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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. I was about to post this, Garland for Labanc makes a lot of sense. Just eat the cap til the end of the season.
  2. Sens are off to a great start, even without Pinto they've had no problem scoring a bunch of goals Tarasenko could land himself one more nice contract if he keeps this up
  3. Not jersey retirement, but it's still neat to see. It's remarkable how long this dude played.
  4. Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches 


    Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bishopshodan


      do they come in a can? were they put there by a man? 

    3. Coconuts


      I dunno but I'm not going into the country for them 

    4. bishopshodan


      Maybe just go downtown? I hear thats where the factory is where the man puts said peaches into a can. 

  5. I'm lazy so here's a copy and pasted Daft Punk song Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world
  6. Meh, offer him a one year, league minimum deal if they want. Seems like a good person but I found him underwhelming as a player.
  7. We don't exactly have much leverage if we want to move him, it's true. I guess it depends on what's coming back, term attached to any player, and whether retaining can free up cap space sooner than later.
  8. I'm not so sure, Makar has a better offensive toolbox and has proven to be a better defensive player than Hughes, if he'd stepped into the Canucks as a rookie instead of Hughes I think there's an argument that we could very well have been a better team. One can point to who Makar has played with, but it's also not a coincidence that Colorado seemed to level up once Makar stepped in. He gave them an engine from the back end that they simply did not have. If you look at 19-20 onward it's quite a jump. It's a bit of a chicken/egg thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Colorado_Avalanche_seasons
  9. So a max of 1,485,000 worth of cap space, which could potentially free up roughly 3.4M if we take a shorter term contract back. Not ideal considering we'll already have dead cap space but management may not have much of a choice if that's what the trade market demands.
  10. The play-making argument is a fair one. My only retort would be that because Makar has the better shot he may be more inclined to shoot more often, if he shot less and passed more the numbers may look closer. That being said, that's off the top of my head and I'm not sure where I'd find their historical shot totals. It's also hard to prove because the NHL likely tracks shots whereas if data related to how many passes a player makes exists it's probably team owned data. Or I'd assume as much anyway. But at that point I'm spitballing a theoretical scenario anyway. But otherwise, yeah, absolutely agree. Tochett could be a wildcard regarding player offense, absolutely.
  11. I think the better question is whether Trotz expects the Preds to make the playoffs, he's a bit of a wildcard imo given how new he is to his role. And if he doesn't, would Garland appeal to his medium to longer term plans? The biggest contract he's doled out was ROR's 4.5x4. The next longest contract he's given out (that wasn't an ELC) was Schenn's 2.75x3. He's likely behind buying out Duchene and moving out Johansen.
  12. Orr was a freak of nature, what he did will probably never be rivaled, but while he took longer to get going one has to credit Makar for hitting the ground running. I've never seen a D step in and dominate so consistently in the offensive zone, which isn't to speak negatively of Hughes who is a phenom in his own right.
  13. I was waiting for someone to mention Hughes tbh. But it's a good question, it probably would be pretty close but I reckon he'd be a bit behind. Makar is as good as Hughes in all the areas Hughes excels in imo, but Hughes doesn't have Makar's shot and that's key. Makar has a superior toolbox. Hughes is an assist machine, so is Makar, but Makar's offense directly results in more goals than Hughes by virtue of his scoring more goals. Hughes has scored 26 goals in 286 games, Makar has scored 67 in 241 games. Put Hughes on the Avs and I'm not convinced he puts up more assists than Makar, but he likely scores fewer goals. Hughes puts up more assists than Makar but Makar's roughly on par or better imo when you factor in games played. For example Hughes put up 69 assists in 78 games last season, Makar put up 49 in 60 games, give Makar another 18 games and he probably outpaces Hughes imo. Go back to the 21-22 season and Hughes puts up 60 assists in 76 games, Makar put up 58 in 77. Go back to 20-21 and Hughes put up 38 assists in in 56 games, Makar put up 36 in 44 games. Ultimately I think Hughes would fall short because he scores fewer goals, he doesn't have Makar's shot. Put Makar on the Canucks and we'd likely have been a better team because Makar would have given us a serious threat from the point, which is something we've needed from a D for years imo.
  14. I don't care for the US, but this is good news.
  15. We beat Edmonton but DeSmith bailed the team out big time, Demko tried his best against Philly. We can scapegoat this player or that player, but as a whole we've been pretty shoddy defensively the last couple games. PK has looked good, but I'm more inclined to credit most of that to our tenders, who have been excellent. At the end of the day DeSmith stopped 37/40 shots, Demko stopped 40/42. If not for our tenders being excellent and Edmonton's tending being questionable we're probably 1-2 right now. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say our lack of shot totals also speaks to a lack of possession. The reffing wasn't great last night and one can critique when wer got our powerplays, no question, but we still got 3 powerplays to Philly's 4, which indicates that we were pretty shit at even strength. But yeah, we knew that. We had 3 to Edmonton's 7, but while one can maybe point to refs for some of the calls, it likely also speaks to a lack of discipline. For example, six different players were assessed penalties against Edmonton and Myers wasn't one of them. It's early on but they really need to tighten things up, which can't be blamed on one or two players imo. Tenders have been excellent. Wins aren't always pretty but that doesn't mean there isn't cause for concern.
  16. There are caveats to this accomplishment, certainly, but it's pretty nuts nonetheless.
  17. Pretty nuts considering who he's ahead of, dude is something else.
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