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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Both, pretty much any figurehead politician with extensive term will get stale amongst the citizens of x country I'd imagine. The longer a figurehead holds office the more history there is to draw on. If the liberals were running a different candidate there'd be less ammunition to fire at their candidate with. As seen in this thread, Trudeau isn't even necessarily popular amongst those who'd prefer him to win, but he's still frequently viewed as being a better option than Pierre. Pierre is popular amongst those he's made efforts to appeal to, which has been well documented. He doesn't appeal to everyone with conservative values because of the social aspects of his pandering, and some of his views, but he'll likely still get some votes from folks like that. He also gets the benefit of the doubt from some folks who are simply tired of Trudeau for whatever reason. Thing is, some folks will end up voting against their best interests because they're tired of having Trudeau as the figurehead. Folks need to focus more on platforms, promises, and so on than individual party leaders, which isn't to say ignore the party leaders.
  2. I mean, realistically the odds are against every team going deep. Teams don't typically run straight to a cup win after missing the playoffs for a few years either. We're playing game three, just enjoy the ride, the fact that they made the playoffs at all this season is a sign of progress. Maybe it ends up being a stepping stone season, that ain't the end of the world. Over the past ten or so years most folks would have been thrilled just making the playoffs, folks can be optimistic all they like but maybe some folks need to reign their expectations in a bit? The season has already been a success regardless of how things go.
  3. Their D isn't what it used to be, that's for sure Florida's also been stifling their powerplay, which has been key to their regular season success, Lightning are 1/10 in their last 10, 2/12 overall Couldn't happen to a more arrogant Bolt
  4. Good for her? I don't care if posts thirst traps, I care whether she'd got hockey reporting chops and it seems that she's been doing it for a while. I guess time will tell. What we know from the Canucks is he's week to week, but I recall Hughes going from day to day to week to week. Wasn't Demko's injury more serious than they let on too? My understanding is that the Canucks give fuzzy timelines around injuries under this new management, so what week to week actually means could be anyone's guess. Could be two weeks, could be six, could be more.
  5. Honestly, if there's serious concern at all it's probably best that he is done for the playoffs. The Canucks don't have anyone who could reasonably step in and replace him sooner than later, and I think Silovs is a solid young tender. If I have to pick between trying to get him back in to try and force some sort of run and having him healthy for next season I'd pick the latter.
  6. If their source is the Canucks I'd take it with a grain of salt Injuries have had a tendency to grow in significance over time under this management group
  7. Writes for the Bleacher report, covers the NHL but supposedly used to cover the Canes exclusively She's not a nobody and she's putting her rep on the line, if there's something to it I'm sure we'll hear more sooner than later My understanding is she's credible
  8. He'll be 29 in December, he ain't that young. Top goaltenders can play at a higher level for longer, and he is a top tender, but he ain't young. Two years remaining on his deal, it'll be interesting to see how things play out, because as you've said his health has been a concern in recent years. Canucks would to well to hold on to their top two picks in next season's draft and then draft a center and a goalie. This isn't to say Demko won't stay healthy, or that he can't, but they should start looking to the future because there's no guarantee Silovs or Tollpilo will be starter material.
  9. I figured the Canes would win but I figured the Isles would make em work for it more Games haven't been far off but the Isles haven't been able to get positive results
  10. Lightning down 3-0, they're probably done short of a monumental collapse Wooooo
  11. Here's hoping, I was rooting for them as they went for the first of back to back cups but they've more than had their share of success They can gradually decline and suffer for a while, they've earned it
  12. Success is relative Go back a year or two and most folks would be content just making the dance
  13. Yeah, that one was a bit of a head scratcher, not that Williams didn't have a helluva playoffs. If I had to guess I'd say Williams won it because of the playoff reputation bit.
  14. Nah, I don't. And business's aren't a monolith. Companies do it all the time. For example, there's a call center back in my home town that bleeds employees, I know several folks who've gone through the training while looking for something else just to get some pay. But they need folks to do the job, so the hiring cycle continues. I can't tell you how many folks I trained while I was working at a bottle depot for example, in my nearly four and half years I think I had nearly 70 different coworkers come and go, I used to keep a list of names. Many of them came around and made what I was making, close to it, or more. I can only imagine how much my old boss spent in terms of wages for folks who didn't end up lasting six months, which was most of them. But the alternative was having staff openings and pissing off the workers who did stick around by expecting them to take on more work for the same pay. Companies aren't paying for loyalty, they're paying for labour. Employers who want to retain their employees will find ways to make it appealing to stay. Maybe folks hopping does affect larger scale things, but ultimately people are going to look out for themselves more often than not. Some of it also boils down to folks changing roles and the profession folks have pursued, in social work there are a ton of different things that social workers can do so it's really not all that uncommon for folks to mix it up. But I promise you, there are absolutely employers who will happily pay to train social workers up to fill a position they need filled, the same can be said of many other professions. I'd wager most folks don't expect loyalty from their employers, they expect to get paid to do a job, and if someone is willing to give them better working conditions/benefits/pay to do a similar job folks will often jump ship. More folks should view themselves as free agents, particularly when they have education and a specialized skill set.
  15. That's fair, but I'm still more confident in his experience and ability to bounce back. Last game wasn't on DeSmith though, most of the time we win with that kind of Canucks performance. If he gets lit up next game, maybe, but if he gives us even average goaltending we probably stick with him imo.
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