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  1. People may not like DT but firing at him really shouldn't be the way to go

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    2. -dlc-


      Haven't read the responses yet but here's how I feel. DT really incites violence with his gestures and statements; HOWEVER, it shouldn't be the way. The goal should be to reduce the threat of violence even IF he tends to use that (in a roundabout way) as his message. 



      He's a volatile human being but does not deserve to be killed. 


      To be taken out of power through votes? Yes. Because he's dangerous and a ticking time bomb that's waiting to go off. It's time to simmer his crowd down by letting him fade off into the sunset. Which won't happen because he loves the spotlight and to be out there. It's up to the masses to react to him with something more civilized than what he generates.


      Sad that there are nutjobs out there with guns. Hmm.

    3. -dlc-


      I agree that MAGA will milk this. Not only that....DT's "hero" status will be through the roof for them. His blood stained face will be there next logo and FIGHT will be there mantra. Already is but...reinforces that message.

      His tough guy bravado really resonates with them.

    4. -dlc-



      Wonder how the NRA is going to spin this?

      "Got ammo?"


      The new got milk is ready to roll out.

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