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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/15/which-countries-have-criticised-israeli-attacks-on-gaza https://apnews.com/article/colombia-israel-petro-suspend-defense-exports-a92effbb531ea4631d25a8c1d32ede28 https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/former-bolivian-president-evo-morales-criticizes-bolivia-israel-for-situation-in-gaza/3011174 Earlier this year https://www.timesofisrael.com/brazil-argentina-chile-and-mexico-jointly-condemn-israeli-settlement-announcements/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/global-condemnations-of-israel-pour-in-over-planned-outpost-legalizations/
  2. It's worse than presented, saw this yesterday, Joseph Czuba allegedly stabbed the boy 26 times with a "military-style knife" and his mother more than a dozen in the incident https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-71-charged-murder-hate-crimes-stabbing-death/story?id=103999857
  3. I mean, it's something. The following isn't encouraging though, if folks are scrambling to eat up existing housing for profit that doesn't bode well for those looking to buy a home to actually live in. Short-term rental listings on online platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, Expedia and FlipKey have expanded rapidly since the COVID-19 pandemic and are now at an all-time high, according to the province. The province said there are around 28,000 daily active short-term rental listings in B.C., which is an increase of 20 per cent from a year ago. Data indicates that more than 16,000 entire homes are being listed as short-term rentals for the majority of a calendar year, according to provincial officials. When I read stuff like this it just contributes to the idea of someday being able to buy a home feeling more and more like a pipe dream.
  4. Gonna put it in the icebox that is CDC and resume shitposting on main
  5. Gotta love those multinational corporate monopolies..
  6. I don't know, if I had a silver bullet answer for this conflict I'd happily offer it up. But again, I question the willingness of countries and governments around the world to participate in facilitating lasting change by providing longer-term resources. At the end of the day each country will ultimately look out for it's own, and costs of living and so on aren't issues unique to Canada and the US. There's also the Ukraine thing, which was already drawing many resources from countries through Europe, and from the US in particular. I'd love to see the international community step in and help facilitate lasting change but I seriously question whether they'll have the stomach for it if push comes to shove.
  7. Nobody is arguing that Hamas is a good thing. Ideally, yes, elections are a fantastic idea but getting to a place where that's a reality is probably easier said than done. Maybe, maybe not. It's hard to gauge how the events of the last week or so have shifted things, or to gauge what how the influence of outside parties like the US, Iran, and Russia will impact things. UN peacekeepers? I dunno, I question the stomach of North American and European nations to be involved longer than they have to be, but maybe. Again, I also question who funds it. I question the willingness of the international community to pony up, particularly post-Covid. I question how many resources the US and Europe will be willing to part with while the Ukraine conflict is going on, and I question whether other powers like China or India have any interest in supporting the Palestinian people. International support is great in theory though, don't get me wrong. As for democracy, I question who'd work to ensure that any such democracy has a chance to take root, assuming the Palestinian people are able to get to a point where that's actually a reality.
  8. I do agree that Hamas has to go, but I'm not optimistic about that really resolving much of anything if there aren't other changes that occur as well. I'd argue that there's no chance of peace while Israel plays an oppressive role as well, because so long as the Palestinian people are blockaded within a small strip of land, Israel controls resources, decides who comes and goes, and so on there will be resistance. Such treatment just further fuels anger, hatred, and so on. Another group could come along and manipulate such things. If anything is to change I think both Israel and the international community will have to play parts in shaping change going forward. Israel can shut down power, water, withhold fuel and other resources, they can also utilize their military might to control how outside aid is directed towards the Palestinian people. If there is to be long term peace I think this will need to eventually change. I also think part of the problem is some folks are quick to present Hamas and the Palestinian people as being one when it's more complicated than that. The Palestinian people and Israel need to both contribute to any lasting solution, which means that extreme leadership on either side is probably a stumbling block. For that to happen Hamas will need to be rooted out, new Palestinian leadership will need to be willing to work with Israel, and Israeli leadership will need to be willing to work with Palestinian leadership. It's a lot to ask for but we'll see.
  9. How? Supported by whom? And where? The Palestinian people appear to be caught between a rock and a hard place regarding Hamas and Israel. I had a post earlier in this thread getting into why there haven't been many open protests against Hamas, and repeatedly mentioned throughout the articles I shared we references to Hamas shutting down pushback. I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread support what Hamas has been doing, they're clearly part of the problem but there doesn't really appear to be a simple solution. More than likely they'll be difficult to root out. What I have seen understanding as to why there would be pushback and retaliation towards Israel. Further complicating things are the geopolitics of the region and the hands of other nations, including Russia, the US, and Iran, sticking their fingers in the pie. Gaza is being shelled, who's going to finance any rebuilding? Who's going to open up their wallet and finance things? Even if a Palestinian government were installed, who's going to stick around to try and ensure things remain stable? Who is actually interested in the Palestinian people enough to offer more than token gestures or thoughts and prayers? I doubt the US or Israel have any interest in propping them up. It's all such a mess, and that's before you get into history, factions, ideologies, oppression, and the parts each actor has played upon this stage both in the current day and historically.
  10. Seems fair, back to back hatties is tough to top
  11. Doubt he'll care, it's pocket change for him at this point. But yeah, I don't think anyone should be surprised by this?
  12. And you're not the only one, but I think they could still be in the mix. Markstrom, Huberdeau, and how the team as a whole responds to a new coach are the wildcards imo. But I think Flames management also sees this, which is why I think they're trying to toe the line of being competitive while restocking the cupboards. I don't think it can be emphasized enough how debilitating losing both Tkachuk and Gaudreau in short order was for their organization, Huberdeau coming back or not. I don't see how Flames management couldn't view their state of the franchise in a more pragmatic manner. The Flames will get a chance to compete, if they're able to they may largely be left intact. But if they Flame out by this winter I think there's a good chance players like Lindholm, Zadorov, Hanifin, Tanev, and maybe even a guy like Mangiapane are shipped out if there aren't real solid indications of them wanting to stick around going forward.
  13. If not for all those one goal games they lost last season they'd have been a playoff team, gotta think their management group looks at that statistic and believes that there's a chance they could make it. Probably contributed to Sutter's firing, they're probably hoping a new guy at the helm can steer the team back to having success. I wouldn't call them a lock by any stretch, but bounce back seasons by Markstrom and Huberdeau could go a long way. Is it likely? I wouldn't necessarily say so. Do I expect the Flames to be in the mix alongside the Canucks, Knights, Oilers, Kraken, and Kings? If they can squeeze more offense out of their forward group I don't see why not, their D is still solid and Marky even being average could have them trending in the right direction.
  14. Pretty much. How many times over the last couple decades have consumers been fucked over at the gas pump because of tensions in x or y? Oil companies will do whatever they can to extract more money from the general public. Which sucks, because costs of living are nuts and we're being gouged more post-Covid than ever.
  15. A trade with Vancouver also wouldn't really make sense unless Vancouver's prepared to pay a premium, which they shouldn't be. Calgary appears to be looking to try and balance competing for the playoffs with trying to restock the cupboards, trading a D to a divisional rival who is jockeying with them seems counterintuitive unless the price paid outweighs the cost. If Zadorov wears Canucks colours it'll likely be after he signs here as a UFA. Only exception to this probably involves the Flames having flamed out by December or January, at which point they'll likely just take whichever offer is highest. But if they're in the hunt for a spot I imagine they'll just keep him as their own rental.
  16. The US can't be trusted at all when it comes to geopolitics, they've meddled for years and others pay the price. They're alsp too enmeshed with Israel, sending them billions every year. Canada doesn't have the clout to do it even we weren't historically tethered to the US. But you've said this. I don't know, I don't think a single country could fix anything. I don't think peace is enforceable and the larger, more powerful players have already taken sides. I don't think there's a simple or easy solution, that's part of what spurs the perceived conflict in this thread. That and the history of both sides. This thread will probably be like CDC's God thread and eventually be shut down after it gets a bunch of people banned.
  17. They legit need to go back to these colours, so sick
  18. It's the power of the jersey, these things are fresh af Minty fresh in this case
  19. He's producing though, Tarasenko too Sens look to have some firepower whereas Tampa might just be in trouble without Vasi
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