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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. If I were a gambling man I'd put money on them getting those via Zadorov, Hanifin, and Lindholm, maybe Tanev too They don't need to move Andersson, he's on a great deal with term and they still need to ice a team even if they ship out big fish I also question the value of your proposed package, if Anderrson actually becomes available bidding won't be Canucks only He'd be great as a Canuck sure, but I just don't see it They'd be better off shipping him out of the division anyway if the idea is to retool as opposed to rebuild
  2. He'd cost more than that imo I also don't think either player will end up extending in Calgary if their current season-opening slide continues, Calgary can't afford to risk their top players walking for nothing either I think Zadorov, Tanev, and Hanifin are much likelier to be on the table than Andersson, and Andersson is the only D besides Weegar currently signed beyond this season Seems like a player they'd want to try and keep, if only to help try and stabilize whatever ends up happening in Calgary, they're gonna need someone playing top four minutes
  3. I think this is worth emphasizing. Sharpshooter likely reads every single post, we've also seen Ribs post in this thread, folks should focus on discussing and leave moderating to the mods. Block function is also a thing, even if it's not perfect. I chime in here and there but I mostly just lurk, there are many views, stances, biases, and so on in this thread and none of us are devoid of these things, which is healthy and has stopped it from turning into an echo chamber. Moving on though. Folks following this conflict and engaging in this thread should be mindful of how doing so affects them. Compassion fatigue is a thing. https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/what-to-know-about-compassion-fatigue-and-how-to-beat-it-according-to-experts-1.6624692 Frequently consuming war and conflict related media can affect people, in the age of modern social media it's easy to be bombarded with it. https://time.com/6155630/ukraine-war-social-media-mental-health/ I am intimately familiar with trauma, you don't have to be experience something firsthand for it to affect you. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/lifting-the-veil-trauma/202001/watching-the-news-can-be-traumatizing#:~:text=This concept is called vicarious,consequences on our mental health. https://www.banyanmentalhealth.com/2022/03/02/secondary-trauma-symptoms/#:~:text=With that said%2C common secondary,of the traumatic event%2Fstory https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/11/strain-media-overload
  4. I thought Allvin was our GM, when did Milstein lead a coup? We did just draft a Swede after all..
  5. His job is to speculate and pass along what he hears, he's already done his job, we're at twelve pages at this point The reward the players bit sounds silly this early in the season, but GM's are always working the phones, the Canucks may or may not be doing it more than others This isn't news, realistically we've probably been working the phones to try and move cap since before the draft or the summer CFF likely has a pretty solid idea of who management would like to move (Myers, Garland, maybe Beau), but these aren't pieces that currently hold much value Any trade we make at this point likely involves cap in and cap out, so a hockey trade, and given the pieces we'd probably like to move getting clear upgrades in the form of top six players or top our D means we'd likely have to add to pieces we'd like to move out to facilitate such moves Our options to move players while not giving up players with value are likely pretty limited It's way too early into the season for most teams to be sellers too, which is why Columbus gets bandied about because of their D surplus Calgary looks most likely to sell sooner than later, as opposed to making hockey trades, but trading with a direct divisional rival likely wouldn't be cheap
  6. You do know we can acquire defensemen who aren't Russian right? Right..?
  7. I suppose that's maybe a fairer look at it, I mostly considered his lack of individual production which has been a bit surprising
  8. Could be a big ask considering who the Canucks are probably looking to move out. And like I said, it's verrry early and we've been remarkably healthy thus far. They should always be looking to improve the team, that's why management get paid and it's why GM's are likely checking in with each other daily. But to do it to reward a nine game stretch at the beginning of the season? Yeah, I dunno about that one.
  9. GM's are always making calls, that ain't exactly news. We've probably been trying to move someone since the summer, doesn't mean it'll happen. But hey, maybe injuries open up a spot for Garland somewhere else, doubt Myers goes anywhere and Beau has been underwhelming. As for additions, absolutely inquire, that's their job. But I think it's waaaaaaaaay too early in the season to be doing anything big. Lot could change between now and February.
  10. Should be a pretty easy win but we have a history of playing down to the level of lesser teams, guess we'll see For funsies let's just say Pettersson gets back to back hatties
  11. Mintyukov tied for the rookie scoring lead too, what a start
  12. Really smart play by McTavish to create the two on one, Ducks may have a stud
  13. Flames may sell sooner than later at this rate
  14. Ducks youth are really impressing, they're really contributing. Dostal picks up his fifth win in six games, Carlsson picks up his third goal in six games (three goals, one assist), McTavish picks up another assist (five goals, seven assists in ten games), Mintyukov continues to make what seems to be a seamless transition and grabs another assist (one goal, six assists in ten games). Terry stepped up with a hatty and an assist, he was the main driver, but these young Ducks are impressing thus far. Worth noting is they're doing this all without Zegras, I said the other day that they've been very impressive given him and Terry hadn't been lighting it up. Terry's bounced back though and is up to five goals and three assists in ten games, Zegras has two points on the season. If Zegras can get going and the others can keep it up we may have a divisional dark horse this season in Anaheim. I don't expect it to last, but Anaheim has been a bottom team for a while and this start has to be encouraging for them as an organization.
  15. Fans have the luxury of being able to view hockey as entertainment, players may love the game but once you they reach the professional level they view it as a career, as their job. It's easy for fans to fuss about how they hope x player takes a discount because it'd be favourable for their cap scenario, but would the same fan take less than what they're worth to do x company a solid? I'm not gonna turn down 70k over 60k if it's available. The numbers are on different scales, sure, hockey players have the opportunity to make millions of dollars. But why would they take less to do a team or roster a solid when they're professionals who are part of a billion dollar league? Someone's gonna get those dollars, why not them? I don't have a problem with players being selfish in regards to their careers when it comes to pursuing their earning potential. Many players never even play in a final, may as well secure the bag and set your family up with intergenerational wealth. Taking less on your deal doesn't guarantee anything as far as winning a championship goes. The Stanley Cup is the hardest championship to win in sports, most guys are lucky if they get even one crack at it. It's a 32 team league and I expect that number will grow before the decade is done, most players will never win a cup.
  16. I could see Hronek being closer to 8M if he piles up points but at the very least I'd be expecting more than 7M if he keeps it up. 7.5, 7.75, it's anyone's guess. One can potentially point to him as being a benefactor of Hughes, but if Hronek's play compliments Hughes and allows him to play at an elite level I could see a counterargument being made as well. Severson is 29 , and while his offensive production has been respectable in the past he still topped out at 46 points in 80 games as a career high. https://www.capfriendly.com/players/damon-severson Hronek's had back to back 38 point seasons on a Detroit club that's had limited success. He's already up to 8 points. He'll also be 26 tomorrow, so there's a bit of an age gap too. At the very least I'd probably put Hronek in a higher bracket offensively, he's well on his way to setting a new career high at this point in the season. https://www.capfriendly.com/players/filip-hronek Less sure about Boeser, guess we'll see how the season goes. He's an easy guy to root for though. I agree on Kuzmenko, his shooting percentage was never going to be sustainable. We'll see how he produces, but if he plays anywhere near a ppg pace I wouldn't be surprised to see him eat up more of any future cap increases.
  17. Yup, Devil's locked him in early and it's paid off beautifully, Jack blew the hell up. At the time many of us weren't as keen on the deal. https://forum.canucks.com/topic/399334-signing-devils-re-sign-jack-hughes/ Jack absolutely took the money at the time. I don't see why folks fuss about players asking for what they're worth, or managing their careers in a way that allows them to maximize their earnings. I get that folks are biased because they look at it through the lens of wanting their team to have a favourable cap structure, but that's selfish too. There's nothing wrong with Elias securing the bag at all, it's not his job to manage the team's salary structure or to take less so management can do x or y. We finally have a legit superstar, we should be goddamn thankful if he wants to sign long-term at all. Top players almost always get paid market value or more, Elias is likely a top ten NHL forward.
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