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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. An asset back, no, but a Beau trade? Yeah. With no cap retained? Yeah. His being a pending UFA makes taking on his entire cap hit more palatable for a bottom feeder, Beau to Chicago has def been mentioned here before.
  2. Ehhh, I dunno about that last part, the Canucks have been trying to move cap for a while and Beau made the most sense But some respect, sure, I figured we'd have to at least give up a later pick to move him
  3. Yup, Hawks organization isn't taken at their word the way they may have once been. Keeping quiet did them no favours here though.
  4. I understand that the Hawks are probably limited in what they can share, but if they'd come out and said before what they said today the rumour mill could have probably been averted. Just come out and say it didn't involve other players or their families, that'd have at least worked towards nipping it in the bud. Hawks bungled their PR with their mixed messaging. They said one thing, Perry's agent said another. Of course the hockey socials are going to run with it if you refuse to actually say something.
  5. 2M was a signing bonus so I'd assume that's been paid, plus whatever of the other 2M he earned up til now https://www.capfriendly.com/players/corey-perry
  6. Probably nine minutes of not a whole lot but have at er
  7. Apparently the press conference was a bit of a nothing burger but I'm sure we'll see tweets of it trickle out
  8. C'mon Arizona, let's do a trades backsies https://www.capfriendly.com/trades/players/oliver-ekman-larsson
  9. They can have Beauvillier or Garland if they want I'd happily accept any of the following or some combination of the following 1st round pick or Dylan Guenther 2nd round pick 7th round pick They can't have OEL back unfortunately, it's a little late for that
  10. If it's nothing egregious I'd be open to it, Perry at 1M wouldn't be so bad Really just depends on why Chicago's responded the way they have
  11. He is, but probably not while shrouded in controversy the way he is. I agreed that I'd have taken him for Beauvillier, he does bring value to the ice, but it seems unlikely the Canucks would be looking to bring in a distraction. I think whatever has gone down will likely scare teams away from Perry, maybe not all of them, but probably at least some of them. If it's something simple like his using substances and him opting to go through the program for a bit that's one thing, I think whether teams inquire about him or not will depend on what's actually happened. If it's nothing egregious and Chicago is just being over the top that'd be something else entirely.
  12. You're right, we don't, but it's pretty easy to assume that Perry would rather go through the program than simply forfeit a 4M payday.
  13. Even if he was, seems like a pretty straight forward Players Assistance Program case
  14. Couldn't happen to a shittier franchise though, if any franchise deserves to be a circus it's Chicago
  15. He may not have a choice at this point But yeah, he could still fight it, as entertaining as it all is we haven't heard anything concrete and I'd be surprised if either party puts out concrete information at this point Could end in a settlement of sorts, Chicago paying him to go away How the league views him in terms of a potential contract will depend on what he actually did or didn't do imo
  16. Not sure, but I'm just operating under the assumption that if the PA can reasonably fight for a player (even if they're in the wrong somehow) that they will do so Particularly when millions of dollars are at stake
  17. If it were something substance related wouldn't they just enter the NHL/NHLPA player assistance program? Even if they did show up strung out you've gotta think the PA would still be fighting for them Seems like a bit of a wrinkle
  18. It's a pass from me, he belongs to the Penguins organization but he's never played a game for them and therefore doesn't qualify as a former Penguin
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