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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. When is Phil Kessel gonna show up, we need him
  2. He's picking up Phil the thrill from the airport
  3. Remember when folks used to lambast Joe for being a shoddy GM
  4. If he somehow ends up in Colorado just hand them the west
  5. Toews is gonna get paaaaid, he'd be a big loss for the Avs as he's such a great partner for Makar Last chance to cash in big though
  6. Rallies certainly were not all peaceful. My partner works for Service BC and they had a crowd of probably 150 protestors marching up to the government building, they had to actually lock the doors because the protestors were walking up to the building to enter it. Didn't stop them from banging on it and demanding they be let in. They then went and entered the police station down the street.
  7. CFF, if only to leave CDC behind
  8. Good show, Alf good show. Children are not too young to learn about sex and gender, children are in fact much smarter and capable of more understanding than adults often give them credit for. Kids don't come into the world hating, they're taught to hate, often by adults. I'm a 90 baby, I was taught sex ed in grade 5 in Nanaimo BC. We touched on it again in grade seven, and then again in grade eight. Ten-year-olds aren't any less capable of understanding now than they were when I was a kid. Nobody's pushing hormone therapy on kids, that's a load of a crap, people are teaching children about diversity though. About race, about gender, and I believe that's a good thing. Teach them young so they can begin accepting. Not only that, but children often begin experimenting with things like sex and gender at a younger age than parents often realize. Body image stuff too, it's not unusual for girls to experience things like anorexia. I grew up in a conservative Christian household, my parents never taught me to hate LGBTQ+ but I picked up on the undertone of homophobia in church and had to later come to terms with my own homophobia as a teenager. If I'd been taught what children are being taught now, about how it's okay to be different, about differences in sex, gender, and so on than maybe I'd have been a more accepting person at a younger age. Maybe I'd have engaged with more folks who were different and maybe I'd have befriended them and learned from them. I think it's wonderful that children and teenagers are learning about differences and being taught that it's okay to be different. About things like mental health too, the closest I ever got to learning about mental health in high school was my taking Psychology 12. I'd rather it be something that people can speak about safely instead things like gender, race, and sex being taboo. I've got a lot of hope that the generations to come, starting with Gen Z, will be more accepting and open minded than their parents and grandparents. Stigma can be broken down when conversations are had and a light is shone on what's considered to be taboo. Having open conversations breaks stigma.
  9. Coconuts


    Are you really afraid of flying
  10. I was talking to my partner about this last night, it's not likely that most parents are going to know about all the big things going on in the lives of their children but those who have safe relationships with their children are likelier to know more. If a parent doesn't know their child has an LGBTQ+ identity there's probably a reason for it. It's complicated, there are so many factors. It's not always a safe thing to disclose, particularly if you belong to a culture where it's frowned upon or worse. Some folks are disowned, some folks risk losing their support systems by disclosing. Some risk varying forms of abuse via family members or otherwise. Negative stigmas are still strongly associated with the LGBTQ+ regardless of where Canada legally stands on same sex marriage. Information related to how the LGBTQ+ demographic experience assault, sexual assault, marginalization, murder, suicide, and so on are out there for anyone who can be bothered to look. Stigma is a powerful force on personal, public, and structural levels. Schools should not be able to "out" children and youth, if their parents don't know it's because their children haven't told them and there could be so many different reasons as to why.
  11. If they want to be some sort of affiliate that's one thing but I'm not interested in giving them back the keys. What's to stop them from simply making us disappear without notice? That's a reason I've seen folks give as to why they wouldn't be interested in going back to CDC as it was. If they want to engage the community their role will have to change, they don't get to dictate or censor us and our views. If they want praise they need to do better, if they want positive reactions to their organizational moves they need to make good moves. They are a public entity, they don't get to pick and choose what comes with that.
  12. Here's hoping you're right, I'd rather Canada not emulate the US politically more than it already has. It'll be interesting to see how things shift over the next couple decades as more and more Canadians are those who have immigrated or second or third generation Canadians. Western birth rates have been on a downturn for decades, the costs of living don't exactly motivate younger generations to have children. And trust me, there are many who'd love to, it's just not viable for a lot of folks economically. As the makeup of Canada's population shifts it's possible it's values may as well.
  13. If he's open to a shorter deal he'll likely get one done, if he wants a deal taking him closer to 40 Tampa would be wise to consider letting him walk despite the optics. Particularly because he won't come cheap. They won their cups, they made their finals, but it's more than likely Tampa will begin to decline as their top players age, assuming they haven't entered that phase already. It could be another Pittsburgh scenario, them trying to get the most out of the core while putting off the inevitable rebuild/retool. Tampa's been remarkably competitive for a long time, they're due for some tough, lean years.
  14. I'm not trying to imply that what's pushed by the far right is a reflection of everyone who has conservative beliefs or who votes conservative, but the push by the far right within the conservative party has me concerned. I just worry that they'll be the ones who end up with actual power, put there in part by folks who don't hold far-right conversative beliefs. The Cons don't care how they get into power, they just want power, and once they have it it'll be hard to stop what the far right segment of the party wants if they're the group steering the ship. I'm worried the cons will win a majority despite their policies, primarily because they're not the liberal party. Things tend to go back and forth, the cons will win and then things will go liberal again for a while, but I fear what damage they'd inflict while in power. I fear the erosion of social programs and the privatization of things like healthcare and so on (also that's getting more into provincial politics), the average Canadian doesn't have a whole lot of money nowadays and it's the average Canadian who'll feel the brunt of privatization and the whittling down of what remains of Canada's social safety net. The far right has become bolder in the US ever since Trump got in, Canada has historically emulated the US in many ways despite being a country that has historically leaned more left.
  15. The squared bits really bother me, it's reminiscent of Republican mudslinging in the US. It's just coded language and buzzwords that refuses to say what it means in plain language. The whole "parental rights" bit is just another attack on a historically marginalized LGBTQ+. Human rights for children need to be upheld before "parental rights" enter the equation, anti-LGBTQ+ policy is anti-human rights. The Americanization is Canadian politics has been concerning for a while, instead of actually campaigning on platforms it's devolved into pushing the culture war and simply slinging mud. Mud slinging has always been part of politics, granted, but any time I read or hear about Poilievre it seems to be more about him being in attack mode than anything resembling substance. There seems to be momentum behind right-wing lead provincial governments regarding this of late and it's concerning, we've seen a huge escalation from US Republicans regarding anti-LGBTQ+ bills and the like over the past year and I'm worried that's what a conservative party would attempt to emulate here. I question how they'll treat other minorities and marginalized demographics at a legislative and legal level. Growing up I'd be like "hell yeah" when I saw something with a Canadian flag, now when I see them I'm immediately skeptical. Wasn't always that way, but it now mirrors how I view the American flag, and it wasn't always that way with the American flag either. I'm skeptical of anyone who pushes "freedom" without exility stating what they mean by "freedom".
  16. Weren't you saying it makes more sense to move Skjei @aGENT? If they want to get over the hump and win another cup keeping Pesce makes sense. They have a lot of flex with Orlov being on a two year deal.
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