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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Congratulations on this historic first, as far as I know you're the first legit troll we've had sign up so far on CFF. Please accept this complimentary picture of a Canucks jersey!
  2. Pleaaaaaase My fear is he'll perform just well enough for management to think he's worth keeping around Really gotta find a way to slot younger, cheaper forwards into the lineup going forward
  3. Agreed, it's not really a move that makes sense for a Winnipeg team that just showed they want to compete going forward. If they were thinking about tanking at all they wouldn't have handed out the twin deals they just did.
  4. Very good news. I know it might seem like I'm nitpicking a win, but I'd feel better about it if it hadn't required US pressure. They've pushed the Palestinian people to move to southern Gaza, providing them with the water they literally need to stay alive seems like the least they can do.
  5. So what you're telling me is that Malkin has been flexing on the rest of the league for years?
  6. And if many in western countries such as Canada and the US had their way they'd be treated similarly here. Sure, in Canada and the US it's not as if the government is going to execute someone for being LGBQTI+, but we've still seen what.. a record number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills in the US this year and we've seen more anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric occurring in Canada the last number of years as well. LGBTQ+ are still more likely to be violently victimized, they still experience stigma, in many countries they're more likely to be murdered, they're more likely to experience inappropriate sexual behaviour, they're more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol to cope, they're more likely to attempt suicide, and so on. I mean, we just finally banned conversion therapy. https://www.npr.org/2021/12/09/1062720266/canada-bans-conversion-therapy How the LGBTQ+ are treated around the world is sickening, certainly, I'm probably more likely than many on this forum to advocate for them, but when pointing fingers at other countries we need to be mindful of what happens at home. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/200909/dq200909a-eng.htm https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/wp-content/uploads/drupal/2019-05/Sexual minorities and suicide fact sheet.pdf Yup, religion and nationalism are cancerous when tethered to politics. That's a concerning show of force, can't help but wonder if this might not escalate in a way we haven't anticipated. Could be much more than a ground invasion. That's a weird one, it was pretty well reported that Israel was the one cutting things off.
  7. It's two games.. let's see how things play out. Injuries could devastate the lineup, players could fail, meet, or exceed expectations, and there are better teams out there than Edmonton. Things went well for two games, let's see if it's a theme that continues.
  8. I'm glad forum users are still making quality threads over there tbh
  9. Idk, maybe, but he's still got talent and I wouldn't be surprised to see him put up top six numbers
  10. Nice to see Monahan pitch in with a goal and an assist, if he can stay healthy he could lowkey be an integral piece for the Habs
  11. Hadn't considered this, could very well add to the death totals. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/who-order-to-evacuate-north-gaza-potentially-a-death-sentence-for-hospitalized/
  12. This is true, but pushing into territory and holding territory are two different things. Were the Palestinians in north Gaza not encouraged to move south or risk losing their lives? If the land is much more vacant than it was it'd be easier to hold as it's less populated, less populated also means it's harder for Hamas to blend in. Now, you may very well be right and the IDF may simply withdraw, but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't. Bodies aren't good for business but soldiers have always been pawns for the wealthy and powerful.
    1. aGENT


      Good for him! Why did you post this to my status? 🤣

    2. Coconuts


      Because you're probably the person I've seen mention him most over the last year or so, haha

    3. aGENT


      I was REALLY hoping we'd have the chance to draft him... Le sigh

  13. Matthews up to 5 goals in 2 games thus far, hot start. Hopefully Minny can come back. DeBrincat off to a hot start too, 4 points in 2 games thus far. 3 of them tonight. Can't help but wonder if Tampa might not have a goaltending issue after all.
  14. I don't know, but shelling x or y region won't necessarily lead to the definitive defeat of Hamas. I understand the desire to root them out, and the Palestinian people would be better off if they were, but rooting them out probably isn't as simple as rolling in however many thousand troops and military assets. As you said, they're not all likely just going to hang out waiting to be blown up. I'm skeptical as to whether Israel will withdraw from Gaza, seems like the perfect opportunity to seize it given they've already informed Palestinians that they should flee for their lives. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, what happens next is honestly anyone's guess. My assumption is things won't just go back to how they were before, it'll probably be different but I'm just not sure how. It's going to be really interesting to see how things play out for Hamas, the Palestinian people, and Israel going forward. Even if active combat subsides there's still probably a fallout of some sort. How couldn't there be? If only on a legal, military, or policy level. It's not like any side is going to move on as if nothing has happened. I don't know what Israel wants to do with Gaza going forward, hence my concern. How they behaved before the most recent Hamas attack doesn't necessarily dictate how they'll proceed going forward, I think this could probably said of political moves as well. This was the largest Hamas assault ever was it not? Or at least in recent memory? I'd imagine there's a lot of fear, shock, trauma, anger, and so on within Israel now that can be directly tied to the Hamas attack, I wouldn't be surprised to see politicians try to capitalize on that to push political agendas through or to try and win political points. I don't need to know the ins and outs of Israeli politics to understand that politicians will be politicians, or that a notable tragedy can fuel unexpected or previously unthinkable decisions. I don't have a crystal ball telling me what the Israeli government will do, and I mention them specifically because while they aren't representative of every Israeli, Israel isn't a monolith, they are calling the shots. It's worth asking because any faction that doesn't want to fight openly will likely insert itself into the general Palestinian populace, they provide cover and somewhere to hide. Ideologies are a tough thing to kill, and the lives lost on each side will likely spur on countless ideologies.
  15. He's rather useless on the ice when he's not being a thug, one of the last of a dying breed. I get that Toronto wanted to add some "toughness" but he was a questionable addition for a roster that was already defensively questionable.
  16. This is big concern of mine, with Israeli armed forces now rolling into Gaza what incentive are they going to have to leave and allow the Palestinian people to return? With all the bombings and so on what's going to be left to return to? I could see a line of reasoning that would say the Palestinians, and Hamas, would be easier to keep an eye on within a smaller stretch of land. Was saying this yesterday, I fear Israel may use Hamas's assault to justify a land grab and assault on any Palestinians in the area. It's not as if there was much notice.
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