and they're not far removed from a cup win, they've lost some important talent but they're probably still one of the league's better teams
  6. We could replace one of Vegas, Carolina, and Nashville imo Though Vegas and Nashville being there isn't really outrageous imo, Vegas was injury riddled last season and the Preds have really made some additions who should be great in the short-term I think we're better than Carolina though, given the talent they bled Rankings are subjective though so this doesn't really bother me, we may or may not be a top 10 team but we're probably a top 16 team and that's what matters right now imo
  7. Can we? Yeah. Will we? I don't think so. I am expecting some regression and I'm expecting Vegas to bounce back a bit and Edmonton to have a better start than last season. I think we'll make the playoffs but it'll be as a wildcard team or as a second or third divisional seed. But you know what? That's fine, I don't care so long as they make the playoffs.
  8. The Vancouver Canucks have a Norris winning D as their captain 

    1. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      ..And I have a friend named Coconuts.

    2. Coconuts


      Hell yeah

  9. They'll likely insulate him, where he ends up will depend on how he and the team performs, but given his age it's not a bad bet He'll be 24 next month, and he'll be playing under a much better coach and on a much better team The same would have been true if we'd been the ones taking a flyer, he's a cheap, reasonably young D with high draft pedigree, that's not a bad sort of player to take a gamble on If it doesn't work his cap hit will simply be buried
  10. My counter is that a cup winning coach with much more coaching experience than Tochett probably gave the okay on this signing. They don't need him to be a difference maker, they need him to hold his own, odds are he'll get better coaching in Florida than he did in either Columbus or Chicago. His coaches thus far have been Jeremy Colliton, Brad Larsen, and Pascal Vincent. He played on lousy Blackhawks and Bluejackets teams, this is his first chance to play on a higher caliber team. If you're going to slag the guy at least acknowledge the context.
  11. Hughes, some franchises have never had a Hughes level talent on the back end and up until recently we were one of those. He is the engine that drives this team forward. We've had some stellar forwards of different styles, but only one D in Hughes's tier and that's him.
  12. Florida updated their tweet, it's a one way deal I'd have happily taken a flyer on him given he's making close to league minimum
  13. It seems like Puckpedia is gradually shifting to fill that void, but it'll probably be an ongoing thing
  14. I'd agree on Mac, but I also think the list of players more driven to succeed than him around the league is probably pretty small. He's basically his generation's Crosby when it comes to being a fitness/health nut. The twins were like that too, their fitness was legendary in the same sense way Chara's was, and I'm spitballing but I'd venture that fitness and diet have been increasingly taken more seriously over the last 20-25 years. Gary Roberts is a guy who stands out as far as that shift goes. Sid's never struck me as an egomaniac, I wouldn't even say Nate strikes me that way. What really impresses me about Mac is his drive, he genuinely wants to be the best, which makes his friendship with Sid all the more neat, it's quite obvious that MacKinnon thinks the world of Crosby. The twin's fitness still holds up today, just differently. They're still nuts. https://canucksarmy.com/news/sedins-finish-ahead-canucks-prospect-grouse-grind
  15. Aye. I know we've had this conversation before, but I genuinely view the early 2010's Kings and Bruins as old school hockey's last gasp. Hell, the Blues team that won it all could be considered a throwback. That late 2000's/early 2010's period was largely the last hurrah for enforcer type players for example. Fighting has remained part of the game, but generally become less of a factor as time has gone on. We can argue til we're blue in the face about the disciplinary bit regularly getting it wrong, dirty hits being in the game and so on, but there aren't as many cheap shot artists anymore. Guys like Cooke, they aren't as big a factor now as they were then. Crosby had to play through all that, Ovi too, the younger and prime aged stars of today haven't played through that sort of regular season hockey. Crosby's arguably the most talented grinder ever, I think some of that stems from having entered the league when he did, but also how the minor leagues he played in were influenced by what kind of leagues the NHL and AHL were when he was a kid/teenager as well. Same can probably be said of the twins, they had to be tough, they played most of the 2000's as players with primarily offense geared skill sets. If they'd began their careers when McDavid did their numbers would likely be bigger on a consistent basis. The game has changed and so has training, equipment, stats, analytics, how the game is reffed, and so on. I think they'd benefit from a less punishing league for sure. I think their hockey IQ's would still have them towards the top of the league, their hockey sense was off the charts.
  16. Hard to say where McDavid finishes, but he's also benefitted from playing during a period that has seen a resurgence of offense in general Crosby (and Ovi) had to play through some of the muck of the 2000's, and through the transition phase that was the 2010's It wasn't the high scoring 80's, nor was it the dead puck 90's, but the 2000's and earlier 2010's still held some similarities to those eras imo The game has changed quite a bit since Sid and Ovi broke into the league
  17. Ranking across eras is hard, and opinions and rankings are pretty subjective, but it's hard to argue that he's not the best overall player to have their career began this century. I'd personally have him in the top 5. Durability plays a role in rankings, but what Crosby's accomplished when you consider that he lost much of the 10-11, 11-12, and 12-13 seasons due to injury during what would likely have been some of his peak years is nuts. Even if you averaged out the numbers of his games played for his previous Pens seasons he'd probably still be sitting at about 1800ish points right now if you were to err on the conservative side.
  18. Totally forgot about Statmuse, good call. The idea behind this thread is to share resources for those of who us who use them, but largely for those of us who don't on the off chance they might be interested. My understanding of analytics is limited (mostly because I haven't bothered digging into it), but some of the accounts I've found interesting are. ^I like their graphic bits and find their projections interesting ^ I find their graphic bits interesting as well ^ I find their hockey facts and whatnot interesting There's another one with graphics like Big Head Hockey (I think they were using them beforehand, idk), but it's slipping my mind I've also seen https://puckiq.com/ mentioned as a good resource but I haven't really played with it
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