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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Agreed on both counts. I'm sure folks would work to find workarounds regarding home ownership but it'd be a start.
  2. Too tethered imo, it's wild to me how the US has devastated other countries by means of their foreign policy and yet they'll throw billions at Israel every year I was hoping some of that massive amount of money would go towards rebuilding but I guess that's too much to ask Ukraine I get, Russia is the clear-cut aggressor and their being allowed to simply walk over Ukraine would have had a massive ripple effect I wonder what the "other top security priorities" are
  3. I'll be interested to read how they plan on allocating this
  4. I, on the other hand, make no such promises but I'll keep it out of Canucks talk for the most part
  5. Does wounded pride count as an injury
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