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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. And so it was. Hopefully Florida can put the Bruins down tomorrow, I reckon they're the only club left out east who could potentially knock the Rags down.
  2. Yes, and while this seems unlikely I hope it happens. Unfortunately it might take a federal loss for it to happen. Why? Could be ego, could be his self-worth is now tied to his job, we'll probably never actually know. The prospect of term limits is interesting, over the past couple decades we've seen leaders serving longer. Trudeau, Chretien, and Harper have all overseen three governments, each rank in the top 10 when it comes to the longevity of a PM. Historically there have been several PM's who haven't had that kind of longevity, but perhaps this more recent trend of PM's sticking around longer isn't a positive one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prime_ministers_of_Canada_by_time_in_office
  3. I'd be all for it. If men were the ones who got pregnant instead of women I imagine the abortion debate would look very different. Folks who present as pro-life are often simply pro-birth, level the playing field and we'll see what birth rates look like when folks have to make a medical decision to try and have children. But what if men don't want a mandatory snip of their bits? What if not being given a choice doesn't seem fair or line up with what they think their rights should be? Oh, hold on, that sounds familiar. Canadians wanted change under Harper too, my first vote that wasn't conservative was to punt him out, the pendulum tends to swing back and forth. That doesn't necessarily mean Pierre is the better option, that's subjective anyway, politicians simply have a shelf life. I've said it before, folks often focus too much on the figurehead of any given party and not enough on party platforms. This coming election is shaping up to be more of Canada having finally had enough of Trudeau, which isn't to say he hasn't gotten stale, it's just unfortunate because the condemnation of Trudeau doesn't necessarily equate to an endorsement of Poilievre, or even an endorsement of the Conservative party. Honestly, the Cons could probably run any given member of their party and Trudeau would likely still face the same condemnation. I wish Canada had a history of having more than two parties being in power, we'd probably be collectively better for it. I wish there were more party options for conservative voters because conservatism isn't a monolith, but as it stands all conservative voters are kinda lumped together into voting for the same party because the people's party ain't viable. Canadians like to mock the American two party system but ultimately two ruling parties are all we've ever had, the difference is sometimes they've had to cooperate with smaller partiers who often act as balancing factors. Best thing the Liberals could do is simply run a different candidate for PM, remove the outrage associated with Trudeau and the staleness/wanting change factor and things could look very different.
  4. It's no a coincidence that bigger D are important come playoff time, but quality is important too. It's felt like I've been saying the Canucks need to allocate more of their cap space to their defense the past few years and they've finally gone about doing so. Hopefully this trend continues, build from the net out, even if that means you've got to replace some of your bottom six with more cost effective forwards.
  5. One doesn't have to be an NHL level coach to understand things, lot of hockey fans nowadays are pretty keyed in
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