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Crimson JH

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Crimson JH last won the day on December 14 2023

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About Crimson JH

  • Birthday August 22

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    Aug 2009

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    Happy to say that my mural is now completed! 🍻 IMG_4718.thumb.jpeg.15676b2500ebd4e759b4d38e5ea6991e.jpeg


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cerridwen


      WOW!! Love it!!

    3. Crimson JH
    4. Crimson JH

      Crimson JH

      @-dlc- Yes, I sure did! :3 Im just starting on my muraling business. Hopefully one day I get to do one for the Canucks organisation.

      Initially, I thought I had the worst luck with the location due to the utility box's rough condition and uneven surface, but all eight other artists have better box and ground surface conditions. However, some artists also face challenges, like one in a high-traffic intersection blending into its surroundings. Another near double school campuses keeps getting tagged. 😅 One is in a spot where vehicles can't stop for a good observation, and two have limited viewings.
      On the bright side, my box is at a cross intersection with bike lanes, and all four sides are visible from the streets. I made a clever move to ensure my art stands out against the background, mostly brown and dusty. 

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