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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Not sure what to make of Hertl, he's a wildcard who's hard to gauge, his numbers have held up pretty well during San Jose's slide so I could see him topping out as a guy who is closer to point per game if surrounded by better talent Could also see him being a player who maybe doesn't age well, that's a lengthy deal they took on Vegas is fortunate they won when they did, because sooner or later their lack of talented youth is probably going to catch up with them I wouldn't make any firm bets about who stays and who goes, it Vegas has demonstrated anything it's that they're tough to predict and that they're willing to be ruthless I would not be shocked to see them try and move out Karlsson or even Barbashev One thing Vegas has done well is manage to retain players while offering most limited trade protection at best
  2. 3-2 Nucks Boeser If goes seven I won't be as optimistic
  3. They'll lose someone, maybe a few someone's, but I still think they'll be better next season Injuries really hurt them, which is the biggest reason why I think they'll have a better showing next season Could see them finishing in a wildcard but I could very well see them winning the division as well, depends on how things play out, losing good players for cap reasons is just one of the things that comes with being a good team
  4. Lehner will probably never play again, which gets them another 5M Martinez was never going to be brought back, he's nearly 37, that pays for most of Hanifin Mantha was almost certainly a rental, he'd be dumb not to try his luck on the open market after putting up 20 goals Dorofeyev is an RFA without a whole lot of leverage imo, even if his point per game was good this season, I think he'd bridged Amadio could be a casualty, but considering he was originally claimed off waivers they've gotten quite a bit out of him, he'll probably try and get a bigger bag elsewhere Carrier probably wouldn't cost much to retain, he's been with them from the start so he may even take less Stephenson and Marchessault are where it gets tricky, but it depends on what both players are asking for, I think the solution to keeping both would have to probably involve trading Karlsson's 5.9M out I don't see them being able to run Eichel, Stephenson, and Karlsson down the middle going forward under the constraints of the cap, but it helps that Karlsson is probably positive value in a trade I think a lot of it will boil down to whether Stephenson and Marchessault are willing to take less to stay or not If Marchessault wants too much they may just have to part ways, he's been very productive for them but he'll also be 34 in December, I think teams would be hesitant to give him extensive term via UFA as well
  5. Sounds like he's getting pressure from his coaching peers to shoot for more money
  6. It's less about that and more about Winnipeg giving up too much defensively and how the Avs were often scoring their goals. Avs scored 28, Hellebuyck couldn't see nearly a third of them. He gave up the most goals of any tender in the first round but he also faced the most shots against and it wasn't close, Hellebuyck faced 177 shots, the next highest tender was Vasilevskiy and he faced 156. Saros has faced 91 shots for comparison. Hellebuyck bailed out Winnipeg all year, but Winnipeg could get away with him saving their bacon when they were playing a different team every night, the Avs clearly keyed in on the Jets weaknesses. Jets got run over by the Avs offensive game, they gave up a lot of high danger chances, I don't think it's as simple as pinning it on Hellebuyck.
  7. Special teams were ultimately the difference, the Oil went 9/20 on the powerplay and their PK was a perfect 12/12
  8. It's a bummer, as much as I enjoy watching the Leafs lose it feels like more of a forgone conclusion this go round. Nylander not being able to play those first few games for health reasons, Matthews not being able to play, that really hurts their chances. Injuries are part of the playoffs and always have been, but having both guys be healthy all season only to be struck down by illness has got to smart. I've been rooting for them to get punted, but I can only imagine the reaction if it were Hughes and Boeser being out due to illness. And she is.
  9. Well, the regular season has come to a close and the Canucks have made the dance, that's a successful season. What will they do in the postseason? We'll see. Who will go deep and who won't? Time will tell. We're approaching the end of the season, it's been a fascinating ride. I won't bother putting putting up schedules given there are so few games to track, that'll resume next season.
  10. I'm sure it'll come out once they're eliminated, but everything's pointed to it being related to illness, or more so a health complication related to illness by the sounds of it
  11. Perhaps not, but Dallas undoubtedly has momentum now I think Vegas will be fine unfortunately, they'll have some tough choices to make regarding their cap but I have a hard time not seeing them being a better team next season Injuries rocked them this season
  12. Rangers in six. I think Carolina can knock em off, but I get the feeling that if anyone's going to knock them out it's going to have to be Florida because I don't see Boston or Toronto managing it.
  13. Vegas has to be wishing they'd found a way to put Dallas down in game three, Dallas looks like a team that will not be denied now.
  14. Oil are a tough team to start when they're going, and they're a team that will burn you on the powerplay. Our PK has held up against Nashville, but if we get past Nashville and continue to end up on the PK the way we have it could get ugly quick.
  15. I don't see us getting him or Guentzel, I think folks are going to be a tad surprised by what Guentzel ends up getting. Particularly if he walks to UFA.
  16. Carolina should stop playing with fire and just pay the man, they'd be hard pressed to find a coach of his caliber.
  17. Still a no from me, not interested in Bertuzzi. Todd was a memorable Canuck to say the least, but I've never cared for Tyler. If we're looking for punch up front I'd prefer to look elsewhere. As Heff said too, he's near the age where forwards who play a more physical style often tend to fall off a bit. But I'm also reluctant to give anyone not viewed as a core piece an extensive amount of term, short to medium term deals are the best way to maintain cap flex. With exceptions of course, if Guentzel expressed interest in Vancouver that'd be something else entirely, but he's in a completely different tier.
  18. I wouldn't expect five plus goals a game, but I'd be surprised if their offense slammed to a halt.
  19. Yeah, I was surprised, I'd never have expected that from him. I'm glad he quickly stood up and took accountability though, hockey has a bit of a culture issue and using dated, sexist language doesn't help spur things in the right direction. Props to him for quickly owning it, taking responsibility, and apologizing as opposed to doubling down. Lot of folks could learn from that.
  20. If not for Georgiev having a wacky game one it'd have been a sweep.
  21. Bertuzzi's been underwhelming in Toronto, no need for him to be underwhelming in Vancouver too. Plus, too much baggage attached to the last name for all parties involved even if it didn't involve Tyler.
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