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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Wonder if they're helping Ottawa clear room for Pinto
  2. Couldn't the opposite be said though? Makar has absolutely benefitted from having Toews as a partner, their synergy is something special There's no question as to who the better player is, but sometimes having a complimentary partner helps a player level up so to speak What if Makar was playing with a Myers type?
  3. Trading them both would be a great way to shave cap, it'd be great if players like Podz and Hoglander could take steps forward this season and fill those slots. This isn't to say Garland or Beau couldn't provide a level of value, we're just going to need to slot cheaper forwards into our lineup going forward as guys like Pettersson and Hronek get paid. I'm hoping Beau is traded or allowed to walk for exactly this reason.
  4. I think this is important, it's common for fans to express hopes that players will take less in order to help work towards being a contender, it happens here and it happened on CDC for years. People will point to past players like Burrows and Kesler, when more often than not that just doesn't happen and when it does it's often after a player has already won or gotten close to winning. Colorado has the benefit of Toews already having won a cup with them, they have the benefit of being a legit contender who is positioned to continue contending. The Avs are, and will likely continue to be, a top team. It's much easier for the Avs GM to have pointed at the success the Avs have had and to say "take a bit less, stick around and be part of our continued success" than it is for Rutherford and co to be like "hey Pettersson, please take a bit less than your market value in hopes of winning something with a team that's spun it's wheels for years". The Canucks don't have the same leverage of having been a top tier team who's been in the mix for a cup, they can't even argue they've consistently been competitive, not during Pettersson's stint as a Canuck. More often than not star players do not take discounts, every fanbase hopes that their top players will and more often than not it doesn't typically happen. The Canucks are trying to win Pettersson over, that's pretty clear, but I think that has more about trying to get him to sign long term as opposed to trying to get him to take a discount. Pettersson is instrumental to any notions of the Canucks being contenders any time soon, more likely than not he gets paid 11.5M+ and gets to dictate whether he wants to stick around on a medium or long term deal. It's not as if the Canucks are going to win a trade that involves shipping Pettersson out, finding a prime-aged 1C is a hard thing to do in this league. .
  5. That'd be ideal, he was out for most of last season, if Columbus is to build success they're going to need him on the ice
  6. Arguing on the internet is just turned based combat 

  7. Picked out the bits that really jumped out to me. My fear is that Israel will use the Hamas attack as a lever to enact not only an indiscriminate ethnic cleansing, but a land grab as well. How the hell are the Palestinian people supposed to evacuate en masse on such short notice? More than likely airstrikes and bombing are ongoing, there really isn't anywhere safe to actually go, many roads and routes are likely rubble, fuel is probably scarce if Israel hasn't been supplying it, resources are probably scarce, and Israel's blockade is still in place. Israel's shutting off water and likely stemming the flow of food doesn't help either. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-military-tells-united-nations-over-one-million-palestinians-should-evacuate-southern-gaza-within-24-hours/ Israeli military aircraft dropped thousands of leaflets on the northern Gaza Strip Friday warning residents in that part of the Palestinian territory to evacuate to its southern half. The Israeli military informed the United Nations late Thursday night that the entire population in northern Gaza should evacuate south almost immediately. Stephane Dujarric, a U.N. spokesperson, told CBS News that liaison officers with the Israel Defense Forces informed the U.N. just before midnight Gaza time Thursday that the entire population north of Wadi Gaza should "relocate to southern Gaza within the next 24 hours." According to the U.N., about 1.1. million people live in northern Gaza, the most densely populated part of the territory. The U.N. "considers it impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences," Dujarric said, and it "strongly appeals for any such order, if confirmed, to be rescinded avoiding what could transform what is already a tragedy into a calamitous situation." Early Friday local time, the IDF ordered Gaza City's hundreds of thousands of residents to move farther south in the Gaza Strip for their "own safety." In response, Hamas called on Palestinians to stay put in their homes, according to The Associated Press. The order comes as Israel continues to conduct relentless airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in the wake of Saturday's Hamas terror attacks, and prepares for an expected ground invasion of Gaza. "Don't return to your homes until further notice from the Israel Defense Forces," the Israeli leaflets warned Palestinians who have few options for escape, adding that "all known and public shelters in Gaza City must be evacuated." About 300,000 Israeli soldiers have amassed outside the border of the Gaza Strip. Israel Defense Forces international spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus on Wednesday did not explicitly say Israel was preparing a ground assault of Gaza, but noted the troops, along with tanks, armored vehicles and other artillery, were "making preparations for the next stage of the war which will come when the timing is opportune and fit for our purposes." Israeli officials said Thursday that at least 1,300 people have been killed in the Hamas invasion, and at least 2,800 more wounded. At least 1,537 Gaza residents have been killed in Israel's counterattacks, including 500 children, and another 6,600 wounded, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Since the Hamas invasion, Israel has issued a complete blockade on Gaza, with no food, water, gas, medicine or electricity allowed in, putting the region on the brink of a humanitarian crisis.
  8. Gotta credit Sakic and the Avs for that, Lou gave up on him too quickly, once upon a time folks used to lambast Sakic as a mediocre GM Funny how things work out
  9. I remember it being pegged as a fair trade at the time, it didn't age well though But everything just kinda came together for the Avs, Mac was realizing his potential and the team went supernova once Makar stepped in Hockey's funny that way sometimes, Avs made a lot of smart moves but they also got lucky
  10. And he's staying on for a hair less than what OEL's cap hit was for us
  11. Contention bargain, looks like Friedman was onto something with Toews this morning
  12. Could possibly see a D swap then? I dunno, with Werenski out we may see Columbus slide early on
  13. Could be nothing, could be something. I'm pretty sure Toews has said he wants to stay and while Friedman plays the speculation game he does hear things.
  14. Shame, he's such a likeable dude, good addition when healthy too
  15. It's probably age. Hughes is 22 going on 23, put up nearly 100 points in his 21-22 season. Pettersson is nearly 25 and broke 100 during his 23-24 season. Hughes is also a top pick, I think age factored with potential would probably be what had him slightly further ahead of Pettersson. Although at this point Pettersson is muc better defensively, no question. Either way, Pettersson is viewed as elite and likely cracks a top 10 forward list for many hockey pundits. If he cracks 100 again I don't see why he couldn't get a MacKinnon contract.
  16. Wouldn't surprise me, hockey circles are recognizing him as elite. The Score had him ranked at #13 on their top 100 NHL players list for example. A couple D in Fox and Makar ranked ahead of them though, so you could really have him close to being in their top 10 forwards. The centers ahead of him were Hughes, Crosby, Matthews, Draisaitl, MacKinnon, and McDavid. https://www.thescore.com/news/2731372
  17. Columbus could spiral early again if it's a significant injury, what a tough break for the guy.
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