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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Perhaps, but while that helps I credit Swayman and the defensive play of the Bruins in general more than I do their size The third period of game seven against the Leafs stands out, they simply couldn't get anything going in the Bruins zone for the most part and one of the few opportunities they did get went in Swayman's playing some next level hockey too, can't be understated, he's one more game like this away from tying the modern record Panthers outshot the Bruins 2-1 in the second and third periods yesterday
  2. Swayman doing Swayman things while Bob hasn't been sharp, that's the difference
  3. There's been a large uptick in anti-lqbtq+ bills being proposed in the US over the past few years and Canada often mirrors the US on a number of fronts, I don't think concern is unwarranted. Particularly given the conservative candidate voted against same-sex marriage. I don't think it's so much the sowing of division as opposed to genuine concern that a social conservative party would take regressive approaches similar to that of the US republicans. Canada and the US are similar but different animals entirely, but that doesn't change the fact that politics up this way seem to have become more Americanized in recent years, or that fact that there are indeed folks up this way who would happily erode the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals because of their own beliefs.
  4. Absolutely not, I understand folks wanting to keep him but he's 29, he'll be 30 before the first year of his extension is done. We shouldn't be giving him a 7-8 year deal, that'd take him to 37 or 38. Anyone who's not a core guy shouldn't be getting term, the Canucks need to be very careful about who they allocate cap and extensive term to. At least 4-5 would be tolerable depending on the cap hit, that'd have him expiring at 34-35.
  5. It's not really all that unusual for assistants to have more experience than head coaches, particularly for head coaches with less experience. And if anything, NHL teams will want experienced coaches being their assistants, it's not unusual at all for guys with head coaching experience to end up doing stints as assistants. Coaches are hired to be fired at the end of the day, so once could even say most coaches end up failing. Let's be real, the Canucks as a whole were pretty mediocre as a collective during those years and that wasn't all on Green, and I say that as someone who thought we shouldn't have given him that final extension.
  6. None of these players were what they are now when Green was coaching, some of that's on him (not using them on the PK) but some of it also comes down to each player having taken steps forward. He was an interim guy in Jersey, but he was also thought of well enough to have an assistant/associate role in the first place. Green was never likely to permanently hold on to the Devil's head coaching role, they view themselves as a playoff team and likely want someone more experienced like Berube. Ottawa has talent, but I can understand why a head coaching candidate with more options might not want to take on the pressure of getting Ottawa back to the playoffs, Buffalo was likely in a similar position; they were fortunate Ruff had history in Buffalo. His assistants in Vancouver were questionable at best, as was the general quality of those Canucks rosters. I'm going to venture that if Ottawa's bringing him in that they're aware of his past coaching history. Think whatever you want, it's not my job to change your mind, but if Ottawa can surround him with competent, NHL level assistants I don't see why Green couldn't potentially have some success there.
  7. So the Canucks are considered underdogs against an Oilers team with more playoff experience, so what? Someone's going to be the underdog, way she goes.
  8. Dallas in six, I think they're the team that comes out of the west
  9. We'd have to add, you don't add legendary locker room presence Future Considerations on the cheap
  10. He had a good run, good on him for stepping aside sooner than later if that was his intention, gives the Jets a chance to find a replacement sooner than later. Wonder who it'll be.
  11. Seems like a bit of a weird choice, but maybe options like Berube simply didn't want to come to Ottawa. Green didn't have a ton to work with during his time here, it'll be interesting to see what he can manage in Ottawa as they've got a lot of talent on that roster. I think the key will be who his assistants end up being.
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