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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. This has been touched on actually, but before you joined up I'd imagine I think there's an appetite for a progressive Conservative party in Canada, the current iteration seems to be emulating the US too much A lot of folks who lean right probably don't lean far right, Canada has historically leaned left and realistically that probably applies to a good chunk of Canada's right Right but left leaning right results in folks being closer to the center, which I think is probably better for Canada's right anyway, and the country
  2. Arizona needs a fresh start, the biggest problem in Arizona is they've never, ever been consistently competitive. It's always been a bit of a gong show outside of the odd few seasons. This is exactly what the NHL would be trying to avoid in Atlanta, they had the same issue while the Thrashers were there. I think an expansion process favouring expansion teams is more likely to get expansion organizations off on the right foot, even if it is at the expense of current NHL rosters. I think Houston would do better, Dallas already being established in Texas makes that one much easier. Salt Lake City is eh but we'll see. I do think the NHL wants to push and create new hockey fans where there aren't hockey fans, going back to Atlanta with a strong ownership group committed to actually icing a competitive product could do that. I think the Houston/Dallas thing sells itself. Quebec I'd welcome, at the very least it'd increase our odds of bringing a cup back to Canada. I'm sure there are many hockey fans across the league who aren't keen on expansion, I certainly am not, but I also recognize that money has and will repeatedly outweigh what fans want.
  3. Expansion would probably be staggered, maybe a couple teams at a time in short order, but yeah the expansion draft would be very chaotic for whichever teams are the most competitive at the time I think there's too much money in it for it not to happen though, expansion is inevitable, particularly after the success of both Seattle and Vegas Ain't as much money in relocation but I do think the Coyotes will need a new home at some point
  4. Interesting I suppose, I don't really think of hockey when I think of Utah but I suppose there existing teams in nearby states
  5. Arizona in particular could use such a financial lifeline, although I do think there's a chance they relocate if they can't get the arena figured sooner than later
  6. I'd rather it not happen at all but there's been rumblings of Atlanta expansion for a while, I made the CDC thread back in early March If anything the success of Seattle last year combined with Vegas winning a championship so soon is spurring potential owners and cities to try and get in on the action, therefore I'd be surprised if the NHL took a lengthy amount of time to capitalize on the interest Quebec getting a team seems inevitable given the rink is there and a Nordiques fanbase would always sell out the arena Salt Lake city is the one that surprises me a bit but Houston and Atlanta make sense if the idea is to reach a bunch of people who aren't already hockey fans Texas has the Stars but that state has a large enough population to easily support another franchise, plus an in-state rivalry could spur hockey in Texas to new heights
  7. There's an investigation? What investigation? Or so the league would have us believe..
  8. I think Lindholm ends up staying but Hanifin goes, with Kadri and Huberdeau up front it doesn't make sense not to keep Lindholm but I don't think Hanifin wants to stay. Calgary could very well make the playoffs this season, they were unusually awful in one goal games last season and I just don't see that happening again. Marky bouncing back alongside Huberdeau would go a long way. Hanifin would likely return futures in the form of picks and prospects imo, but that's not the end of the world because Calgary should be toeing the line between restocking their system and trying to compete anyway. With the contracts they have on the books it doesn't make sense not to imo.
  9. If anyone's still pining for Cal Foote we can grab him for free..
  10. I've only had the 12 but I remember my first impression as being impressed, it's very smooth
  11. Raymond, Ballard, and what's left of CDC They can't have the 1st
  12. Ekholm was a good add for the Oil but I dunno about having them ahead of us. That being said, we haven't actually gotten much of a look at our revamped defense yet and Ekhold did play with the Oil down the stretch last season, I guess we'll see. Our defense should be improved this season, at least in theory, but we'll have to see how things go once the regular season starts.
  13. Doesn't seem like much of a problem, they should just let him play out most of the season in the AHL though. First round picks can benefit from AHL time and if they want him to develop into more than a bottom six player they'd be better off putting him in an environment where he can play top six minutes and where he can play on special teams, Abbotsford is that environment.
  14. Toews would be a great get for any team but he is going to command premium dollars and term. He can afford to go for the money having won a cup, and probably will. If anyone is gonna get him on a more palatable deal it'll probably be the Avs though.
  15. https://www.nhlpa.com/news/1-22551/derek-stepan-announces-retirement-after-13-nhl-seasons Statement from Derek Stepan: “After 13 years in the NHL I’ve decided to retire. I want to thank my family and friends for always supporting me and allowing me to live my dreams. I want to thank the four organizations I had the privilege of playing for, and to my teammates for allowing me to be part of their family. Finally, I want to thank the fans, it was an honor to play in front of you. I’m forever grateful for this game and I look forward to the next chapter.”
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