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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. I'd operate under the assumption that Calgary is willing to retain cap on contracts to maximize the value of what they can get from their pending UFA's. Assuming Calgary retains 50%, Zadorov at 1.875M is pretty easy for a lot of teams to fit in if Calgary is willing to take cap back. Drives up the price, opens up the pool of teams who could be involved.
  2. I could probably agree that he might fetch a low pick at the deadline, but I'm operating under the assumption that a Zadorov move happens sooner than later. Why? Because I think there are teams who'd be willing to bolster their D sooner than later. Leafs could try and ship out Klingberg for example, one could argue that he'd have Calgary on his NTC but if he's not getting ice in Toronto I could maybe see him being willing to waive. They could also work with Bertuzzi (they'd have to because of his NMC) to find him a team where he's a better fit, ideally cutting cap in the process. Not easy but it could be done. New Jersey could pay Calgary to retain cap (why wouldn't they?) and figure out the extension later. Colin Miller (RD, 1.85M), Brendan Smith (RD/LD, 1.1M), and a number of forwards (including Toffoli's 4.25M) come off the books at the end of the season. Roughly 2.3M in dead cap also expires. Factor in any cap increases and they could likely get a deal done. The only larger raise I see Jersey dolling out probably involves Dawson Mercer. Jersey could probably outbid us pretty easily. We're a team looking to get back in the mix, Jersey is a team with a sizeable window looking to break through.
  3. Yeah, I don't see Beau as having positive value, maybe neutral value. I've seen folks propose that he could be flipped somewhere like Calgary, and that he could be flipped again for a pick. Thing is, if he could be flipped for a pick why haven't we flipped him yet? If Calgary is taking Beau to facilitate a cap swap we're paying for the favour imo. Hirose will be 25 in April, bit old for a prospect. Pretty close to being in he is what he is territory. I wouldn't fuss over moving him. Raty is a former second round pick who may or may not someday develop into a 2-3C. Some argue he's being groomed as a potential 3C, if Zadorov is actually a top 4D would you not trade a potential 3C (not even an actual 3C) in a package for him? There's back and forth as to what Zadorov is (some say 4D, some say less), but if the Canucks believe he's a 4D they'll probably have to pay a top 4D price. His wanting out of Calgary doesn't mean they have to deal with us, it may very well be we'd be better off being outbid by say.. Toronto.
  4. Meanwhile, ongoing violence in the West Bank continues. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-west-bank-elderly-man-killed https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-west-bank-army-conducts-raid-death-toll-mounts https://abcnews.go.com/International/west-bank-violence-escalated-dramatically-killings-displacement-rise/story?id=104609970
  5. I think shootouts being more rare going forward is probably the goal, I mean.. aside from stopping teams from continually looping back until they get a look they like. The point of 3v3 was to end games quickly imo, letting one team dominate possession by playing keep-away goes against the spirit of what I think they were trying to implement.
  6. Sports media is always going to sports media, this isn't unique to hockey. Sports is a business, sports media is a business, it's all money driven. Folks will write what gets clicks, sells magazines, what generates interest or profit. Did Crosby, McDavid, Bedard and so on deserve to be hyped? Sure. Lot of players have put up huge numbers in various minor leagues. I don't know about you, but I'm under the impression Bedard has gotten plenty of media attention. But if we're talking NHL, I'd rather wait and see. Crosby wasn't a generational NHL forward until he stepped in and proved it over the course of his career. McDavid was super hyped, I can look back at what he's accomplished now though. If you want to believe Bedard will be better than McDavid, go for it, but I'm of the opinion that he needs to actually do it at the NHL level first. Results are what matter at the end of the day, let's see what Bedard accomplishes over his first few NHL seasons. More than likely he'll be a star, possibly even a superstar. But generational? I dunno, we'll see. Bedard is very hyped, very talented, and seemingly very humble. He's definitely got a shot at being something special, we'll see how he does. It's a shame he's a Blackhawk though.
  7. There's a difference between being a star and considered generational, which is a tag thrown around far too loosely. Crosby and Ovechkin are two of the most talented and decorated NHL players of all time, McDavid has piled up personal awards, Bedard has had a great start but hasn't accomplished anything comparable yet. I don't think there's anything wrong with folks wanting to be patient or pragmatic before proclaiming him as an all-time great. If he wants to be considered a top tier NHL forward he needs to get there first, he hasn't even played twenty games. Fantastic start, sure, but it's not even twenty games.
  8. Bo was one of the few bright spots during a period of largely mediocre Canucks teams, he gave it his best as a Canuck and amounted to more than a lot of folks thought he'd be. Don't blame Bo for not being able to put the team on his back, blame management and ownership for being so inept that they couldn't even rebuild properly. Ever year management would try and prop up a mediocre roster as one that should try and make the playoffs and a lot of folks ate it right up. Bo likely wanted to stay, management likely didn't want to pay. It didn't work out, doesn't mean folks have to be butthurt about it; fans can be fickle though. Bo was a very solid Canuck, we got a 2C out of a 9OA pick, he would have been a 1C on some teams. He'll be passed and bumped down the list, but as of right now he's still 10th all-time for points as a Canuck, 8th in goals, 19th in assists, and 13th in games played. That's not nothing, it's a shame some folks speak as if it is.
  9. Imagine being a Phoenix/Arizona fan the last couple decades Imagine not having an arena that can hold NHL capacity #everyotherNHLfranchisegang
  10. Way too soon if you're talking NHL hockey. Could he be? That's subjective, but he isn't yet. Not at the NHL level. Could he be generational? Sure. But he'll need to prove it.
  11. A bold new direction Obligatory fuck Messier response McDavid to purchase NHL refs for the Oilers e5 President and GM, baby
  12. All pending UFA's are destined to be Leafs until the Leafs themselves elect to shoot themselves in the foot Big if true
  13. Word has it that McDavid may even lead a coup and overthrow Daryl Katz, which I'd personally welcome. We are entering a new era of angry Connor McDavid led Edmonton Oilers hockey, not that you'd be able to tell by looking at McDavid because he only has his default facial expressions: shellshocked, annoyed, and bored.
  14. I'd be a lot more interested in Ekblad than Zadorov, dude is in a different tier. Caveat is it's unlikely and Ekblad hasn't played yet this season as he's been hurt, Ekblad controls his destiny with a NMC and it seems unlikely that a Florida team who just went to the final would move him. Once him and Montour are back teams will have to look out for the cats. Montour starting the season hurt may actually help Florida get his next contract down. I think the only way Ekblad gets moved is if Florida knows he's not going to extend.
  15. Plenty of young players folks have been dunking on are having good starts, making some folks eat crow
  16. OEL has been huge for them in the early going, he's helped them keep afloat while Ekblad and Montour have been out. They're still out. If the Panthers make the playoffs, and I reckon they will, his contributions in the early part of the season alone could more than justify his 2.25M cap hit. He's averaging about 23-24 mins a night right now if I'm not mistaken.
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