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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. It's not like Hellebuyck to give up 5+ in consecutive games Georgiev on the other hand has bounced back well
  2. Avs depth stepping up tonight, nine guys with at least a point
  3. I can't be bothered to dig up data, this is just my personal observation over the past 10-11 years. For example, Holtby got a bad rap in Vancouver but I also remember him not getting a whole lot of run support when he played. The same went for Halak, who I defended quite a bit. There were games he'd get lit up, but there were also quite a few games where the Canucks simply would not score more than maybe a goal or two for him. Applied to other tenders as well.
  4. They do They've been better about playing in front of DeSmith this season, but generally the Canucks haven't played well in front of backups over the past 10+ years They seem to be better about giving their starters run support
  5. We need more from him certainly Gotta credit the Preds though, they've been blocking everything and plugging up lanes, they've also capitalized on the couple opportunities they had We're gonna have to open up and play a more risky game if go into the third down 3-0 We could come back, but our powerplay has really let us down tonight
  6. I don't think he's been bad First goal seemed lucky, second goal was the D giving a skill guy way too much time and space That third one may not have happened if the rebound hasn't been there, but we didn't have anyone there to get the rebound either Missing Demko though
  7. Missing Demko tonight, DeSmith hasn't been bad though Forsberg was given all the time in the world on the second goal and nobody was there to get the rebound on the third goal
  8. Yeah, that one didn't age well Be interesting to see how we respond, might have to open up a bit if the game carries on as it has
  9. That was certainly a period of hockey Sooner or later the refs are gonna stop making calls for us though
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