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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. It looks like the Avs talent is just finding ways imo, their five goal period was largely driven by their top guys
  2. It's unusual for him to give up this many, gotta credit the Avs though, they really look dangerous and that's without Drouin Mac and McDavid are starting to look like they won't be denied in the first round
  3. Nice to see Bo and the Isles get one, they probably won't win but a competitive series is a more interesting series
  4. He's put up second line numbers since leaving Detroit, last season was a blip but he still put up 27 points in 51 games between two teams Maybe he just needed a larger opportunity
  5. https://gophnx.com/an-open-letter-to-coyotes-owner-alex-meruelo/
  6. Silovs and Tolopilo are good prospects, I do wish we had a blue chip goaltending prospect though. We haven't had one of those since, well, Demko.
  7. I have noticed that, it's disconcerting. I have no love for the US right, or the US political machine in general, so it's unfortunate that we're seeing more of it up this way. As for the left in Canada, Canada's historically been a left leaning country which puts us in a more favourable position to begin with. For all the frothing at the mouth that goes on down south about the left down in the US, I don't believe there is much of a left at the federal level. The US version of left seems more center right than anything to me. I don't think the US really has a left, at least not in the Canadian sense, but the political spectrum for each country is also quite different from what I understand. Very different countries, I just wish the US didn't have as much influence on our political system as it does. But the bit about living next to the US being like sleeping next to an elephant rings true.
  8. Older folks who've been voting longer, and who've been around to witness and participate in the Canadian political climate could probably correct me if I'm wrong, but my view is that this is partially a result of the Americanization of Canadian politics. Parties and leaders trading jabs ain't new, but it just seems like more of a popularity contest that revolves around individual party leaders than it used to be. I used to view this more as an over the top sensationalized American politics bit but there seems to have been more of it in Canada within the last decade. Which is a shame, because it ain't these individual leaders who are forming platforms, policy, or who make up the political machines that back each of them. They're individuals capable of having micro, messo, and macro level impacts on Canada but at the end of the day they're still individuals. But I could be off base, I was younger and less mature ten years ago and I noticed less.
  9. I don't disagree, but that's also not what I was conveying. When I said the Bolts are likely done short of a monumental collapse I was referring to Florida collapsing and giving up a 3-0 series lead, which almost certainly doesn't happen. Tampa is likely approaching their decline, no bones about it. Stamkos and Hedman aren't getting any younger, their defense isn't what it once was, they've spent picks like candy, and their prospect pool is likely one of the worst in the league. They have the pieces to be a playoff team going forward but their days of contending are probably done. Younger and prime aged players of note include: Kucherov, Point, Hagel, Sergachev, Vasilevskiy, Cernak, and Cirelli. Kucherov is elite and may age like an elite player, but he'll also be 31 in June. Vasi will be 30 in July, he's a top of the league tender and may age like one. Overall, the Bolts simply don't have the depth they had when they made three straight runs any more and Stamkos and Hedman will not be easy players to replace. They should continue to be competitive, maybe a dark horse team, but their days as clearcut contenders are probably done. Thing is, they'll be hard pressed to find cost effective top end talent due to a lack of drafting and developing it. Stamkos is 34 going on 35, Hedman is 33 going on 34, they are undoubtedly approaching the twilight of their careers even if they continue to play at a high level, they've been the franchise pillars for years and when they're done those will not be easy holes to fill. There's a good chance smart management could enable the Bolts to transition into a lesser but still competitive team, avoiding an ugly retool/rebuild, but they should still be on the downswing in the near future. Kucherov dragged them to the playoffs this year, but one can't count on him having the kind of season he has this season every season going forward.
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