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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. More than likely a deal gets done and he stays in Tampa but that won't put a stop to speculation throughout the season, particularly as we get towards the end of it https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/2736140 Steven Stamkos will have to wait until the end of the 2023-24 campaign before he gets a new contract. The Tampa Bay Lightning captain is entering the final season of an eight-year, $68-million deal inked in 2016. Stamkos said on the first day of training camp in September that he hoped to get an extension done over the summer and was "disappointed" by the lack of talk toward a deal. He added that there hadn't been any conversations but was "ready whenever" to begin discussions. However, Lightning general manager Julien BriseBois said Wednesday that he'll let the campaign play out before negotiating a new deal with Stamkos. "Ultimately, I made the decision that it's in the best interest of our organization to wait until after the season to see what we have here, see how we perform, see how all these different, new pieces fit," BriseBois told The Athletic's Pierre LeBrun. "Then we'll be in a better position to make the best decision to set ourselves up for continued success." BriseBois wasn't shy about signing extensions this offseason. He handed Brandon Hagel an eight-year, $52-million extension and gave Darren Raddysh a two-year, $1.95-million deal in August. The Lightning also project to have over $10 million in cap space next summer, and Stamkos is the only notable upcoming unrestricted free agent. But BriseBois is adamant that he wants Stamkos to remain with the club over the long haul. "I've stated that I think it would be great for the organization for Steven to finish his career here. He wants that," Brisebois said. "But what we want is for Steven to finish off his career in Tampa and for the club to continue to be legitimate Stanley Cup contenders for the remainder of his tenure." Stamkos recorded 34 goals and 50 assists in 81 games last season. The 33-year-old picked up an assist in the club's victory on opening night Tuesday. The Lightning selected Stamkos first overall in 2008. He's the franchise's all-time leader in goals (515) and points (1,057). Stamkos also ranks second in games played (1,004) and assists (542) behind Vincent Lecavalier and Martin St. Louis, respectively, but both records could be his by the end of this season.
  2. Hughes is something else DeBrincat off to a good start
  3. Don't think I've seen anything about this here https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/12/israel-white-phosphorus-used-gaza-lebanon
  4. I could see him rehabilitating some of his value but I doubt he'd ever garner a 1st, and if he's playing that well I imagine the Canucks would just opt to keep him or find some sort of lateral salary that brings a reasonably valued player back
  5. It's like picking which form of torture is your favourite
  6. Tough break for them though, refs in late season form
  7. Laffy with the first Rangers goal of the season, could this be the year he becomes a legit top six forward? https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1712610619101204480/vid/avc1/1280x720/v0Awg7wksp1o27yp.mp4?tag=16
  8. First game, first point for Fantilli https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1712612406789058560/vid/avc1/1280x720/1G-nJ2FZ_sFQ0TSh.mp4?tag=14
  9. I was wondering about the merging posts bit, but it looks like someone asked. So, if I wait more than five minutes between posts they won't merge? Or if someone posts before I post again?
  10. Cross-posted from the zombie Canucks site for more active participation and input. My money is on Sidney Crosby or Marcus Pettersson. Crosby because his deal will be up in a couple seasons, just offer him a Sundin deal and gun for a cup. Who wouldn't want to bring on a top-5 all-time forward? What even is a salary cap? It's not like it impacts the Leafs, just ignore it. With all the Pittsburgh guys we've got he couldn't possibly say no, in the meantime we just need to empty the coffers to acquire more Penguins, this would make him feel right at home. We could start today with Phil Kessel, he's an unsigned UFA. Who wouldn't want to see Phil the Thrill line up alongside the not-D Pettersson? Aqua's would make a mint and jersey sales would go through the roof. Pettersson because, uh, Pettersson. Duh. He's a UFA in two years and could be paired with our other D Pettersson. I eagerly await your input.
  11. Well, we could always use more trade chips.. Guddy at 3M wouldn't be so bad, still not ideal but better than 4M I got a chuckle out of this, my apologies If Guddy's relied on to simply mind his own end for the most part I could see him doing alright, particularly on a team more committed to a defensive structure, he played on such a team in Calgary and had his best season in years
  12. This shit never ends, just relocate them already https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe/2023/10/12/arizona-investigating-tempe-contract-influence-coyotes-area-vote/71144953007/ The Arizona Attorney General's Office is investigating Tempe for possibly violating open meeting laws and using tens of thousands of public dollars in an effort to influence the outcome of the Arizona Coyotes election. Both allegations have to do with Tempe hiring a political consultant to monitor and geolocate opponents of the project using social media, as described by the scope of work. Tempe quietly hired the consulting firm, called Strategy 48, on Oct. 15, 2022, without a public vote. That was three weeks before Tempe "reserved" a spot on its special election ballot for the Coyotes' $2.1 billion proposal to build an NHL arena and entertainment district on city-owned property. Residents decisively rejected the project on May 16. Tempe paid the Phoenix-based public relations firm more than $32,000 for services that are typically used by political campaigns, rather than by government bodies. A city document obtained by The Arizona Republic shows the contractor's scope of work included: Identifying social media pages "that could provide a platform for project opposition to publicize their concerns," as well as analyzing media stories and online posts to "better understand potential opposition messaging strategy." Tracking the social media activity of individuals who post about the project and working to "determine where they live" in order to gather "data needed to identify and micro-target messaging." Developing a long-term outreach plan in coordination with the Coyotes. In addition to being the main beneficiary of the project, the NHL franchise also ran the vote "yes" campaign. "The city's intention to develop an outreach plan in coordination with the Coyotes was a brazen and illegal attempt to promote the passage of the Coyotes referendum," said Ron Tapscott, a leader in the Tempe 1st opposition campaign. "This surveillance effort raises serious issues about legality, transparency and democracy in our city. Tempe residents deserve an explanation." The people who call the shots in Tempe:Who is on Tempe City Council? What to know about members The Arizona Republic asked Tempe for that explanation. All of the city's answers are available here. Tempe did not directly address questions about how the contract benefited residents and whether it was a legitimate use of public funds. The city's official response was simply that former City Manager Andrew Ching created the contract. Ching hired Strategy 48 and, per state law, contracts under $100,000 do not require council approval. Ching told The Republic that Mayor Corey Woods was the one who requested the contract. In an emailed statement to The Republic, Ching said Woods specifically recommended Strategy 48. "As a result of several conversations with (Woods) in 2022 … I met with two firms, both of which were suggested by (the mayor)," Ching wrote. "While the contract was officially initiated and administered by me … the main purpose of their engagement was to provide information and strategy to, and to receive direction and feedback from, the mayor and council." In a statement to The Republic, Woods said, "I chatted informally with (Ching) last year about the need for a better understanding of public opinion and improving the city's communications strategy. That conversation was not specifically focused on the (Coyotes project), but on a range of issues." The mayor went on to say he "suggested a couple of companies who I thought might be able to help — but I did not initiate the contract or negotiate the contract. In fact, I never once saw that contract or its scope of work. In sum, the city did nothing wrong here, nor did I." City Attorney Sonia Blain's office is responsible for signing off on the legality of such deals and the city said it followed guidance from its legal office. The consultants' findings were discussed with City Council members during closed-door executive sessions — the subject of at least one potential state law violation being investigated. The city attorney is also responsible for deciding what topics qualify for those private meetings under state law. Tempe spokesperson Kris Baxter-Ging wrote that Tempe behaved "in accordance with Arizona law." She added that Tempe did not know it was under state investigation until Thursday morning. "The city is in the process of reviewing the notice from the Attorney General. We intend to cooperate fully with Attorney General Mayes, and we look forward to the full truth coming out," the city wrote in an email on Thursday. Richie Taylor, Attorney General's Office communications director, had already confirmed via email on Wednesday that the office was actively investigating Tempe in response to a complaint filed by Tapscott and two other Tempe 1st members. State investigators are trying to determine whether the city's actions violated at least two state laws, namely: Arizona's Open Meeting Law. Local officials have to make most city decisions publicly. There are nine exceptions, most of which are related to legal advice or security discussions. Presentations about campaign messaging aren't typically covered by those exemptions. But Tempe never publicly discussed the contract itself or the consultant's work. The state statute on "electioneering." Cities and towns are explicitly barred from using public dollars in an effort to influence the outcome of elections. That can include funding opposition research on behalf of a campaign like the Coyotes' Tempe Wins political action committee, depending on when and how it happens. To prove a violation of the Open Meeting Law, state investigators must determine whether the City Council received reports from the consultant or discussed the firm's findings during executive sessions. Tempe would have to make a case that there was some type of legitimate legal sensitivity that exempted those discussions from the open meeting statute. The electioneering allegation is more complex. Nuances in the law could make a big difference, according to former Assistant Attorney General Tom Collins, who now heads the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission. One has to do with when exactly city campaign spending constitutes a violation. An attorney general opinion from 2015 says the electioneering prohibitions kick in once someone files an application for a serial number for a ballot initiative or referendum," the first step in getting a measure on the ballot. The Coyotes organization announced that it planned to begin collecting signatures in November. That step follows the serial number application, so it's likely Tempe's contract was finalized a few weeks before the cutoff date. But the contract remained in effect until December. And Collins said that if Tempe or its city-funded consultant shared information with the Coyotes campaign — which the contract's scope of work indicates they planned to do — a court could interpret Tempe's behavior as a violation. "(If) the opinion is read to say that prior to the issuance of a (ballot petition) serial number, there is no law that applies to this situation, I think that would be overemphasizing the timeline and underemphasizing reality," said Collins, a Tempe resident. Tempe wrote to The Republic that "there was no sharing of documents by city staff with any outside organizations." The issue is there were no "documents" that staffers could have shared, according to an email sent by Interim Deputy City Clerk Karen Doncovio that indicates the consultant did not produce physical reports for Tempe. "All outgoing information regarding this project produced by the City of Tempe was designed in accordance with Arizona law," the city said in its statement. Whatever the outcome of the attorney general's probe, Collins explained there could still be legal implications if the contract expenditure isn't considered a legitimate use of city funds. He also cited possible ethical issues given that the city was tracking its own residents. "If you are examining critics of the government and you work for the government … the first question you have to ask yourself is, why are you paying to do research on critics of the government or potential critics of the government? That's got all kinds of other potential implications," he said.
  13. @Sabrefan1 https://www.nhl.com/sabres/news/buffalo-sabres-tage-thompson-letter-to-buffalo-2023-24-season-opener
  14. https://www.timesofisrael.com/protests-against-hamas-reemerge-in-the-streets-of-gaza-but-will-they-persist/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-security-forces-disperse-rare-protests-against-the-group-in-gaza/ https://apnews.com/article/gaza-hamas-demonstration-israel-blockade-palestinians-306b19228f9dd21f1036386ce3709672 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/07/world/middleeast/gaza-strip-protests-hamas.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-60173481 Let's work through them, picking out chunks from each. It's pretty clear why pushback against Hamas doesn't happen as often as you'd like. The Palestinian people aren't impacted by one oppressive force, but two.
  15. Yup, tribalism. How quickly some people sacrifice their empathy at the alter of tribalism, how quickly some people minimize the lives of those who don't belong to their supported faction. I feel for Israeli families who have had their family ripped apart, for fathers and mothers who have lost children, for children and youth who've lost siblings and parents. I feel similarly for the Palestinian people who have and will continue to experience similar losses, because Israel's retribution will be widespread and both their government and folks around the world will be quick to write off dead civilians as collateral damage as they work to root out Hamas. I feel for those such as yourself who are hoping those they care for will get through this unscathed somehow. I point fingers at Hamas for carrying out the attacks and their disregard of human life, and I will continue to point fingers at and criticize Israel for their historical treatment of what are essentially Palestinian captives. Israel is a world power backed by the largest military power in the world, they dictate many facets of Palestinian life and can deprive their captives of essentials like food, water, fuel, and power for whatever reason they feel like coming up with. Their treatment of the Palestinian people has contributed to this cycle of hatred, violence, and death and will continue to unless they take a step back from their roles of oppressor and colonizer. When discussing things like war and geopolitics it's easy to fall into the trap of dehumanizing people. Maybe this whole thing is too deep rooted, maybe there never is anything more than perhaps an uneasy peace or ceasefire, but unless Israel plays a role in changing things for the better we'll never know.
  16. Me@Buffalo But for real, this deal probably ends up looking like a steal sooner than later given how the cap is gonna jump
  17. We've won every game we've played against the Oil this season, if we play them every game we'll go 82-0
  18. Which is impressive considering how much time he spent being coached by Travis Green
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