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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Word has it Columbus is trying to move a D, folks have mentioned Peeke but he may not be the guy Columbus is trying to move. Now, this proposal is mostly for shit's and giggles but here we go. To Vancouver Guddy boi To Columbus Garland Both players have three years remaining on their deals, Garland makes almost 1M more than Guddy though. Columbus looks to have the cap space to eat the difference if I'm not mistaken. Guddy is a meat and potatoes RD who is probably overpaid for what he brings, but he's an RD and the Canucks are almost certainly going to have to eat cap coming back in any trade involving Garland anyway. Stop dreaming of clearing Garlands entire cap hit, if it was going to happen it would have by now. No, it's not ideal, but it does bring us an RD who'd add some grit and size. The only potential hiccup is Guddy's 10-team NTC, but given where Columbus has been I don't see why he wouldn't be open to playing for a team that is probably more competitive than his current team.
  2. It'd be funny if it wound up being Gudbranson coming back for a second stint and not Peeke A straight across swap with Guddy's NTC being the only potential hiccup
  3. There is a divide though, particularly in a United States that has seen what is a record number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills this past year if I remember correctly. Folks want to fuss about removing politics, ect from hockey and just focusing on the game but that's impossible because the person is political. For one, sports have included national anthems for years. Pretending that the top hockey league in the world, a billion dollar industry with a public presence, can just somehow not be tethered to the public discourse is naive. Banning expression isn't going to negate a divide existing. The NHL took public steps towards promoting inclusivity, campaigned on hockey is for everyone, featured on ice gestures of support for what's historically been an oppressed and marginalized demographic and then tried to close Pandora's box when they realized how complicated it can be and that promoting such things comes with pushback. Of course they're getting pushback, being criticized, ect. This won't be going away for the NHL.
  4. If I had to guess it's the Soucy bit and not Garland asking to be moved, if the Canucks are going to make a trade to clear space it'll be them trying to move a forward. Maybe they don't want to move the guy who'd be easier to move in Beauvillier, who is the guy I'd have tried to move out months ago.
  5. Hard to say, maybe he wants a full-time top six role. Maybe he wants powerplay time. Maybe it's the Canucks being all "we don't want you but haven't been able to find a taker, you find us one.". Could be the Soucy injury is worse than we know and there's suddenly pressure to fit another D in somewhere.
  6. I just don't think you can have it one way. Last season they allowed players their rights to expression by allowing them to not wear x or do x, they should be allowing the players who want to do x to do x. The issue is blanket banning expression via jersey or tape. This is absolutely something players are going to take issue with, and it could very easily be presented as a freedom of expression issue. Guys are allowed to be disappointed and upset with the NHL's ruling on this, good on Reilly for speaking up. Sure, players can still do what they want off the ice, but blanket banning on-ice expression caters to a small minority, and does completely undermines the hockey is for everyone stance the NHL has been giving lip service to that last number of years. The NHL is trying to navigate it in a way that protects their brand and doesn't single out players, the problem with their approach is that by blanket banning it they're catering to the few players who didn't want to do x and restricting everyone else who had no issue using jerseys and tape. There is no nice, clean route here for the NHL, this move presents as a lack of spine and either catering to a small minority of players or to certain segments of NHL fanbases.
  7. Shades of Brock Boeser's agent being given permission to seek a trade, and probably the same result
  8. Hoping more players push back at this a bit, make it a freedom of expression issue
  9. Which means this thread will hit ten pages or more and they'll make a trade with someone else
  10. Rags are better off being patient with Laf imo, disappointing thus far or not he does likely have higher upside than Podz. And when I say disappointing I mean in relation to his draft spot.
  11. Bear is meh, I'd rather see what the guys we already have signed can do
  12. I think they'll look to add if they can, wouldn't be surprised if they're still waiting for clarity on how long Soucy could be out.
  13. I don't know about overall but CDC felt that way. I joined up in my late teens, but as time went on CDC felt like it was made up of more a 40+ demographic.
  14. Yeah, we added Hronek on the back end as a roundabout return for Horvat but we never actually replaced Horvat's offense. Hronek should help the back end chip in more, at least in theory, we'll see how that plays out. PK should be better given the guys they added, but I'm gonna wait and see what the regular season results actually end up being first before I proclaim our PK vastly improved. Could struggle at five on five, certainly. Hard to say how our powerplay runs too, we'll see. I'm expecting a drop off at offense under Tocchet, we'll see if an improved commitment to D can mitigate it a bit. Biggest thing is the team, and Demko, getting off to a good start. Pacific should be competitive, Calgary, LA, Vegas, Edmonton, and Seattle will all be jockeying for spots imo.
  15. Yup, they'll both be 38 a couple months before their deals are up if I'm not mistaken.
  16. Yup, not sure how Helle will age. He's elite though, one of the few tenders who definitively is, guess we'll see. Maybe he holds up better. Surprised Scheifele stayed, surprised they kept him. Hard to replace though. Jets have to pay to keep guys in Winnipig, it was either this or lean towards a rebuild of sorts. Ehhh, some folks were arguing he could get more, I was one of them. His current cap hit is good value at the moment, the key phrase being at the moment. Part of the rift over Miller relates to differences in opinion as to how he'll age. I think he'd be less of a polarizing point amongst the fanbase if his deal was only four years long as opposed to seven, lot of folks aren't interested in giving players large dollars late into their 30's. Lot of Jets fans probably feeling this today. I'm skeptical of how his deal will age, always was, I would have flipped him for assets. But he's locked in now, we'll have to wait and see.
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