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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Dunno, I'd say Edmonton has at least two lines McDavid, Draisaitl, Kane, Nuge, Hyman They're top heavy though, absolutely Dunno, if it's Garland or Beauvillier they want to move I doubt there's much of a market that doesn't involve cap coming back Don't see Myers going anywhere I think they'll probably stay the course, moves could be too costly to make
  2. Hawks getting torched by Arizona, haha On another note, gotta feel good for Monahan, up to 5 goals and 3 assists in 9 games Nice to see him showing signs of bouncing back after his injury troubles
  3. Kraken are still managing to pick up points though Thing about Seattle is they've lost to some strong teams in Vegas, Colorado, Carolina, Florida, and the Rangers Losses to Nashville and the Blues don't look great, but I'd expect them to turn things around given they've beaten some teams playing good hockey in Detroit, Tampa, and Carolina 3-5-2 ain't a great start but it's not bad I'd be surprised if Anaheim kept it going into say.. January or February Calgary could dig themselves a hole early at this rate, I'd expect the Oil to bounce back more with McDavid back in the fold though, that team simply has too much firepower up front imo
  4. Truly one of the greats, was a remarkably productive player
  5. Yup, I don't have the patience or energy to go around in circles but the body count itself is ghastly
  6. Another month, another slew of hockey games. Only two days throughout November won't feature a hockey game, so there's lots to follow going forward. The first iteration of this thread on CFF has done pretty well as far as monthly activity has gone, figured I'd throw this up again for the month of November. It's a continuation of the monthly format as opposed to the weekly format Vintage used to implement. November Schedule December Around the NHL Sign-Up I don't anticipate being around CFF as much towards the end of November and through the first half of December, so if someone is willing to take on December's Around the NHL thread that'd be great. How to GDT 1. Copy and paste the header from this thread and slap it into your thread, Vintage always used it so I figure it's worth continuing 2. Write whatever you wanna 3. Maybe include a sign up section to source someone to throw up the following month's Around the NHL thread 4. Just screen shot the daily schedules and slap them into a spoiler similar to what I've done, you may have to adjust your resolution for game days that feature more teams playing, you can get all the week to week scheduling here https://www.nhl.com/schedule/2023-11-29
  7. https://www.savethechildren.net/news/gaza-3195-children-killed-three-weeks-surpasses-annual-number-children-killed-conflict-zones#:~:text=Children are always the first,they have no part in.
  8. Couldn't find anything definitive for Alberta, but I remember someone linking something from Alberta last year in the CDC thread.. I dunno, there are a few things I'm interested as far as BC goes, but I've def found I can get better bang for my buck in Alberta I managed to get some neat stuff in Nanaimo but I question what'd actually be available in FSJ, I guess I'll have to check back as it doesn't look like they've listed what is available where yet
  9. Just got the spirit release email earlier, looks like some interesting stuff. Closest participating store is Fort St. John by the looks of it, might make my way over. But I'm curious, does Alberta have an equivalent? I'm sure it'd probably be cheaper. Or maybe not? I'm up in Dawson Creek so Grande Prairie is pretty much the same distance as FSJ.
  10. I'd rather let Willander stew. If he's ready that's one thing, but he was an 11OA and is a D, who often need to stew longer than forwards. I'd expect him to probably need to stew. I reckon he'll be a good player for us down the road, but I'd rather management's wish to compete/contend now not result in them rushing him.
  11. If they're off it's probably not by too much though. Passed 5k a couple days ago. https://unsdg.un.org/latest/stories/gaza-death-toll-passes-5000-no-ceasefire-sight It is more complicated than that, certainly. Too many players with agendas, proxy groups, ect. US forces have experienced attacks in recent days, gotta think sooner or later they'll actually be pulled into it. Hard to say what's actually going on with Iran, or what they have. It's a powder keg.
  12. Doesn't Erdogan consistently play all sides though? I remember him being a headache for Ukraine
  13. No, I don't, but I've been pretty clear throughout this thread that I don't view Hamas as being good for the Palestinian people either. Israel has the full backing of the US, that's pretty clear, they also appear to have support in the EU, although the messages from Europe appear more mixed. I'm not a military strategist, but I'll ask you this, should the response amount to what'll likely end up being 10k+ dead Palestinians or more? 756 in the last 24 hours, we're getting there. Bombings probably won't stop. Israel is holding off on a ground invasion, but that doesn't mean one won't happen. Israel's in a tough spot, sure, but unlike the Palestinian people they actually have resources and control the flow of aid. Israel has a world class military and both the economic and military backing of the largest military power in the world, whereas the Palestinian people are largely caught between a rock in Israel and a hard place in Hamas+. They aren't the same. The US is likely paying folks hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more, to try and figure out the answer to the question you're asking me.
  14. Gotta wonder what the US's long-term goals are, they're clear in their support of Israel but Israel's longer term goals are pretty vague as well. We've heard about rooting out Hamas, but little else. Gotta wonder what kind of appetite the US public has for this, the impact of their withdrawal from Afghanistan is still fresh. They finally got out of Iraq in 2011, their impact upon civilian life there was well documented. But those who profit from war in the US will surely support any US military action. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/25/as-us-resists-ceasefire-calls-what-is-bidens-endgame-in-gaza
  15. Death toll in Gaza reaches 6,546 The Palestinian health ministry in Gaza says at least 6,546 people have been killed in Israeli attacks since October 7, including 756 in the last 24 hours. At least 2,704 children have been killed while 17,439 people have been wounded since the fighting erupted. https://aje.io/4hsru5?update=2436447
  16. US pushing back against a ground invasion, pushing more airstrikes and special ops raids https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-770137 There's more to it though, the US wants to get air defenses in place to protect it's interests https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-palestinians-news/card/israel-agrees-to-delay-invasion-of-gaza-so-u-s-can-rush-missile-defenses-to-region-wFU3kduhruPhm6e8OM7b
  17. Hospitals in rough shape, nearly 6000 dead and countless wounded individuals with limited treatment options Many hiding out in hospitals https://aje.io/4hsru5?update=2437036 Strikes taking place near hospitals https://aje.io/4hsru5?update=2437026 Was published yesterday https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/24/gaza-hospital-generators-to-run-out-of-fuel-in-48-hours-health-ministry Today https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/25/gaza-is-out-of-fuel-out-of-time-under-israels-bombardment https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/25/how-will-i-give-birth-dangers-of-a-gaza-pregnancy-amid-israeli-bombing Another source regarding pregnant women in Gaza What's going on with the UN https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/25/what-has-the-un-done-on-the-israel-palestine-conflict Unsurprisingly, at the bottom it notes that "there is also a history of the US blocking UN resolutions critical of Israel through its veto power." and links to this https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/19/a-history-of-the-us-blocking-un-resolutions-against-israel
  18. Too early to say, it's been a small stretch. Just because they've been lights out doesn't mean that's suddenly a new standard, we'll see how things ebb and flow. But no, I'm inclined to say we haven't, D would be better balanced if Hronek were on another pairing. I'm not so sure the team is better off having it's two best puck movers on one pairing.
  19. Are you speaking to the following? "I'm reflecting on my role as a politician who is participating in this settler colonial system, and I ask that all politicians do the same.". Because I interpreted that as her questioning her role in a Canadian political system, which is a settler colonial political system. Or are you referring to the bit in the second paragraph? Because she wouldn't be the only one to argue that illegal Israeli settlements amount to colonialism. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/10/1129942 Settlement is ongoing. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/26/israel-approves-plans-for-thousands-of-illegal-settlement-homes UN was pretty clear. https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2020/06/israeli-annexation-parts-palestinian-west-bank-would-break-international-law-un https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/07/international-community-must-act-end-israels-annexation-occupied-west-bank https://press.un.org/en/2016/sc12657.doc.htm
  20. We'll likely never know so I'm not going to speculate. But without insider knowledge the optics of it look questionable to me.
  21. Not only that, it's seems rather tone deaf to expel a member of a historically marginalized demographic (black women) for advocating on behalf of those experiencing marginalization, which is what she was doing. Let's take a look at her actual statement. I have no issue with this statement, my last post actually references the Michael Lynk report. She didn't say anything that human rights organizations or the UN haven't already been saying. I posted about the white phosphorous in this thread, the collective punishment meted out in the form of a shutting down of water, power, and so on was well covered by the media, and in this thread. In fact pretty much everything she spoke to has been covered in this thread. She spoke of wanting to find a solution to the ongoing cycle of violence, something several in this thread have also spoken to. But she did so as a politician, which apparently ruffled some political feathers. I've been pretty up front in this thread about my viewing Hamas as not being good for the Palestinian people, it's pretty obvious they aren't good for the Israeli people either. I've also been pretty open about my criticisms of the Israeli government, illegal settlements, the annexation of land, and so on, as have many others here and otherwise. She's a bit unique as a Canadian politician taking this stance, but other countries have been chiming in. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/15/which-countries-have-criticised-israeli-attacks-on-gaza It's dangerous to conflate such criticisms with antisemitism, because doing so turns antisemitism into a card one can pull out and use to paint someone with a very negative stigma. There is room for criticism, just because one criticizes the actions of the Israeli government doesn't necessarily mean someone is anti-Jew or anti-Israel. It's more nuanced than that. But yeah, the language matters. I spoke to the language earlier, definitions matter. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/04/04/human-rights-and-other-civil-society-groups-urge-united-nations-respect-human https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/04/global-un-must-respect-human-rights-while-combatting-antisemitism/ But back to her statement, she actually followed it up. One can question why she didn't immediately say that, sure. But she'd be far from the first person to have not fit everything into one post, politician or not there needs to be space for her simply being human. Realistically she'd have been roasted politically anyway; Ford went after her, likely to try and score political points as he's surrounded by his own scandals. At the end of the day she took what I view as a human rights stance, if the Ontario NDP expelled her because of it I question their unwillingness to take a human rights stance. That being said, I understand why a Canadian party might be fussy about it given how directly involved the US is, but the Canada/US thing is an entire can of worms in itself.
  22. It needn't be that way though, I question the immediacy with which people conflate being critical of Israeli government, policies, actions, and so on with being antisemitic or wishing that Israel would cease to exist. It's a big jump and a slippery slope. Language matters, as the articles I links I shared with you earlier point out. The Hamas assaults have drawn the world's eye, eventually something else will come along and that focus will shift. The Ukraine/Russia war was a hot topic for a while, but while it's ongoing and receives coverage and so on public coverage seems less of a mainstream discourse than it initially was. That can likely be attributed to news fatigue in part, it'll likely happen with this conflict as well. This isn't of course, to say there aren't people following it or that news doesn't continue to hit outlets, but it's not uncommon for folks to get tired of tracking news. Particularly when the news is often grim. But the scenario was ongoing before this most recent Hamas assault catapulted it back into mainstream consciousness. Humans rights organizations, UN affiliates and so on have been speaking to this beforehand, and will continue to once what is currently heightened interest subsides. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/03/1114702 https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/sr-palestine https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures-human-rights-council
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