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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. That's a bummer, was wondering what the delay was Good for him if he's claimed though, he wasn't gonna get another crack at it here
  2. Probably, thing is the Wild absolutely have to keep Kaprizov happy because they may as well rebuild without him
  3. Tampa or Colorado would be upgrades for him, CBJ not so much, mind you they look better after this past offseason It'd be neat to see if he could carve out an NHL role elsewhere
  4. I don't see why not so long as they're not sketch Let's be real, a lot of us probably don't pay to watch, I sure don't
  5. Two year deal, 4.125M https://www.nhl.com/wild/news/minnesota-wild-signs-mats-zuccarello-to-contract-extension
  6. Nature's term limit, political office shouldn't be a hospice and yet the US is largely run by a bunch of ancient white folk They need actual term limits so they don't just hold on to office as long as they can
  7. Correct, that's what I used for the October GDT I made yesterday Is possible, I opted for a monthly megathread format but going back to week to week is possible I'm not overly attached to taking it over, if others wanna jump in some months (or weeks if we revert) that's totally cool I've just enjoyed some of the back and forth in them over the years so I figured it'd be worth continuing
  8. Free the Saniel Dedin before CDC dies 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jess


      If he's locked away, it's because he likes it that way:




      He had one warning from Deb (that was later reversed) I think but nothing beyond that.

    3. Coconuts


      Not the ban dungeon, wasn't there a running joke that he was in Deb's dungeon 

    4. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      Too bad they couldn't just string it out until Friday the 13th.


      ...and then just unleash all anarchy that final day.

  9. Stammer is 33, he'll be 34 in February, he's aging like the superstar he has been and he'll likely continue to be a first line player until he retires imo. The question is what his contract will look like, one has gotta think both sides will get it done, and whether his play and production will match what he's paid. I think the contract is the biggest thing, if he wants significant term there may come a time where his play and production drop off. I think he'll end up getting a legacy contract, it's hard to see him going elsewhere, which isn't to say he isn't worth keeping around because he is. It's just hard to gauge what the contract looks like, the Bolts would do well to keep it on the shorter end. Kucherov turned 30 in June, for some reason I had him pegged as being a little older. At 9.5Mx4 he'll be value for the remainder of the deal, what happens once it's closer to expiring is anyone's guess though. If he maintains his level of play, or even slips to simple first line production as opposed to the elite production he's put up, he'll likely still be due for a raise at 34. He's dynamic enough to drive a line and even if Stamkos falters or leaves Tampa still has Point. Cirelli is 26 and has never broken 44 points, which isn't to say he couldn't. Be brings value besides production but as it stands he's put up second line production at best. Point will be 28 in March, he's creeping closer to 30. A stud though, certainly. Hagel was a good get, that's a very nice contract considering his age and production. Tampa has elite top end talent and despite the bleeding off of talent that comes with success, a solid bottom six. I think their depth has taken some hard hits over the past couple seasons but again, that's the cost of success. Problem with Tampa is I don't don't see much in the system, they've justifiably gone all-in with this core and it's gotten them cups, but I don't see much in terms of a succession plan. They may have a lengthier window than Pittsburgh but the rebuild will come. Hedman will be 33 in December, he's still their linchpin on D. He'll be 34 when his deal is up and likely looks for a raise on his 7.8M deal. 49 points last season, great production, but not the closer to point per game or better he'd put up three seasons prior. 85 in 82 likely isn't reached again, but was last season's ppg dip a blip or a sign of decline? We'll see how things play out, Tampa has the weapons and he'll get 1D ice-time. Sergachev produced more last season though, could impact how he's deployed and speak to a shift in how he was utilized last season. Sergachev makes a hefty 8.5M but put up a career high 64 points in 85 games last season, can he keep it going? He's young enough, 25, that the deal probably ages well but how will his roles shift as Hedman ages? After Hedman and Sergachev you've got Cernak, who is reliable and someone I've seen folks pine after, but after that there's a drop off. Puts more strain on the top guys, and on the bottom six. Vasi is elite, top tier, a future hall of famer, he makes up for some of Tampa's lack of depth on D. If he's out for a while, and he will be, I wonder how Tampa fares. They have the talent to carry the bag for a tender but Vasi also likely covers for Tampa a fair bit, in the a similar way Demko did the season prior to last perhaps. Top tenders tend to age better, and he should if he can remain durable. Back surgery isn't nothing, we'll see how he bounce back. Tampa has the pieces to be a top team but they've given up plenty of assets to chase their cups, fortunately they won two, this is an issue they can kick down the road. Maybe they manage to pull top talent out of nowhere but I don't see it in their system. Sooner or later they will decline though, I'm not alone in thinking that process has already begun, which isn't to say they'll fall out of the playoffs any time over the next few years.
  10. Jumped from a team who could be a contender to a team who should be a contender, he came out of it alright, albeit without the bag he'd probably hoped for
  11. I don't think so, I think that's already been an ongoing process due to one simple fact: Tampa's core is aging towards the latter part or twilight of their careers. Some players age better than others but time gets them all. Could exacerbate a decline if Vasi doesn't come back and sustain his prior level of play but I wouldn't bet on that. Tampa will do what Pittsburgh is doing and squeeze everything they can out of what has been an elite core, they can deal with the eventual rebuild later.
  12. Every player who was popular doesn't have to be up for honors, sometimes we just have to consider ourselves fortunate I was an advocate of keeping Bo, he's earning more than I'd have wanted to pay him but I was, doesn't mean I'll advocate his being honored Juice and Kes had fantastic stretches as Canucks and were largely well liked by fans while here, I think it just speaks to the teams we had during the late 2000's/early 2010's that so many core guys are fondly remembered But yeah, outside of Eddie I don't see us adding anyone soon Same goes with Jersey retirement, maybe Pettersson or Hughes get up there someday but I don't see any anyone else in the system who may be deserving of such an honor The Canucks have already had a lower bar than I would regarding jersey retirement as is
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