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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Only five back to backs, and they're limited to one a month, that's pretty good
  2. Quick, someone tell me how many back to backs we have in comparison to other teams so I know whether to be mad or not
  3. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2024/07/report-going-2-years-without-getting-paid-millions-to-manage-a-hockey-team-sufficient-punishment-for-abetting-sexual-abuse/
  4. Yeaaaaah, he's already had a lot of time in hockey. Just enjoy your millions, spend time with your family, travel, take up golf or something..
  5. Nah, not a new @Vintage Canuck. Unlike Vintage I eat, sleep, and go around in circles arguing with people.. If anything it shows how many folks it takes to step up and fill the void, kudos to everyone chipping in.
  6. I get the feeling the tweet is just terribly written, I'll post an update if there is one
  7. Maybe as an advisor or something, but I guess he's still quite young for a management guy so never say never.. Yeaaaaah, I wish Q would have just fucked off into retirement. Like he's almost 66, he's made his money, he's won his cups.. just go.
  8. Small discounts, yeah, that happens. Big ones? Typically not. And he is, and he did, but it's still gotta be a bit of a slap in the face to Stamkos.
  9. Hopefully teams snub them, but if nothing else someone will probably take a flyer on Q eventually.
  10. If Hedman had taken a bit less they both could have stayed, twin 5.5-6M deals probably would have done it. Yeaaaah, it doesn't usually make sense for players to take discounts. At least not significant discounts.
  11. Ideally we find a way to either add a top 4D or another scoring winger imo, we do have some space Could even see ourselves shipping someone out, but the only larger contract that really makes sense in that sense is Garland and we probably need him stirring the drink on the third line Right now we're still banking on Hoglander taking a step forward in the top six again, and on playing one of Suter or Heinen in the top six, and we're banking on Myers to play top 4 minutes (which is largely did last season, so maybe not the end of the world)
  12. And as Ribs said.. Just like with the Arizona Coyotes bit, just sneak it in where they hope most folks won't notice
  13. The Vancouver Canucks have officially parted ways with AGM Dan Millstein 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Coconuts


      Kudryavstev to Chicago, Klimovich to Calgary 

    3. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      not unlikely, sadly. 

    4. Sabrefan1
  14. D core is huge, even Hronek is average sized. Quinn is really the only small guy on the back end, and he's quite an elusive skater. Be interesting to see what the coaching staff can do with the newcomers.
  15. Bottom pairing guy who eats up a lot of PK, some folks just wanna fuss.
  16. Roslovic would be fine, it's doubtful we can afford Tarasenko.
  17. Mmm, he'd be the only forward of that ilk up front, I think it could have worked. Be nice to have another top six guy with Boeser, Miller, Pettersson, and DeBrusk. May be able to yet though, not a whole lot of cap left. Tarasenko, Sprong, Roslovic, Tatar, Atkinson, maybe Zadina or Yamamoto.. Few others, but it's slim pickings as far as remaining offensive players go.
  18. Maybe a year or two too long, but I could see him being a 20-30 goal guy most of his tenure. He'll get more ice time in Vancouver, perhaps more powerplay time too. He's also got a legit second line spot, maybe a first line spot at times. We need young guys in Podz and Hoglander to step up, maybe Lekkerimaki sooner than later, which means we have 1-3 slots in the top six for Debrusk.
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