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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. You're not wrong, but context changes things a bit. Hyman put up 37 points in 19-20, but he did it in 51 games. He then put up 33 points in 20-21, but he did it in 43 games. Then he jumped up to 54 in 76, which is still pretty close to his Toronto pace, just in a larger sample size. Last season he put up 83 in 79, his only ppg+ season. This season he put up less, 77 in 80, but he was used mostly as a triggerman. Hyman hit 40 in 17-18, but each of the following three seasons he went on to put up roughly the same amount of offense in fewer and fewer games. That's why Edmonton rolled the dice on him. He's not an elite winger, but he's been putting up roughly a top six player pace for a while now and currently puts up top line numbers. He's getting a pretty slick opportunity playing with McDavid, but he'd been improving on his point per game pace prior to getting a larger opportunity.
  2. Putting Silovs into a high pressure scenario may not get the result folks want either. Yes, he's played some games on a big stage for Latvia but I'll be a little surprised if the coaching staff don't go with the guy who has extensive NHL experience. Silovs may be the backup next season, but for the time being I'd run with DeSmith. DeSmith probably gets a chance to step back in, if he gets lit up maybe then the coaching staff will be faced with a tougher goaltending decision. It's still early going, Georgiev got absolutely lit up in game one against the Jets, bounced back well last night. More often than not we probably win if we play how we did last night, even with our powerplay not scoring on four separate chances. We're probably missing two top six players, we're missing at least one. We knew that leading up to acquiring Lindholm, we knew that after acquiring Lindholm. Pettersson's pretty inexperienced come playoff time, most of our core is, that's why getting this experience is so important. Even if we go out this season we'll be better for it. Wouldn't be surprised to see Podz slot in, it's easier to tinker with the bottom six. Di Guiseppe only played 9:42 last night, Lafferty only played 10:08, Suter only played 10:59.
  3. Nice to see someone else gets it, he adds more than people often like to admit
  4. Maybe, he'd probs still get paid off his reputation RD pickings could be slim
  5. We don't know what happened but he'll be paying one way or another now https://nypost.com/2024/04/23/sports/milan-lucics-wife-files-for-divorce-after-domestic-violence-allegations/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=nypost
  6. Two weeks is optimistic, at the very least he may be questionable for the second round Hopefully they prioritize long-term health over getting him in net, we'll need him healthy next season and we'll want him to have as healthy an offseason as possible
  7. Honestly, depending on the price to move Mikheyev I'd rather just buy him out in 2025 One year at 1.9M, one year at 1.3M Not ideal, but neither is moving anything more than a 3rd and a middling prospect to dump him
  8. I'd be fine keeping Myers tbh, we missed him tonight, at the right price of course I'd be fine moving Mik if the price wasn't outrageous, I'm tired of paying to dump contracts though Could see them just giving him a healthy offseason to recoup
  9. Maybe, but if the answer is really a lack of confidence than it's all the more concerning that it's been an issue for this long Guess we'll see, more than likely we'll end up spending Lindholm's money elsewhere
  10. Be interesting to see how we approach the offseason, it's pretty clear the top six still needs some juice
  11. Nothing to panic about though, wasn't ever likely to be a sweep
  12. Gonna have to mix it up somehow, it's been cold to lukewarm for a while
  13. Not doing us any favours by spinning our wheels on the powerplay, we had plenty of opportunities but we ain't gonna get four powerplays every night PK was good on the other hand, but Nashville's powerplay didn't look all that dangerous
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