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  1. That goel doesn’t happen without the net front presence by Brock and Kuz
  2. Canucks 4-3 GWG: Miller First Canucks road goal: Pettersson
  3. Only 1/3 of Palestinians voted when they were elected in Gaza. Doesn’t mean they are representative of the entire Palestinian people or their tactics are justified. You still seem to have a problem of accepting that important detail. And while they are cowards to use their own civilians as shields, Israel is treating the civilians as collateral damage amounting to the same outcome. no one is supporting hamas, to make it Crystal clear for understanding, but they do support Palestinian civilians who have and are being treated as prisoners on their own lands which was taken from them.
  4. Oh how the narrative is so one sided? This is the problem these days people reduce everything to sensationalist headlines and click baits. Ok I’ll bite. More than 1400 Palestinian civilians killed unauthourized occupation of their land for decades with more land being taken away each year hundreds of Palestinians kept hostage by israel All essential basic human resources to civilians controlled by Israel including food, water, energy Zero ability to leave for decades Innocen Civilians kids, women, men killed in IDF raids and shelling yearly no military defensive capability like Iron dome should I keep going or are you going to get off your moral high horse and look at it objectively? you truly sound like a brainwashed individual who can’t think independently.
  5. It’s not about sensitivity it’s about the greater context that can’t just be dismissed in understanding the situation there and forming an informed opinion. Yeah this could go really sideways quickly, let’s hope it settles down and everyone involved comes to their proper senses.
  6. You’re looking at this as a feud between two equivalent states, with equal means to defend themselves. The fallacy in your thinking is that one is in complete control of the others resources and indiscriminately hurting the innocent Palestinians, while the other had its land taken from it and has not been recognized as a sovereign nation. What reignited this feud this past week is horrific and 110% disagree with violence on civilians but let’s not pretend that the other side hasn’t been doing that for years and is in a disparate position of power. please educate yourself before spewing garbage and misinformation.
  7. If? They’ve been doing so for decades, guess you didn’t know about that?
  8. Kind of tone deaf to side with the oppressors guess they don’t know their history
  9. There’s a lot of emotional reasoning and uninformed opinions being shared on here. Once you know the full story you’ll just know instinctively who the injustice is being done to. For a people that suffered horrible atrocities less than a century ago to then treat the people who’s land they’ve taken over and been occupied forcefully and so horrifically for decades is showing serious collective generational trauma and complete absence of empathy. From the oppressed to the oppressors. All of this goes back to the imperial mindset of the UK and the central powers, which was passed down to form the occupation. Israel is just carrying on that tradition, and inflicting the same pain and misery they faced on a people that is not their own.
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