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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Think so, waiving Martin also feasibly gives Silovs a solid running mate Martin may not be a legit NHL backup but he's capable at the NHL level If the idea is for Abbotsford to build on last season it makes sense to have brought in a tender
  2. Hard to say, we'll see how Miller does as a center because he's here as one going forward, it's not as if we've got a better 2C option within the organization at the moment. We'll see how he does, he's been productive the past few years, we'll see how he handles the increased responsibility. Hard to predict how new guys will fit, I like that we brought in players whose bread and butter is more on the defensive side of things, but we need to see actual positive results stemming from their addition. Right now we're just spitballing, there's no body of work in a Canuck uniform yet. Same goes for Hronek, his sample size was rather small, we'll see how he does. He should benefit the team's D in theory, let's see how he plays. Hard to say with Mik, especially with his being out to start the season, he hasn't had a whole lot of luck regarding injury as a Canuck yet and it's dampened his momentum and potential impact. I liked what I saw, but yeah, we'll see if he can stay healthy and step in and make an impact when he's ready. Not sold on Beau, I question what he is outside the top six, he's a guy I'd look to move as I view him as a middle six tweener. Maybe he solidifies a top six spot and plays well, that'd be great, my question is what he's capable of it he doesn't. Hoglander is young, has skill, but yeah he needs to show that he belongs. If he isn't currently waiver eligible he's close, I know that's part of why he was kept down towards the end of last season. Same goes for Podz, he needs to start taking steps forward and realize some of his potential, although I'd say he's better suited for a bottom six role than Hoglander. Like Hoglander's engine though, there's lots to like with Hoglander, problem is he needs to produce. Pearson is a wildcard, he does bring some positive attributes but he's also hasn't played in a good while. Kuz will likely need to shoot more, that shooting percentage likely isn't sustainable, I'm expecting his numbers to regress. But that isn't to say he won't be a top six player, it just speaks to how out there his shooting percentage was last season. Lot of what if's. How do the new guys fit in? Can young guys take steps forward? Can Pettersson, Miller, Hughes, and Kuz at least be close to what they were last season offensively? If not, who picks up the slack? How do the guys look under RT from the get go, does it actually work over a longer stretch? How do special teams go? What does Demko look like out of the gate, does he return to form? Can Martin be a steady backup? Is Silovs ready, should he be a backup or be a starter in Abbotsford? How do injuries play into things? We were pretty fortunate last season regarding our main drivers up front and on D. Lots of questions.
  3. Upon this we can agree, there is room for varying forms of feedback It just seems the Canucks have been trying to mitigate critical and more negative feedback, which is a shame There is always going to be a wide range of opinions and views amongst the fanbase, the media, and so on, things like shutting down a fan forum and controlling which media have access to the team or channeling their messages through in house media present as a desire to grab control of narratives It's a futile effort, boards like reddit, HF, and others are beyond their reach, other socials like twitter/x and so on are as well Varying feedback exists throughout all of it, it did on CDC, and likely will here as well If the Canucks are shutting down CDC in part because of discussions, views, and so that they don't like that's a shame because those things will always be present one way or another
  4. They don't need Myers. They brought in Erik Johnson as a vet RD. They also have Jokiharju and Clifton. Guys like Dahlin and Power can play both sides. Sabres have a younger D, last season I was arguing they could use some veteran presence, they went out and got that.
  5. Eh, Juice is great as usual but the show itself is just.. underwhelming. Boils down to Demko early, sure. He's probably right about our being a bit lean up front, we were pretty top heavy offensively last season. Lot of question marks surrounding this team, they brought some guys in on the team and on the coaching staff and it all sounds nice, but they need to go out and show that they can compete regularly and actually make the playoffs. Optimism is fine and dandy but if they want to be considered a playoff regular they need to show they can actually do it.
  6. They'll probably be here in a more limited capacity if they do indeed work for the Canucks, we may have to break more news here by committee
  7. Beau is more of a middle six tweener, the Bo trade will always primarily be judged on how Hronek and Raty do imo Hoping Beau is moved, I believe he's the easiest forward to move as well
  8. Hopefully he can bounce back and have a good year Nice to see he'll get a chance to continue his career
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