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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Coconuts


    Dunno, maybe, I was underwhelmed and I like some of their older stuff Some acts just don't age well, and then you get bands like Judas Priest, who are still putting out quality material while their core members are in their 70's
  2. Coconuts


    Motley Crue should have stayed retired, Vince can't sing anymore and he wasn't even the strongest singer back in their prime New single is mid
  3. Mac's gone on to be a fourth liner for Philly, LA, and Ottawa, and cleared waivers twice this season. Gadjovich, to his credit, has been able to carve out a fourth line role in both San Jose and Florida, got himself an extension in Florida, he hasn't gotten any playoff games thus far though. One could also lay roster management at the feet of Benning and co, who made several questionable decisions across their tenure. Kinda hard to pin that all on Green.
  4. Time will tell, I would still say there's cause for concern though given Pierre's track record on the matter. As for bigger issues, I guess that depends on who you ask, but there are certainly other issues that need to be addressed, no question.
  5. I don't think it's quite that cut and dry, and I say that as someone who generally isn't keen on organized religion, particularly when it's woven into politics. There's a tendency for religion and bigotry to be interlocked but it's also not always the case, sometimes bigotry is just bigotry and there are bigots amongst all generations and demographics. There are various approaches to conservatism, I wish Canada had a more progressive conservative option for voters. One of my biggest issues with this current conservative party is that they seem to draw on the US brand of Christianity-infused social conservatism, which is a much uglier brand of conservatism.
  6. Disappointing but not surprising given what's gone on down in the US the past few years, and given the rhetoric we've seen across Canada in recent years. Words have power, particularly when they're coming from people of influence. There is legitimate cause for concern.
  7. Because he's a top tier defensive D despite his age, one who'd make a good RD stopgap til Willander is ready. If he wasn't viewed as valuable a contender in Dallas would have never ponied up for him. But I agree, I believe sentiment is also a large driver for some folks wanting him back. I don't think he plays for the Canucks again though, which is fine, we still have our memories of him as a Canuck. If we could go back in time and retain him we probably would, but sometimes things just don't work out.
  8. Nashville would be interesting, possibly Utah too if they want to make a splash to try and be more competitive off the hop. Anaheim would surprise me, Marner will be 28 going on 29 by the time his extension kicks in and that doesn't really line up with Anaheim's timeline. Anaheim appears pretty committed to their rebuild and I wouldn't say they've tried to take shortcuts. I'd be a bit surprised if Marner wanted to go to a bottom feeder in Chicago, at least Anaheim has California living to offer. Isles could use his offense but I question how they'd fit him capwise. Hard to see Pittsburgh fitting him in, even with Dubas at the helm.
  9. I honestly think Tanev coming back to Vancouver is a pipe dream regardless of how things go. He fits seamlessly with the Stars and Toronto would probably offer him more than other teams if he hit UFA.
  10. Seems unlikely he ever plays again, it's been what.. two years?
  11. Stars sure have themselves a gamer, I envy their drafting and development, they're probably one of the few teams in the league without a cap on their window
  12. It's true, although I do like the idea of Pettersson working at being a center long-term. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Lindholm, this past season has been a bit of an off season for him offensively but it's also not unusual for players to take like a year or so to adjust to a new team.
  13. Interesting if true, he'll probably still cost more than what I'd want in a third line center, but if he stays I'm assuming they'll probably find him a spot in the top six going forward He's been good for us this playoffs, but I'd rather spend money on a top six winger, if they think him, Miller, or Pettersson can be that top six winger I'll have fewer concerns
  14. Bingo. Coaches get a lot of credit when teams do well and take more blame than they probably should when they don't. Our rosters were pretty middle of the road while Green was here (at best), despite our having some talented young players, and that was ultimately reflected by where we usually finished in the standings, towards the bottom. I think some folks are forgetting just how bad/mediocre our rosters have largely been over most of the past decade. And even if you consider his stint as a head coach in Jersey, that's far too small a sample size to really dwell on a whole lot, Green was never likely to be the long-term guy even before he got bumped up. New Jersey is a team that views themselves as a playoff team or better, as a team that was really hurt by injuries (and they were, not having Hamilton most of the season probably cost them a playoff spot), more than likely they'll want a higher tier coach who more established such as Berube. Ottawa's not in that position though, they've got a lot of younger players and more overall talent than Green ever had with the Canucks. If they can find him some actual NHL level assistants and not guys like Baumgartner I wouldn't be surprised at all if they make the playoffs next season. I thought we should have let Green walk as I thought he'd gotten stale, giving him an extension is part of what ultimately cost Benning his job, but Green was also working with Benning's rosters and those were typically mediocre at best. Which isn't all that shocking considering the Canucks were pretty mediocre as an organization during the Benning years.
  15. Seems that way, it may be that Stephenson is the bigger ticket guy who walks unless they can work out some Vegas magic Thing about Marchessault is that he'll be 34 in December, this is likely his last deal, but it'll probably still be shorter than what Stephenson is looking for which gives Vegas cap flex sooner than later Stephenson is 30 year-old and has put up 51, 65, and 64 points the past three seasons as more of a playmaker, this is probably his best opportunity to chase a bigger money/term deal @HKSR was saying he'd be an interesting fit here, and we could certainly use a playmaking type of player up front, but if he hits UFA he likely won't come cheap
  16. This one's a bit trickier than the Hart, which will come down to Kucherov or MacKinnon Kucherov hit 100 assists, Mac did Mac things, and Auston nearly hit 70 goals
  17. San Jose's in for some rough years but their prospect pool is definitely something to be optimistic about.
  18. Some of it's on him, absolutely, he's got to put in the work next season.
  19. Nah, Shesterkin screwed them, as did their special teams, their PK was 5/7 They had five powerplay opportunities and couldn't score on any of them, they had 57 shots and still couldn't win One can question the call but the Canes had plenty of chances to have it not even get to OT, Shesterkin was brilliant
  20. Speed is huge, we're seeing that in this series Both teams were absolutely flying
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