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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Shouldn't have traded Raymond with Ballard and that 1st..
  2. True that, I just don't understand folks who blast folks in Russia for keeping their heads down and mouths shut I'm very much against the Russian invasion but I understand folks wanting to keep their families safe
  3. Definitely induced a lot of feels, song hit hard
  4. I don't think it's quite so simple, particularly for those living in Russia
  5. I hope he does, Oilers or not, he's a fantastic human
  6. Props to him, I understand why some Russians who don't agree with the war keep quiet though.
  7. I mean, it's no secret that we have some contracts we could probably do without.
  8. It's a fair concern, it's a hard segment for any conservative party to completely ignore. It's hard to say what a more splintered right would look like. And yeah, stealing Lib votes could upset the balance.
  9. I think there'd be a demand for a party willing to govern that way, I think a lot of folks with conservative views and values would opt for something closer to the center. You might even see some folks who vote liberal hop back and forth depending on the election.
  10. I'd drink quite a bit if I was a Coyotes fan too
  11. A conservative party that's closer to the center would be intriguing, there's room in Canada for a party with some conservative takes that doesn't appeal to the further right I probably wouldn't vote for them, I generally lean pretty left, but I'd be intrigued to read and hear what they've got to say Might even agree with some of their takes
  12. You're not wrong, there's a lot of work in trades, but they aren't for everyone. I tried going to school for carpentry back in 2014, pulled out within a couple weeks. I'm physically fit enough to do any trades work you could probably think of but that's just not how my brain works. My math disability makes it hard to get through any of the schooling, graphs and the like don't compute. I thought it'd be a good idea but it just wasn't doable. There are other trades I could have tried but after my carpentry experience I never believed I'd be able to do the schooling. Thing is, while trades are necessary and we need more people to enter trades, we need other people working in other roles too. I saw my share of overdoses, I watched a guy take four or five shots of naloxone before coming back, I came on shift into a scenario where the shift prior had found someone deceased in their room. I did check ins and saw people in rooms with needles in their arms, I got to listen to a devastated man come back to site after having been bloodied and attacked by random folks on the street. I was very fortunate to have never found someone who'd died while doing my rounds but I knew it was going to be an inevitable thing when I took the job, it comes with the territory, had I stayed on it'd have happened eventually. I've seen some raw stuff, but people are needed in those roles, and in human services roles in general. Now, I understand you weren't implying there isn't a need in other sectors, that's not what you were saying at all. There is money and work in trades, no question, it can be a great route for some folks. But folks should be able to do more than just eke by regardless of which sector they're working in. Including fast food workers and those who work retail or low level management gigs, and laborers and so on. One shouldn't have to pursue a bachelors degree (or better) or a trade ticket to have any chance of getting away from the poverty line. Canada is a very educated country and I think that's wonderful, but folks should be able to live well without it. Wages haven't kept up with the costs of living, food bank use has skyrocketed alongside housing and rental prices over the past few years. I would wager to say house ownership is probably out of reach for the average Canadian at this point and there's a lot of angst stemming from that, particularly for younger generations who've grown up with drearier economies. Sooner or later something's gotta give.
  13. They should have kept all the Burrows jerseys, a team of players who all had his tenacity could do very well
  14. Real talk though, I'm not sentimental about the acronym CDC anymore, not after what's happened Down for a fresh start, a new era
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