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Crimson JH

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Everything posted by Crimson JH

  1. I’m on the same time zone as you guys. It’s just that I’m more of a night owl than an early bird… lol
  2. My sleeping patterns have been back to normal after my return from Vancouver. Instead of staying up at 3:30 or 4:30am. I’ve been going to bed at 12:30
  3. What kind of GDT theme should I make next for Feb’s Canucks vs Seattle?!


    -Stick with the vintage toon-style?

    -A Rom-Com style game?




  4. I did a little bit too much on the airbrushing the shadow in the green and blue, I was trying to make it look natural. However, another thought that would work well is having the bottom blue sleeves carry out to the end (just like the current away version). It would bring the blue out more.
  5. Actually Tampa Bay has a deep rooted pirate history, and a tradition called Gasparilla festival been around since 1903. I wouldn’t mind they would go with this look as part of the City’s culture. Even Florida is still the “Lightning capital of the North America.” https://gasparillapiratefest.com/gasparilla-history/
  6. and look like the names will be on the bottom for sure and in lowercase…. Come on really..? btw which one is for the Pacific? The white one?
  7. Honestly, yeah these were my old mockups. and thank you!
  8. Never really like the name “Boone,” it reminded me of a high school in the same county I was in… Boone High School..
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