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Crimson JH

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Everything posted by Crimson JH

  1. Correction: Cancer should NEVER exist… Don’t want that on to ANYONE, period. I lost my dad to Cancer when I was in High School.
  2. For a moment I thought it was Bedard coming back… especially this whole Perry and Blackhawks fiasco going on…
  3. Gif are not exactly pictures, it can be use as an awesome placeholder funny themes and expressing emotions base off from sports and pop-cultures. even hockey!
  4. Jeezus, can we have at least several seasons without any serious injuries..? Out of curiosity, I wonder if there’s a statistic list from what teams get “the least amount of injuries to the worst” for the past decade?
  5. Thanks to @I.AM.THE.WALRUS starting off all sexual innuendo about those golden era actresses, yet it was all about funny Classic sitcoms.
  6. Whoops, I didn't realised it was a parody, and no need to shoot me down like that. I made a mistake, and it was trending like crazy on twitterverse. Love it when Elon made those blue checks to be freely accessible to anyone and pretending they’re “verified.” ps, I’m not a guy…
  7. A crazy dude went streaking and waddling through Disneyland’s “It’s a small world” ride. Disneyland‘s “It’s a Small World” attraction was the site of a big disturbance over the weekend when a man decided to strip downmid-ride and crawl around the exhibit, to the shock of his fellow passengers. Police in Anaheim, Calif., responded to a call to the theme park early Sunday afternoon after the unidentified 26-year-old man exited his boat, took off his shirt, shoes and pants and began climbing over and around the ride’s animatronic characters. Video captured of the incident and posted to Instagram by user @magic.with.maegra shows other visitors and staff encouraging the man to rejoin the ride as a passenger. “Stop, stop! I need you to stop,” a staff member can be heard yelling. “Please just stop, you’re going to get hurt.” Story continues below advertisement A passenger cries out, “Oh God, he’s going to break all the stuff.” “They should stop the music,” another visitor suggests. And while the video posted to Instagram is fairly tame as he remains in his underwear, other very NSFW video shows the man wading through the outdoor part of the attraction fully naked. https://globalnews.ca/news/10117385/naked-man-small-world-ride-disneyland/
  8. Does anyone know if there’s a possibility that the arena could be built on top of some ancient indigenous burial site…? Probably why this team is cursed? I know doing something like that can bring bad juju’s to the area..
  9. No idea, something must be in the water? But at least it happens early this season than close to the post-season?
  10. People are expecting the Canucks should be performing like a President Trophy team during the regular season… Look what happened to us when we won 2012 PT, get knocked out in 1st round. And same goes to Boston from last season. We don’t want that cursed Trophy… Staying in the top and somewhat in the 2nd to 3rd spots in the West should be something need to focus on to get into the playoffs
  11. It’s been a rough November and I’m impressed how they managed it. Especially when they did 2 odd back to back travel games (East Coast to Van and back out to Calgary, and this recent one). If this was the same team from last season, we would be on some 5 or 6 games losing streak.
  12. How so? Miller got 3 points out of it and Petey with 1… If only the defenders didn’t leave DeSmith hanging dry most of the time.
  13. Next game should be a must win, and probably challenging because the Ducks will be hungry for a win… especially after a 5 games losing streak.
  14. It was the Mods’ suggestion when creating GDT/PGT. I was just simply following up on it.
  15. Heads up, please remove the score from your thread title. There are some fans wanted to watch the game on their DVR…
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