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Crimson JH

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Everything posted by Crimson JH

  1. lol, the jersey look like a Hotel branding… I like Seattle better.
  2. Real question is… why does Utah Jazz have these? I don’t see any connections between both of these completely different sports franchises…?
  3. Yes they’re the first US team to win the Cup. 2nd, they can’t use the exact original design from the Mets due to copyright issues by the owner’s refusal.
  4. Apparently it’s a paid partnership with the Utah Jazz’s… This was a screenshot from their Instagram page, before it was deleted.
  5. Interesting that the NBA’s Utah Jazz leaked this reveal before the NHL and the Kraken get the chance.. And why do they have these jerseys?
  6. I’m getting ads about buttoned down full blown Santa Claus shirts over here…
  7. Do you realise it’s been a long ass week for the boys, just coming back home from the East (4 different time zones) to play ONE home game, and off to fly back out to Calgary in another time zone to play a back to back game?! Plus, 3 of our key guys are injured too. They’re humans, not machine.. smh
  8. It was a long week for the boys… coming back from east coast to play one home game and set out OTR to Calgary for a back to back game.
  9. Phew good save DeSmith, don’t want that to be NHL’s highlight reel
  10. Yep, at least any point from our top players (Petey, Hughes, Boeser, Miller) before the end of the game.
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