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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Coconuts


    Does being the first one to get warning points boost my street cred
  2. Coconuts


    I think @Aladeen and @luckylager should get AV to rejoin us
  3. I'm not going to stop being critical of the team if I believe they deserve it, I refuse to try and put a positive spin on everything, sometimes there are reasons to criticize or be "negative" I've butt heads with some folks in the past because of it, we moved along, I've maybe been too critical for some folks liking but I'm not the only poster who has been It sounds to me like they're wary of criticism and narratives they can't control, and they don't like reading threads about how we discuss Aquilini, the team, management or the organization that do not paint them in a positive light To their credit the mods did a good job keeping things balanced even if I didn't always see eye to eye on some things, decisions, or bannings They volunteered for thankless roles I don't think there's any putting pandora back in the box even if we all wind up staying on CDC somehow The marketing and ticket holders bit sounds like some bs, as if marketers are trolling through our threads, they may get the odd ticket holder complaint but whatever Agreed on all counts
  4. Coconuts


    Nobody does it better
  5. Does this mean they're done poking on Pesce or that they're poking harder?
  6. Wait, he lived in the same place as me for years and never said anything? That's fair, understandable, and probably the most sane option..
  7. Possibly, but I'm not interested in giving up assets to move out short term headaches because some folks are impatient. I'd rather hold on to picks and prospects, ride out the contract, and continue to grow our organizational depth via the draft. It's one year, I doubt he's going to make or break the season for the Canucks the way some folks say he will.
  8. There's space for generalists as well, most bottom pairing guys are players who have gaps somewhere in their game anyway. The stakes are lower on the bottom pairing as well, as these players generally play fewer minutes. It's also worth considering who you'd be playing him with, because roles matter on a pairing. As for the cap hit, it's better to just ride it out, this season is likely to be a transitional season anyway. Either we make the playoffs or land somewhere in no-man's land again. I'm not married to extending Myers but he does suffer from being a local whipping boy to some degree.
  9. Nope, Myers is a fringe top four guy who has a history of playing larger minutes and playing on both special teams. He brings a unique element of size and he's demonstrated a willingness to mix it up in scrums and play physical. He's not a terrible passer, his shot is rather hard, and he's already a known quantity and an established presence in the room. Myers at 6M isn't good, he's just not worth that and he gets flack largely because of his contract. Myers at say.. 2.5M is a lottttt more palatable and he'd likely get less grief. Myers is fine on your bottom pairing, you'd likely get fair value out of him as a vet. His play may not be top four level anymore but he could likely step up in a pinch.
  10. Didn't make sense to qualify Bear, he wasn't worth his qualifying offer and he honestly doesn't have a whole lot of leverage between how last season went and his injury. He should make bottom pairing money, he hasn't earned more than that. Doesn't make sense for Canucks brass to throw more money than he's capable of negotiating at him just because they like him. I'm indifferent as to whether he comes back, but leaning more towards preferring we go with someone else. We have prospects and fringe guys who are already in the system who could likely perform whatever role Bear does for less, I'd rather give them a shot. Hell, some of them likely have more potential than Bear, who I peg as a bottom pairing guy. Your bottom pairing is where you have quite a bit of flex regarding what kind of player you want there, Bear isn't a need for this club. Could be an arrangement of convenience but I wouldn't give him more than a one year deal.
  11. I think a lot of folks went back to school during the Covid era, or simply switched industries. Retail, serving work, customer service gigs, they're important but they're low paying and thankless. I've done plenty of retail and customer service. I was working in social services last year, the industry is screaming for people. They can't find or keep casuals, or regulars. And people aren't paid nearly enough. I made roughly $21.60 to work in a low barrier, supportive housing context. A wet side where active use took place, engaging with a primarily street entrenched population. The budgets were never big enough, the resources are always strained because the demand outweighs the supply. I worked almost exclusively graveyards, I took shifts others didn't want, I was very flexible and it was getting me nowhere. Problem is you still need people in those roles but people should be able to work those jobs and do more than just get by. Working full time I was probably still pretty close to the poverty line at the end of the day. I'm a fourth year social work student, human services in general are screaming for people. I went back to school in part because of economic realities, I'm just another person not doing the jobs I used to do. Canada is the most educated country in the world per capita, pursuing a career, or at least education, is the norm. It may never matter what I do, I may never "get ahead", things like housing aren't accessible anymore. I'll never have the economic opportunities of my parents generation. If companies want to retain or attract employees they need to attract them but they also need to give them incentive to stay. It doesn't pay to be loyal, lot of folks will earn more by jumping jobs every few years. What you'll get by joining a new company will frequently be more than you'll get via raises. I can't tell you how many times across numerous jobs newbies have stepped in to make the same money as me or more. When so many industries are screaming for people one can afford to be more picky, why work a shit job if you can quit and go find another one that pays similarly but offers less of a headache? People can't afford to live, or to live well, or to live how they want. The economic driver is legit, but if you can't get ahead why not at least look for a lower stress job or one you enjoy more? I think the working class is growing increasingly less interested in accepting what they're offered or resigning themselves to jobs or careers they don't like. If the economy is a joke why not at least try to find happiness where you can? I don't think this shift is unique to millenials and Gen Z either
  12. Canucks Essential? By the fans for the fans? Canucks Essential Community if we want a three letter bit? CEC? I thought of Canucks Central but it's kinda generic and probably in use. I do like the idea of establishing a new identity though, we may be from CDC but we don't have to be CDC anymore. We have the opportunity to make a fresh start if we want to it, from how the forum is formatted to how we present as a community.
  13. Need? Probably not.. But it's fun for kids, which is worth something.
  14. Other teams pay pro scouting staff too, any team considering Myers likely knows exactly what he is Other teams probably watch us play more regularly than we realize You don't have to be in an arena in a scouting seat to watch
  15. Teams ain't gonna give us their good players for free most of the time, or their guys with potential Gotta give to get, Myers at a 6M cap hit isn't a great give even if he'd glossed over more at a lower cap hit Myers could likely have value to someone at a smaller cap hit, problem is his cap hit ain't small
  16. Maybe we'd be better off if he were busy stuffing his nose somewhere else Take a vacation to Columbia Frankie, you can afford it..
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