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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Whoever gets the Avs better hold on tight, they absolutely lit the Jets up and that was without Drouin. They've had the most dynamic offensive game of any playoff team thus far, and it hasn't all been their top guys either. https://coloradohockeynow.com/2024/05/01/avalanche-injury-update-drouin-return-possible-in-round-two/
  2. Interesting strategy, Thompson hasn't been a problem. I get trying to spark something but this could backfire.
  3. Hughes will probably win, he's had a stellar season and he's got the narrative of being a potential first time winner behind him, similar to Mac with the Hart. That being said, I would not be shocked to see Makar win at all because of his reputation. I still think Makar is the better player if they're both fully healthy, but it's closer than it used to be.
  4. In a year that didn't feature McDavid, Kucherov, Matthews, and MacKinnon having the seasons they've had he probably would be. Hard to think of a D who's done more for their team this season than Josi, which isn't to diminish what Hughes has done, Hughes has simply had more talent to work with than Josi has and Josi still wasn't all that far behind him offensively.
  5. If he hits the market he'll undoubtedly break Babcock's pay record.
  6. Poor depth is right, they don't have anything resembling the depth of their cup teams, or even the team that lost to the Avs.
  7. Fans can complain about the refs all they want, players don't get that luxury, they have to play through it and make the most of their opportunities. Maybe the series would be done if our powerplay wasn't 2/13. If they want anything resembling a deep run they'll have to do better about capitalizing on their opportunities.
  8. Bruh, we were 0/2 tonight 0/2 the other night 2/3 the game for that, was the difference maker in a 2-1 win 0/4 in game 2 0/2 in game 1 We've gotten powerplays, but for the most part we've done nothing with them
  9. Our sputtering powerplay is keeping Nashville in games, special teams are really letting us down
  10. Andersen has looked beatable, they're missing Pesce He'll need to be better if they want to get past the Rangers
  11. They probs will sooner than later imo I never thought they'd beat Carolina in the series, but this has been disappointing
  12. Carolina should win this handily Too bad, I was hoping the Isles would have put up more of a fight
  13. Money would be much better spent funding community organizations such as this one, and by investing in things like supportive housing. They can never get enough funding, and there are always folks looking for housing. https://www.islandcrisiscaresociety.ca/programs/ https://www.islandcrisiscaresociety.ca/programs/newcastle-place/ https://www.islandcrisiscaresociety.ca/programs/samaritan-place/
  14. I'd like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs. A tough on crime approach won't solve shit. But I reckon folks don't want to pay to fund prisons stays with their tax dollars either do they?
  15. I get it, I grew up there. Harewood used to have that rep too, still does to a lesser degree. I wound up working with a lot of the folks who'd been living in the tent city though, it was interesting. Drawing from that experience, I can't emphasize enough how complicated it all is. Being homeless in itself can be incredibly traumatic for all sorts of reasons. It's not just Nanaimo though, Duncan, Port Alberti, Campbell River, and everywhere else experience it too. It's everywhere though, I moved up to Dawson last June and we have the exact same problems up here that were in Nanaimo, albeit on a smaller scale and within a community context that features fewer resources. Shootings, tent communities in the woods, bodies found, OD's, it's all here too. Folks in every community view it as an issue in their community, but it's an issue everywhere.
  16. Addiction is an incredibly complex matter, one that often intersects with poverty, homelessness, and a bunch of other factor such as trauma. Even if various levels of government were willing to vigorously fund wraparound services on a more long-term basis, including long-term housing, it'd never "solve" the addiction crisis. And typically those supports don't exist, particularly in smaller communities. NIMBYism is also a problem, I'm sure some of you remember the tent city in Nanaimo from a few years back, it got provincial wide coverage. Well, what some folks probably didn't hear given they weren't locals was what the process of trying somewhere to place supportive housing was like. There was a lot of pushback regarding where it should and shouldn't be. Folks want solutions but they don't want to pay for them, and they don't want them in their neighborhoods. I understand addiction and homelessness are viewed as concerns for many, but oversimplifying these matters for the sake of political theater doesn't accomplish anything. The ethics around forcing folks to get treatment would be murky, but I'll say this: forcing folks into treatment will never guarantee folks stay clean. You can place someone in a scenario, but typically folks don't embrace treatment until they're actually ready to. And even then, it's not uncommon for folks to go through treatment multiple times. One of the guys I met at Edgewood towards the of my second year practicum was going through the 45-50 stay for the third time. At the time that was roughly $500 a day, closer to $700 a stay down in extended (which goes beyond the 45-50 day stay), hard to say what they charge now. Top end treatment isn't financially accessible for a lot of folks. Treatment is also typically expensive, even for lesser options, beds are often limited too. Waitlists are also a thing. Some folks will simply never get into treatment, or get to a point where they're ready for it, some folks will not stop using for various reasons, that's where a harm reduction approach is relevant. But even these people are still deserving of support. Addressing addiction involves providing actual supports, actually addressing trauma, accessible housing options (including low barrier housing), and a bunch of other things that cost money and that necessitate resources and infrastructure . Every addiction journey is different, there is no one size fits all approach, there is no magic bullet.
  17. Faber had the more impressive season imo, it's much harder for young D to step into the league than it is for forwards. It's even more impressive for a young D to step in and be a top pairing guy right off the hop. But Bedard will get it, most folks likely had him penciled in to win it before the season even began.
  18. I don't really have an issue with Pettersson's regular season production, he was almost a 90 point player this season and best case scenario is he's a 90-110 point player imo. I don't ever see him putting up top level Kucherov, MacKinnon, or McDavid numbers. I'm not really expecting a ton more than what we got from him the past two seasons, and that's fine, it still leaves him as one of the top point producers in the league. Maybe Mikheyev bounces back and puts up 40-50 points, hard to say. That would help offset regression elsewhere. Podz and Hoglander stepping up could too, but they're wildcards imo. We had a bunch of guys put up careers years this season, I'm not expecting to see that every season. I do expect regression from Miller at some point, maybe Hughes dips a bit too, and Boeser. Not really sure what to expect from Joshua, mayb somewhere between 30-45 points. Realistically we also had a lot of things go right this season, particularly when it came to injuries, outside of Demko we haven't really seen any top players out for an extensive amount of time. Over the years that's not typically how injuries have treated the Canucks. I fully expect to see a bit of regression next season, but what the looks like is anyone's guess. I expect we'll be a playoff team, whether we'll be a top team is anyone's guess.
  19. I mean, there are plenty of folks out there who criticize the Leafs without Cherry being a factor. Others are capable of calling a spade a spade. Cherry isn't needed, there are more folks covering the sport than ever before.
  20. I don't miss Cherry at all, when he got the boot he'd been getting worse for years. Nostalgia and reality are two different things.
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