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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. If there is a hell, he's burning in it
  2. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/henry-kissinger-dies_n_6376933ae4b0afce046cb44f https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/henry-kissinger-war-criminal-dead-1234804748/
  3. Seven Newhook looks to be settling in well in Montreal
  4. Ideally he is productive for Chicago, the more wins they manage to pull out the higher they are from the bottom.
  5. Ideally they'd have moved him during the summer, I remember mentioning him as a means to dump cap. Could maybe have gotten more for him at the time, but it could also be that there simply wasn't a market for him. Wouldn't be surprised to see him put up some points in Chicago and garner them a return greater than the 5th they gave up. They can certainly afford to retain.
  6. Wasn't specified, but considering the Canucks have used their top pick to select players in back to back drafts one can tentatively assume that they're more inclined to use their first round picks than they are to trade them.
  7. Possibly, but they're much likelier than CFF posters to actually know something, unless you include the missing VC..
  8. Towards the end Dhali says the Canucks first rounder isn't in play, they won't trade their first to acquire help on the back end. So if the Canucks aren't prepared to give up high picks, and presumably top prospects, what are they supposed to be willing to give up? Seems to me that the obvious answer is roster players.
  9. Walker played for a pretty solid Kings defense as well, he'd probably be an acquisition that wouldn't break the bank It's hard to say, Carolina could use him as their own rental but they may opt to get a useful piece going forward for him Kuzmenko would be a low commitment acquisition because of his term, and while he hasn't lit the lamp a ton this season he did prove he's able to last season so you never know
  10. Could happen, he was rumoured to want to come back to NA a while back https://canucksarmy.com/news/former-canuck-nikolay-goldobin-eyeing-return-nhl-khl-contract-report
  11. Legend has it that Corey Perry assisted on at least one Canucks goal: clearing cap space. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 6of1_halfdozenofother


      How much fat is on an elephant?  Or is it all lean meat? 🤔

    3. Coconuts


      You know what, those are very good questions 

    4. 6of1_halfdozenofother


      They're fundamental to a better understanding of the idiom.  Especially... "with all these little bites - don't fatten me bro!"  :classic_ninja:

  12. If our D was good as if there wouldn't have been news about us wanting to add on D for months Our D is holding up and riding out injuries, but it could def be improved upon I think it's important to emphasize that most folks proposing a Kuzmenko trade aren't necessarily giving up on him, in fact most of us view him as positive value, but you've gotta give good things to get good things in return via trade Kuzmenko has positive value, which is why teams might be interested in giving up something good for him
  13. Shirokov is still playing! https://www.capfriendly.com/players/sergei-shirokov
  14. The legend of Tryamkin continues, to the point where folks would rather have him over guys who are arguably top 4D, or guys who have played top 4D at the NHL level No idea what he's done to deserve this aside from being big and a former Canucks draft pick
  15. So the 1st round pick isn't in play, fantastic news. Makes it more likely we move a roster player for D imo.
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