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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Yeah, adds are fine if it covers the month to month bits
  2. Sometimes life will present you with an opportunity and it's best to take hold with both hands
  3. Not trying to attack you or anything, but I disagree. The more expensive things get the more people need help, the average Canadian doesn't make anything close to what you've informed folks you make. People need help from their provincial governments and the federal government. In BC alone over a million individuals don't have access to a family doctor, about six million Canadians do not. As of September 8th, 2022. I have a family doctor in Nanaimo, I moved up to Dawson Creek in June. I plan on moving back to Nanaimo within three or four years. The only time I'm going to try and access a doctor is when I'm visiting on the island because I'm terrified of somehow losing my doctor. The waiting lists are long. If anything gets bad I'll just go to emergency or try and wait for however long it takes in a walk in, although my options via a walk in are more limited. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/angus-reid-institute-doctor-access-bc-1.6575386 More Canadians than ever are accessing food banks, folks from all sorts of age demographics. It's not something I've had to do in a while but it's something I've had to do within the past seven years. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/food-banks-and-other-food-charities-anticipate-a-60-per-cent-increase-in-demand-in-2023-1.6225412 https://macleans.ca/longforms/food-banks-affordability-inflation-groceries/ Voting for more social spending is essential for those closer, or below, the poverty line. It is something that needs to continue regardless of which government is installed at a federal level, or at a provincial level. Basics such as food, shelter, and healthcare aren't accessible for many, particularly your more marginalized demographics, the government has a duty to take care of it's citizens.
  4. Coconuts


    I spent too much time procrastinating on CDC, that's been happening here I'm pretty awful at managing time and staying on task
  5. Probs, was mostly be facetious But it'd be interesting if management had one more move in them before the season, I'm not expecting one though Any further moves will probably be AHL call ups, guys being sent down to the AHL, or trades because of injuries Whether we buy/sell is anyone's guess but that's a ways off
  6. A good way to keep a bit of him around. One thing about CDC going under is the loss of profiles, historic threads and the like, some of those are mementos to posters and times that have come and gone. It's a modern thing to ponder but the erasure of one's online footprint is a sobering thought, having online bits left behind can be good. Facebook, instagram and other sorts of profiles leaving behind pictures and videos of loved ones, that sort of thing. Sometimes the mementos we make are all we have.
  7. Gonna have to get VIP tickets to their farewell tour whenever they start it
  8. Shouldn't have traded Raymond with Ballard and that 1st..
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