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  1. Can't help but feel like we really missed an opportunity for an all Umlaut line by moving Lekkerimaki to the top line here.
  2. I absolutely LOVED Zadorov. Considering my history with players I choose to support, that should tell you right away he will probably turn out to be an absolute disaster in the long run.
  3. How does everyone like my new username? Not going to poison another prospect with my track record and couldn't stomach having McDavid or something in my name. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Satchmo


      VforVictory still has a nice ring to it and nothing wrong with going old school. This is the year for it too.  Or maybe next year. Or the one after that.

    3. Hammertime
    4. VforTheCurseEndsHere


      Planning to go to VforVictory once the season begins. 

  4. Ok so… VforMcDavid it is? Pass the curse along to another team?
  5. I briefly considered switching to LaffertyOutLoud early in the year. That also would have ended poorly.
  6. Maybe I will just go back to Chucky’s Head to avoid poisoning another player with my support. Some of my past “favs” Matt Cooke Bertuzzi Kassian Virtanen Time to put an end to that haha.
  7. Indeed I was! Not the best of luck with the players I hitch my messageboard wagon to haha!
  8. Alright everyone better stop offering Pods up in every trade proposal haha. Both because he is turning a corner this year and because I don’t want to have to change my username once again.
  9. How someone could have this hot take after seeing how much money was paid to plugs today is beyond me. Cap is going up and up. It will be a bargain sooner than you think.
  10. How many of those players in the Out category were added during the season though? Surely makes more sense to compare how we started last year to how we started this year.
  11. Going to keep cheering for this guy wherever he goes. Glad we aren't overpaying anyone who isn't a potential superstar.
  12. I think that the fact we aren't signing Z kind of answers that question. If he wasn't asking for more than our management think he is worth, we would be signing him.
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