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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. If he plays his cards right he could probably catch Kuzmenko
  2. I'd be surprised, if teams valued him enough to take on his cap hit and give up value he'd likely be gone by now
  3. He should set his standards lower and focus on Crosby or McDavid first..
  4. Pens came undone in the third, shame. But hey, every two points Chicago gets this season is good, keep em away from a top three pick.
  5. Probably this, the only move out there for Garland likely involves taking a contract with a similar cap hit and similar term back I could legit see a move for Gudbranson though
  6. Perhaps, but if Garland was an asset that would get the Canucks a great return he'd have done so already. If Garland wants out it's likely other teams know about it, this hurts the leverage of the Canucks in negotiations. Nucks fans have been talking about how to potentially move him since like.. last spring. Guddy, or a player of similar value (including contract value), may simply be what's available.
  7. If Garland wants out and other teams know he wants out that really damages the Canucks ability to get a fair return. They may have to take what they can get.
  8. Possibly, I did say this could be a hiccup. But I could also very easily see a world where Guddy opts to join a team that's probably closer to making the playoffs than Columbus if given the opportunity. New coach, new teammates, new management, it's not as if he'd be coming back to what he left.
  9. If possible, sure. But if the idea is for the Canucks to trade Garland I believe their trade options will be more limited. Like I said, trading for Guddy wouldn't be ideal but it could still tick some boxes. It also frees up a forward slot. Cole and Myers are both up at the end of the year, Guddy's salary would roughly be a wash because it'd be swapped for Garland's. If the Canucks want to tinker further with their defense going forward they should have the flex to do so. Having Hughes and Hronek could absolutely be a reality going forward even if we did acquire Guddy. I think we walk away from Myers, Guddy would replace some of his size.
  10. I dunno, hard to say what happens with Iran, particularly after after the death of Mahsa/Jina Amini. The civil unrest in Iran hasn't just disappeared. It's not as if they have many allies. I don't see the Iranian regime being prepared to openly provoke both Israel and the US. But yeah, I dunno, I just feel for the Palestinian people. While I do recognize that Israel should be able to defend itself I think their being an oppressive force or presence can simultaneously be true. I question the will of the UN or NATO to do much of anything considering the US alone sends Israel billions of dollars every year. At the end of the day Israel and it's allies likely roll over Hamas and the Palestinian people probably continue to suffer while Israel dictates their quality of life, I don't see why Israel wouldn't just maintain what's been the status quo.
  11. I dunno, maybe? We know the Canucks kept tabs on what we said over at CDC, there's no way they don't know about this forum. Wouldn't be surprised if they plucked ideas from the fanbase the way the local media does.
  12. Even if Hamas is rooted out, and there's a good chance it happens, will that really put an end to things? What comes next? Israel can shut off the power, shut off the water, control who comes and goes, they can do any of this at any time for any reason. Palestinians are landlocked and blockaded, noncombative Palestinian men, women, and children have all been killed this year by Israeli forces. Land and homes continue to be seized. Tensions aren't just going to dissipate. The attacks on Israeli citizens by Hamas are awful, certainly, but are Israeli lives worth more than Palestinian lives? It's not as if Hamas represents over a million Palestinians. Israel continues to encroach and colonize, I have a hard time seeing what are already miserable conditions for Palestinians improving any time soon. My speaking to this is not antisemitism, I simply have doubts regarding Israel's interest in the human rights of those who are about to be caught in the crossfire.
  13. Hamas are terrorists, certainly. But Israel's practicing of apartheid over the past however many decades only exacerbates the willingness of individuals to join up. At the end of the day both Israeli and Palestinian civilians are the ones who will pay the price. If anything it'll likely result in more Palestinian lives being lost than Israeli though.
  14. I'm not justifying the attacks on Israeli civilians, but maybe if Israel wasn't practicing modern day apartheid there wouldn't be pushback in the form of attacks and resistance.
  15. He had a good season in Calgary, if the Canucks are collectively better defensively Guddy likely would be as well imo.
  16. Yes, Garland has neutral value at best imo, which is why we'll likely have to swap him for a cap hit of roughly equal size to move him. Guddy does fill a position of need, even if it's on the third pairing. But hey, he played okay in Calgary within a defensive structure, who's to say he couldn't do it here. And yeah, he brings elements our D lacks. He just needs to not hurt us while providing size, grit, and pushback. Maybe he can do that. I think they want Cole in the top 4, but who knows. We def need D and we're not in a position to be picky, and that means picky with trade particulars regarding Garland and what we're able to acquire in the way of a D. It's not ideal, but a Garland is likely to be less than ideal if it happens anyway. Eh, the way I look at it is Guddy would also replace some of the size we'll likely let walk in Myers.
  17. Not-dead CDC, not-dead OEL cap hit, not-dead Garland cap hit Don't these things happen in threes?
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